Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
: Snose: take your old page back that was around 100% better and more informative at a glance and a click! distance of the sea where the info is gone? this is for many of the most important! we are not looking at the new page that no longer pleases us. have always found another, even Croatian side with great and cheap offered with all the info and images on ONE click.
nehmt eure alte seite wieder, die war um 100% besser und informationsreicher auf einen blick und einen click!
wo ist die info der meerentfernung geblieben? das ist für viele mit das wichtigste!
wir werden auf der neuen seite nicht suchen, die gefällt uns überhaupt nicht mehr. haben eh eine andere , auch kroatische seite gefunden mit tollen und günstigen angeboten mit allen infos und bildern auf EINEN click.
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(28 July 2002)
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German (original)
Kind regards! Long monitor your work and am pleasantly surprised by redesigning pages, which are clear, logically organized, and therefore simple, ensuring a truly shortest path to the desired tourist destination. Also, I want to highlight affordable private housing. remains my choice for planning precious summer holidays! : Smile:
Lijep pozdrav! Dugo pratim vas rad i ugodno sam iznenadjen redizajnom stranica, koje su pregledne, logicno organizirane i samim time jednostavne, sto jamci uistinu najkraci put do zeljenog turistickog odredista. Isto tako, zelim istaknuti povoljne cijene privatnog smjestaja. ostaje moj izbor za planiranje dragocjenog godisnjeg odmora!:smile:
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(24 July 2002)
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Croatian (original)
zdr.I am Igor and I accidentally found you web site, what I say is that you are cool.Pozdrav iz prelepe Makedonije.:cool:
zdr.Zovem se Igor i slucajno sam nasao vas web-site,sta da kazem bas ste cool.Pozdrav iz prelepe Makedonije.:cool:
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(23 July 2002)
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Croatian (original)
If anyone wants to meet karásným access, quality services and in beautiful surroundings, do not hesitate and feel free to contact the services provided by Mr. G. Vrgočem and his company Heart:
Pokud se chce někdo setkat s karásným přístupem,kvalitou služeb a hlavně krásným prostředím ,neváhejte a bez obav se obraťte na služby poskytované panem G. Vrgočem a jeho firmou
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(18 July 2002)
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Czech (original)
Your new pages really excited me. It's more transparent, easier to use and more functional than before. Every cast, you are the best! : smile:
Vase nove stranice su me zaista odusevile. Sve je preglednije, lakse za koristenje i funkcionalnije nego prije. Svaka cast, najbolji ste!:smile:
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(16 July 2002)
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Croatian (original)