Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
really nice site....good information....looking forward of visiting Croatia once again.
Marc-Jan Backer
really nice site....good information....looking forward of visiting Croatia once again.
Marc-Jan Backer
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(29 July 2004)
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English (original)
I would also like to thank your employee Alexandra Pidík for this time spent choosing our year-round vacation despite the fact that we were unable to use your services because of time. Based on last year's experience when we were able to use the services of your CK and we spent a very nice week in Ciovo-Buşinci, I hope that we will also use your services, which I consider to be extraordinary, for the next year. Sincerely, Toman.
Chcela by som sa aj touto formou poďakovať Vašej pracovníčke Alexandre Pidíkovej za čas strávený pri výbere našej tohtoročnej dovolenky aj napriek tomu, že sa nám z dôvodu časovej tiesne nepodarilo využiť Vaše služby. Na základe minuloročných skúseností, kedy sa nám podarilo využiť služby Vašej CK a strávili sme veľmi pekný týždeň na Čiove-Bušinci dúfam, že aj na budúci rok opäť pri výbere dovolenky využijeme Vaše služby, ktoré považujem za nadštandardné. S pozdravom Tomanová.
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(29 July 2004)
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Slovak (original)
I have to much on my mind after the vacation so I forgot to tell you how much I appreciate your web-site. Very God and thanks again.
I have to much on my mind after the vacation so I forgot to tell you how much I appreciate your web-site. Very God and thanks again.
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(27 July 2004)
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English (original)
I must say that your country is wonderful.
I am now back at work in Sweden again after a vacation in southern Europe.
The apartment that we have rent were very nice. The owner made our vacation to a week to remember.
She washed our laundry and was very helpful. We had some problems with the language so she find a interpreter. She gave us cheese, ham and some bread when we arrived and a cup of coffe the morning we left.
Nice weather and a nice place to stay so a believe that we will return next year.
I don't have any photos yet but I will send some when I get them.
Thank you and please send our best.
Thomas Johansson
I must say that your country is wonderful.
I am now back at work in Sweden again after a vacation in southern Europe.
The apartment that we have rent were very nice. The owner made our vacation to a week to remember.
She washed our laundry and was very helpful. We had some problems with the language so she find a interpreter. She gave us cheese, ham and some bread when we arrived and a cup of coffe the morning we left.
Nice weather and a nice place to stay so a believe that we will return next year.
I don't have any photos yet but I will send some when I get them.
Thank you and please send our best.
Thomas Johansson
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(27 July 2004)
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English (original)
Here I would like to thank the travel agency for its extraordinary attitude to our reservation. Of course, I would mention Debak Marina's name, who was completely in the position to provide the most suitable accommodation for us. Its helpfulness is exemplary. I was pleased with the office website too, though unfortunately the reservations are not up to date, but I can recommend it to any traveler who chooses the Croatian coast for the purpose of traveling.
Itt szeretném megköszönni az utazási iroda rendkívűli hozzáállását a szállásfoglalásunkhoz. Feltétlenül megemlíteném Debak Marina nevét, aki teljes mértékben azon volt, hogy a számunkra legmegfelelőbb szállást tudjon biztosítani. Segítőkészsége példás. Az iroda honlapjával is meg voltam elégedve, bár sajnos a foglalások aktualitása nem napra kész, ettől függetlenül tudom javasolni minden olyan utazónak,aki a horvát tengerpartot választja utazása céljául.
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(26 July 2004)
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Hungarian (original)
I would highly praise communication with the travel agency via email - especially the willingness to meet and the effort to answer every question.happy:
Chtěla bych velmi pochválit komunikaci s cestovní kanceláří přes email - především ochotu vyjít vstříc a snahu zodpovědět každý dotaz.:happy:
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(26 July 2004)
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Czech (original)
Very good service, I get quick answer for my querstions. Good and simple webpage:happy:
Very good service, I get quick answer for my querstions. Good and simple webpage:happy:
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(26 July 2004)
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English (original)
I had some contact with the agency, but I can say the best. Exceptional kindness and courtesy of Mrs. Jovanovic is a total surprise as I am used to the very bad behavior of tourist workers. I have to admit I have refused a lot of accommodation just because of unkind and uncultured people. So let me evaluate you with 5 + !!!!!!: happy:
Imala sam malo kontakta s agencijom, ali mogu reći sve najbolje. Izuzetna ljubaznost i susretljivost gđe Jovanović totalno je iznenađenje, jer sam navikla na jako loše ponašanje turističkih djelatnika. Moram priznati da sam odbila već puno smještaja samo zbog neljubaznih i nekulturnih ljudi. Tako da vas ocjenjujem s 5+!!!!!!:happy:
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(23 July 2004)
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Croatian (original)
I would like to thank especially for Marina Debak. He did his best to find an apartment. We have found accommodation that is not adriatic, but Marina's kindness and attention are worth one: heart: and one: kiss :. Next time we will start looking for accommodation and rely on team. There would be so many comments about the homepage that was browsing a lot of websites where we found the most information and the picture about the accommodation. Thanks again for everything. Attila Májer
Köszönetet szeretnék mondani az csapatának különösen Marina Debaknak. Mindent megtett, hogy sikerüljön apartmant találni. Igaz közben találtunk szállást amelyet nem az adriatic ajánlott, de Marina kedvessége, figyelmessége megér egy:heart: és egy:kiss:. Legközelebb korábban elkezdünk keresni szállást, és az csapatára hagyatkozunk. A honlappal kapcsolatban lenne annyi megjegyzésem, hogy nagyon sok honlapot böngészve az volt az, ahol a legtöbb információt, képet találtunk az adott szállásról. Mégegyszer köszi mindent. Májer Attila
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(23 July 2004)
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Hungarian (original)
Thank you for Adriatic and especially Mrs.Pidikov for a beautiful holiday.We were all very satisfied and the owner of the property was very pleasant and helpful, so we will recommend Adriatic everywhere.
Děkujeme Adriaticu a zvlášť ochotné p.Pidikové za překrásnou dovolenou.Všichni jsme byli maximálně spokojeni a majitelka objektu byla velice příjemná a ochotná,proto budeme Adriatic všude doporučovat.
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(22 July 2004)
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Czech (original)