Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
We were quite satisfied with the holidays on Krk (except that it was quite noisy in the evening), we only had a little time just to get used to. I really like your page and I'm sure that I will first review your offer on the Internet for the second year. Hello
Z letovanjem na Krku smo bili kar precej zadovoljni (razen,da je bilo zvečer precej bučno),edinole vreme nam je malo ponagajalo.
Vaša stran mi je zelo všeč in prepričan sem,da bom drugo leto najprej pregledal vašo ponudbo na internetu.
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(8 September 2002)
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Slovenian (original)
I recommend everyone stay with this tourist agenturou.Všechny information on the Internet match, access is great, no problems arranging telephone: happy: all instructions provided by the Agency to the booking process is accurate, voucher actually came within 7 days from the date of dispatch of the apartment zálohy.Majitelé telefon.domluvili with us during our journey to make us easier to find a place-we met at a restaurant near the unmissable selected object and place us zavedli.:smile:
Doporučuji všem pobyt s touto turistickou agenturou.Všechny informace na internetu odpovídají,přístup je skvělý,telefonické domluva bez problémů:happy:všechny instrukce ,které agentura poskytuje k průběhu rezervace jsou přesné,voucher přišel skutečně do 7 dnů ode dne odeslání zálohy.Majitelé apartmanu se s námi telefon.domluvili již během naší cesty ,aby nám usnadnili nalézt místo-sešli jsme se u nepřehlednutelné restaurace nedaleko vybraného objektu a na místo nás zavedli.:smile:
You've rated us:
(1 September 2002)
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Czech (original)
I recommend everyone stay with this tourist agenturou.Všechny information on the Internet match, access is great, no problems arranging telephone: happy:
Doporučuji všem pobyt s touto turistickou agenturou.Všechny informace na internetu odpovídají,přístup je skvělý,telefonické domluva bez problémů:happy:
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(1 September 2002)
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Czech (original)
: Cool: really is a refreshment to stay on your site, because of the pleasant selection of colors, well solved functional elements, and what is for us the most important visitors own a bunch of good pictures. Go on!
:cool:zbilja je osvjezenje boraviti na Vasim stranicama, zbog ugodnog odabira boja, dobro rjesenim fukcionalnim elementima, a sto je za nas posjetitelje najbitnije posjedujete gomilu dobrih fotografija. Samo naprijed!
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(31 August 2002)
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Croatian (original)
: biggrin: We were very pleased with your offer. The apartment on Murter was great, the price was comfortable, the owners are friendly.
:biggrin:Z vašo ponudbo smo bili zelo zadovoljni. Apartma na Murterju je bil super, cena je bila ugodna, lastniki so prijazni.
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(29 August 2002)
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Slovenian (original)
your site is great your staff we have been having any difficulties which can arise from rezrvaciji available to us and are 4 days before departure will find only free apartment Pag thank you for your efforts.: wink:
vaša stran je super vaši uslužbenci so nam bili ob vseh težavah ki so nastale ob rezrvaciji dosegljivi in za nas so 4 dni pred odhodom našli edini prosti apartma na pagu hvala za vaš trud.:wink:
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(28 August 2002)
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Slovenian (original)
The vacation was exactly the way we imagined. We first bugged over the Internet and we are more than satisfied. Your pages are great and actually reflect the right picture. If we're lucky, we'll meet for the second year. Greetings
Dopust je bil tocno tak kot smo si predstavljali. Prvic smo bukirali preko interneta in smo vec kot zadovoljni. Vase strani so odlicne in dejansko odrazajo pravo sliko.
Ce bo vse po sreci se oglasimo drugo leto.
Lep pozdrav
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(26 August 2002)
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Slovenian (original)
: cool: I booked the second time with The choice of online based on the information provided about the object being searched and its placement location is impeccable. Additionally, this information is true, as is the case in other ways. offices may not always be true. I also greatly appreciate the ability of to meet in the event of a variety of changes and changes in the reservation. I also enjoyed a very personal and individual approach to clients. Phone contact is also seamless. I warmly recommend!!!
:cool:S jsem rezervoval již podruhé. Možnost výběru online na základě poskytovaných informací o vyhledávaném objektu a jeho lokalitě umístění je bezvadná. Navíc jsou tyto informace i pravdivé, což u jiných cest. kanceláří nemusí být vždy pravda. Velmi oceňuji i schopnost agentury vycházet vstříc v případě nejrůznějších příní a změn v rezervaci. Potěšil mě i velmi osobní a individuální přístup ke klientům. Telefonický kontakt je též bezproblémový. Vřele doporučuji!!!
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(15 August 2002)
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Czech (original)
zdr.I do not know what to say to you, I think you're all right. Thank you very much. Mrs Tarre, for such wonderful and very kind advice, would help me to help Bol. I hope I will follow some meil when I come back to Macedonia.I mercifully greet you g-go.Tarle and your favorite tourist agency.We welcome many praise from Macedonia and Prilep. : Cool:
zdr.Neznam sta da Vam kazem,mislim da ste naljbolji u svemu.Puno zahvalnosti
g-ge.Sandre Tarle,za tako divne i veoma ljubaznih saveta,sta bi mi za daljnog pomoglo da stignem do Bola.Nadam se da cu pratiti neki meil kad se vratim u Makedoniji.Srdacno Vas pozdravljam Vas g-go.Tarle i Vasu cenjenu turisticku agenciju.Primite puno pozdrav iz prelepe i Makedonije.
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(5 August 2002)
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Croatian (original)
Your site is excellent. I continue to wish you many successes: squeals:
Vaša stran je odlična. Še naprej vam želim veliko uspehov.:smoke:
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(2 August 2002)
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Slovenian (original)