Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I have a holiday with Adriatic and I have to say that we were very satisfied. People in CK are very kind and patient, I recommend everyone. : Happy:
Absolvovala som dovolenku s Adriaticom a musím povedať, že sme boli veľmi spokojní. Ľudia v CK sú veľmi milí a trpezliví, každému odporúčam.:happy:
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(22 July 2004)
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Slovak (original)
Your travel has been recommended by a friend who has spent several seasons on the Adriatic through your CK. I can say with pleasure that both the exterior and the interior of the selected object were exactly as in the pictures. Kitchen facilities have even been improved with a kettle. Everywhere was clean and cozy. Because it was a new building, it was all about newness and joy. We had very nice homemakers, even they still offered us a wine. The accommodation was close to the beach in a quiet alleyway overlooking the sea and partly on the hills of Pelješac. In a word, I can recommend, despite the distance, the peninsula Peljesac, the seashell, the wine and CK with preffered pages in various linguistic mutations and perfect services. You are perfect!
Vašu cestovku mi odporučila kamarátka, ktorá už niekoľko sezón trávila na Jadrane prostredníctvom Vašej CK. S radosťou môžem konštatovať, že exteriér aj interiér nami vybraného objektu boli presne, ako na obrázkoch. Vybavenie kuchyne dokonca bolo vylepšené o rýchlovarnú kanvicu. Všade bolo čistučko a útulne. Nakoľko to bola novostavba, všetko voňalo novotou a čitotou. Mali sme veľmi milých domácich, dokonca nám stále ponúkali vínko. Ubytovanie sme mali blízko pláže v tichej uličke s výhľadom čiastočne na more a čiastočne na kopce Pelješacu. Jedným slovom všetkým môžem odporučiť aj napriek vzdialenosti poloostrom Pelješac, mušle, víno a CK s prefektne vymakanými stránkami v rôznych jazykových mutáciách a s dokonalými službami. Ste perfektní!
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(20 July 2004)
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Slovak (original)
Welcome back to Poland Thank you for a great holiday in Croatia! We loved it in Jadrij and we are happy with your offer and that we just got there. The landlady greeted us with a delicious cake for us and gave us wine. The house is very nice, we had a lot of space and everything you need. Kitchen equipped with the smallest things do not need to take from polskie.Cały house very clean and tidy, in a shady place, we felt very good there, at home, neighbors very nice and all the most. Children felt great there, mention stay with tears in her eyes, I was sorry to leave and demand to go to the same place for a year. The beach is also nice and clean, and above all, away from the street and a quiet place. The children went to the beaches for walks when they wanted to be so close and safe. Mostly, there were tourists from nearby towns, many Croatian people, somebody else was from Poland but we could not get to know them. We visited a lot, we loved Šibenik and Trogir, we also visited Zadar, great views everywhere and the most wonderful in Krka park and how we were coming back along the coast towards Rijeka, a very picturesque country and a beautiful impression. We were only abroad in Slovakia, but the daughter was in Italy and says that Croatia is prettier. High-altitude high-level motorways which surprised us greatly. For a year we are going to go there again, children insist on Jadije, but we are going to visit Istria and we will ask again for offers to your office, thank you for everything. So we are leaving constant contact and warm greetings from Poland:) Today in Poland there were hot weather as in Croatia, it can finally be done in summer, because so far it was cold and rain often rained.
Witam po powrocie do Polski
Dziękujemy za wspaniały urlop w Chorwacji!
W Jadrij bardzo się nam podobało i jesteśmy zadowoleni z waszej oferty i że
akurat tam trafilismy.
Gospodyni bardzo miło nas powitała upiekła pyszne ciasto dla nas
i poczęstowała nas winem. Dom jest bardzo ładny, mieliśmy dużo miejsca i
wszystko co potrzeba. Kuchnia wyposażona w najdrobiejsze rzeczy nic nie
potrzeba brać z polski.Cały dom bardzo czysty i zadbany,w zacienionym miejscu
czuliśmy sie tam bardzo dobrze, jak u siebie w domu, sąsiedzi bardzo mili i
wogóle wszystko naj.Dzieci czuły się tam wspaniale, wspominają pobyt ze łzami
w oczach żal było wyjeżdżać i domagaja się za rok pojechać w to samo miejsce.
Plaża też ładna i czysta, a przede wszystkim z daleka od ulicy i zaciszna
miejscowośc.Dzieci same chodziły na plaże na spacery kiedy chciały tak było
blisko i bezpiecznie. Przeważnie byli tam turyści z pobliskich miejscowości
bardzo dużo chorwatów, z polski ktoś jeszcze był ale nie udało sie nam z nimi
zapoznać.Dużo zwiedzaliśmy, bardzo podobał nam się Szybenik i Trogir
zwiedzaliśmy też Zadar, wszędzie wspaniałe widoki a najwspanialesze w parku
Krka no i jak wracaliśmy trasą wybrzeżem w kierunku Rijeki, bardzo malowniczy
kraj i piękny robi wrażenie.Za granicą byliśmy tylko w Słowacji, ale córka
była we Włoszech i mówi że chorwacja ładniejsza. Autostrady na wysokim
poziomie nawet bardzo wysokim co nas zaskoczyło.Pogoda wspaniała i za rok
mamy zamiar znów się tam wybrać, dzieci nalegaja na Jadije, ale mamy zamiar
zwiedzic Istrie i zwrócimy się znów o oferty do waszego biura, dziękujemy za
wszystko.Pozostajemy więc w stałym kontakcie i ciepło pozdrawiamy z Polski:)
Dzis w Polsce były upały jak w chorwacji może w końcu sie zrobi naprawdę lato
bo jak do tej pory to było zimno i często padały deszcze.
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(20 July 2004)
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Polish (original)
Thanks for the good service! Your team is fantastic !!! Our trip was successful. Hvala !! Tineke and Koen: happy:
Bedankt voor de goede service! Jullie team is fantastisch!!!
Onze reis was geslaagd.
Tineke en Koen:happy:
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(19 July 2004)
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Dutch (original)
Adriatik's pages were among the best that can be found by any internet user. I did not have the ability to verify the functionality of the reservation, but I believe it works. the only thing I could do is make a little bit of a search engine, it only takes max. the number of people in the apartments does not take the accommodation unit as a whole, or I did not understand how it was set. in global, however, was the only one I've ever been dealing with. I would like to thank you and your employer. Pidikova, who we maimily got in ustrety.:wink:
Stranky adriatik boli jedni z najlepsich , ktore moze bezny uzivatel internetu najst. nemal som moznost overit funkcnost rezervacii, ale verim ze funguju. jedinu vec , ktoru by som trochu vylepsil je vyhladavac, berie do uvahy iba max. pocet osob v apartmanoch , neberie ubytovaciu jednotku ako celok, alebo som nepochopil ako sa to nastavuje. v globale vsak bola vasa stranka jedina ktorej som sa venoval. osbitne by som chcel podakovat este raz vasej zamestnankini p. Pidikovej, ktora nam maimalne vychadzala v ustrety.:wink:
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(19 July 2004)
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Slovak (original)
As far as the minor bugs are in the reservation, it sometimes occurred to me that the reservation is in the process, sometimes not to the fact that I have booked the place and on the podrouhe, since it sounds the error apparently in the access to db, these are the site one of them has professionally done. But do not take my criticism seriously, I'm a professional programmer, so I'm probably a bit deformed:-)
Az na par malych chybicek v rezervovani, kdy se mi obcas objevilo, ze ma rezervace je v rizeni, obcas ne a take na fakt, ze jsem si misto rezervoval az na podruhe, jelikoz mi to hlasilo chybu zrejme v pristupu do db, jsou tyto stranky jedny z mala profesionalne udelane. Neberte vsak moji kritiku uplne vazne, jsem profesi programator, tak jsem take asi trochu deformovany:-)
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(18 July 2004)
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Czech (original)
On Sunday we returned from vacation with your travel agency and we are very satisfied because everything you offered via the internet was exactly as it was in the description, the photos totally coincided with the fact. We were staying in a small town near Zadar in Bibinje in apartment A-681 and the home we were absolutely perfect. Even our master wanted to take the night fish, and only our laziness prevented it. We've been to the Adriatic more than once, but we have not had such kind and nice home. The holiday was great and when we go to the Adriatic we will definitely go again with your travel. I was rather afraid that it would only be secured by ordering via the internet but I was extremely satisfied because when we went through our traveler we did not have an overview of what kind of accommodation we are going. Here we have exactly got into those spaces that were displayed. Milo, you were surprised. Thank you for your lovely vacation.
V nedeľu sme sa vrátili z dovolenky s Vašou cestovnou agentúrou a sme maximálne spokojní, pretože všetko, čo ste ponúkali prostredníctvom internetu bolo presne také ako bolo v opise, fotky sa úplne zhodovali so skutočnosťou. Boli sme ubytovaní v mestečku blízko Zadaru v Bibinje v apartmáne A-681 a domácich sme mali úplne perfektných. Dokonca nás chcel pán domáci vziať aj na nočnú rybačku a len naša lenivosť tomu zabránila. Boli sme už viac krát na Jadrane, ale takých milých a príjemných domácich sme ešte nemali. Dovolenka bola super a keď pôjdeme na Jadran tak pôjdeme určite zase s Vašou cestovkou. Dosť som sa predsa bála ako to bude zabezpečené len objednaním cez internet, ale som bola mimoriadne spokojná, pretože keď sme išli cez naše cestovky, nemali sme prehľad do akého ubytovania ideme. Tu sme sa presne dostali do tých priestorov, ktoré boli zobrazené. Milo ste ma prekvapili. Ďakujeme za krásnu dovolenku.
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(16 July 2004)
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Slovak (original)
Before 14 days we returned from our holiday in Croatia-Marusici near Omis.The apartment was nice, clean just prepared and the lady owner was very nice lady.We were pleasantly surprised when we found that instead of 2 bathrooms there are bathrooms 3, it was just super.Pasasí also was beautiful and the sea, only the mosquitoes who did not give us peace, but we have finally solved.Jesti it will definitely come next year we went again on holiday to Croatia only with the trips of the Adriatic. Thank you very much for Mrs. Pidikova. Sincerely, the very happy Kubná family
Před 14dny jsme se vrátili z dovolené v Chorvatsku-Marušiči u Omiše.Apartmán byl pěkný,čistý prostě připravený a paní majitelka byla velice milá paní.Byli jsme mile překvapeni,když jsme zjistili ,že namísto 2 koupelen jsou tam koupelny 3,to bylo prostě super.Počasí také bylo překrásné i moře,jen ti komáři ,kteří nám
nedali pokoj,ale i to jsme nakonec vyřešili.Jesti to vyjde určitě bychom příští rok jeli opět na dovolenou do Chorvatska jedině s cest.kanceláří Adriatic . Za vše Vám paní Pidíková velice děkujeme. S pozdravem velice spokojená rodina Kubná
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(15 July 2004)
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Czech (original)
Hello Mrs. Pidik, so we came back on Sunday and I have the pleasure to write that we were completely excited !!! The place (Uvala Torac) was great! We were there all alone, a picturesque tavern around the corner, two beaches half-timbered a few meters (or temp) ... Children enjoyed diving (hunted and sea returning beautiful big stars, fish and crabs). We traveled all over the island, towns and other attractions and found no better (mainly for us with children) than our "house" (A-575-a). Hvar is quite picturesque! And there is absolute peace. When we were on the way back through Drvenik, around Makarska, etc., we saw the horror - beaches covered with millions of tourists, attractions, roaring music ... The lady was there with us for a few days and she was very kind, we thanked her very much. Electricity was not needed, the lights were on, and the refrigerator with the gas oven was working. Just for football we had to watch on a small TV in the car, but that did not bother us, next year there will be no championship. You could just go Hvar a little closer to Prague (the way with children is annoying).:-) That's why we want to thank you very much and maybe a year again ...
Dobrý den paní Pidíková,
tak jsme se v neděli vrátili a musím vám s radostí napsat, že jsme byli zcela nadšeni!!! Místo (Uvala Torac) bylo skvělé! Byli jsme tam úplně sami, malebná hospůdka za rohem, dvě plážičky polorázdné pár metrů (nebo temp)... Děti si užívali potápění (lovili a zase moři vraceli krásné velké hvězdy, rybičky a kraby). Procestovali jsme si i celý ostrov, města i různé zajímavosti a nenašli jsme lepší (hlavně pro nás s dětmi) místo než "náš" domek (A-575-a). Hvar je celý malebný! A je tam absolutní klid. Když jsme potom na cestě zpátky projížděli Drvenikem, kolem Makarské apod. viděli jsme tu hrůzu - pláže obsypané milionem turistů, atrakce, řvoucí hudba... Paní tam s námi byla pár dní a byla velmi milá, moc jsme jí poděkovali. Elektřina nebyla potřeba, světla svítí a lednička s troubou na plyn fungují. Jen na fotbal jsme museli koukat na malou televizi u auta, ale to nám nevadilo, příští rok snad nebude žádné mistrovství.. Jen byste mohli Hvar přisunout trochu blíže ku Praze (cesta s dětmi je otravná).:-) Tímto tedy chceme moc poděkovat i vám a možná za rok zase...
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(15 July 2004)
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Czech (original)
Doing such a page was a very good idea. The page is clear, the information is material and direct. I can not judge their truth yet. Something similar would also need Slovakia with its mountain cottages.
Urobiť takú stránku, bol veľmi dobrý nápad. Stránka je prehľadná, informácie sú vecné a priame. Ich pravdivosť zatiaľ neviem posúdiť. Niečo podobné by potrebovalo aj Slovensko so svojimi horskými chatkami.
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(15 July 2004)
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