Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Seven times I was with my family on vacation in Croatia, always there was beautiful, but now we were probably in the best place. Everything was as promised by your travel agency. You are promiscuous and correct;
Siedmy krát som bol s rodinou na dovolenke v Chorvátsku, vždy tam bolo krasne, ale teraz sme boli asi na najkrajšom mieste. Všetko bolo tak, ako nám to sľúbila Vaša cestovná kancelária. Ste promtní a korektní, začo Vám patrí vďaka!
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(10 September 2004)
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Slovak (original)
Thank you for the great vacation of ADRIATIK travel agency and specifically Mrs. Pídiková. Objects corresponding to the presented reality. We were happy with the holiday and it is possible that we will turn to you again in the future. : Kiss:
Dakujeme za skvelú dovolenku cestovnej kancelárii ADRIATIK a konkrétne pani Pídikovej. Objekty zodpovedali prezentovanej skutočnsti. Z dovolenkou sme boli spokojný a je možné, že sa v budúcnosti znovu na Vás obrátime.:kiss:
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(10 September 2004)
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Dear Marina. We arrived on our first holiday in Croatia. We had a lot of fun. The weather was very beautiful, the sea is salty and beautiful in the bays, though beautiful. The accommodation was fine and the hosts were nice and nice. Our first beach holiday will be our beautiful experience. Thank you for helping me out. If there is a chance for the Adriatic next summer, we will choose it. I also send some photos of what we have prepared.
Kedves Marina. Megjöttünk az első horvátországi nyaralásunkról. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat. Az idő nagyon szép volt a tenger sós és szép az öblök, pedig gyönyörűek. A szállással minden rendben volt a szállásadók is kedvesek és rendesek voltak. Nagyon szép élményként marad meg bennünk az első tengerparti nyaralásunk. Köszönjük hogy segített. Ha lesz rá mód jövő nyáron is az Adriát, választjuk. Elküldök néhány fotót is abból, amit készítettünk.
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(10 September 2004)
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Hungarian (original)
We were overwhelmingly satisfied with everything that offered us a holiday on the island of Pag. The apartment was beautiful and big enough for our 9-member expedition, all the rooms sprang up into the magnificent huge terrace that became our dining room and the people-amidst rich greenery. We had the opportunity to observe the life of the housewives as they lived on the ground floor of the house, which was also very interesting ... The small beach in the place of residence, in Povlijane, was beautiful and especially the children came to theirs. We went through the whole island and visited other interesting beaches, some of them worked immensely on Croatia, which we have visited several times - the first virgin could say ... We really enjoyed !!! I'm just a little afraid of the future of this island, because as we have seen, construction is expanding, and so it is likely that this place will become perplexed and less interesting for us. The only thing we missed was that in our place of stay in POvlijane, it was not possible to rent a motorboat, as we are used to in other, less interesting parts of Croatia. Last but not least, I was amazed by the excellent cooperation with your internet travel and I will definitely find your services in the future as well. Thanks, Mrs. Pidíková!: Smile :: cool :: happy:
Boli sme nad očakávanie spokojný so všetkým čo nám ponúkla dovolenka na ostrove Pag. Apartmán bol krásny a dosť veľký pre celú našu 9 člennú výpravu, všetky izby ústili do nádhernej obrovskej terasy, ktorá sa stala našou jedálňou i obyvačkou -prostred bohatej zelene. Mali sme možnosť pozorovať aj život domácich, nakoľko obývali prízemie domu, čo bolo tiež veľmi zaujímavé...
Malá pláž v mieste pobytu, v Povlijane,bola krásna a hlavne deti si prišli na svoje. Prešli sme celý ostrov a navštívili aj iné zaujimavé pláže, poniektoré pôsobili až neskutočne na Chorvácko, ktoré sme už viac krát navštívili -priam panenské by sa dalo povedať ... Veľmi sa nám páčilo !!! Len sa trošku obávam budúcnosti tohto ostrova, lebo ako sme si všimli, rozmáha sa tu výstavba, a tak je prevdepodobné, že časom sa toto miesto stane preludnené a menej zaujimavé (pre nás).
Jediné, čo nám chýbalo, bolo, že v mieste nášho pobytu, v POvlijane, nebolo možné si zapožičať motorový čln, tak ako sme na to zvyknutí v iných, menej zaujimavých častiach Chorvácka.
V neposlednom rade ma ohromila skvelá spolupráca s Vašou cestovkou po internete a určite Vaše služby vyhľadám aj v budúcnosti. Vďaka, pani Pidíková !:smile::cool::happy:
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(7 September 2004)
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Slovak (original)
We returned from our great vacation in Podaca. We are full of experiences and unfortunately only remembrance of beautiful nature, sea and wonderful people. I would like to thank the owner of the building for a nice welcome and pleasant stay. I also thank Mr. Pidik for perfect communication. Heart: Heart: Heart:
Vrátili jsme se z naší skvělé dovolené v Podaci. Jsme plni
zážitků a bohužel již jenom vzpomínek na krásnou přírodu, moře a báječné lidi. Chtěla bych poděkovat majitelce objektu za milé přivítání i příjemný pobyt. Zároveň děkuji p. Pidikové za bezvadnou komunikaci.:heart::heart::heart:
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(7 September 2004)
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Czech (original)
This was our second and certainly the last "approach" to Croatia. We spent a part of the holiday in Orebic. The house is quite nice, but why the information was written that it is 130m away from the sea, if it was really 300m and it was also wrong to go through the main road. After asking the Lord who rented the house for us, we heard: "100 or 300m what is the difference, is the sea?" I leave it without comment. We also had a boat on the equipment, unfortunately it was not for the question asked in the above mentioned in On this matter we heard: "I am not responsible for what is written in the offer." Hmm, but someone unless this information to the agency says ... is nobody checking it?
To było nasze drugie i na pewno ostatnie "podejscie" do Chorwacji.Spedzilismy częśc urlopu w miejscowości Orebic. Domek całkiem przyjemny, tylko dlaczego w informacji napisano że oddalony jest od morza 130m, jesli tak na prawde bylo to z 300m i również niezgodnie z informacją trzeba było przejść przez główną drogę. Po spytaniu o to Pana, który wynajmował nam domek, usłyszelismy:"100 czy 300m co za różnica, jest morze?"Pozostawiam to bez komentarza.Mielismy miec także na wyposażeniu łódkę, niestety nie było jej, na zadane w/w Panu pytanie w tej sprawie usłyszelismy:"Nie odpowiadam za to co jest napisane w ofercie".Hmm, ale ktos chyba te informacje do agencji podaje...czyzby nikt tego nie sprawdzał?
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(6 September 2004)
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Polish (original)
Thank you for a nice holiday. We were looking for a shared accommodation for two families with children. The accommodation was excellent, the beach according to our expectations, the weather was excellent - everyone liked it. Just a great holiday. I thank Mrs Alexandra Pidík for the willingness and immediate answers to our questions.
Ďakujem za peknú dovolenku. Hľadali sme spoločné ubytovanie pre dve rodiny s deťmi. Ubytovanie bolo výborné, pláž podľa našich predstáv, počasie výborné - všetkým sa páčilo. Proste super dovolenka.
Ďakujem pani Alexandre Pidíkovej za ochotu a okamžité odpovede na naše otázky.
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(3 September 2004)
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Thank you your travel and Mrs.Pidikova for a great holiday.Pokasie us, the town of Trogir is very sorry, clean sea .... Thank you and we are looking for the next vacation in 2005.With greetings Mayo: cool:
Dakujeme Vasej cestovke a p.Pidikovej za super dovolenku.Pocasie nam vyslo, mesto Trogir sa nam velmi pacilo, ciste more....Dakujeme a tesime sa na dalsiu dovolenku v roku 2005.S pozdravom Mayo:cool:
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(1 September 2004)
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Slovak (original)
Thanks to the agency we spent a very nice holiday in Croatia under Zadar in Kozino. Very beautiful, quiet village, nice apartment, dear owner, lovely beach, super clean sea, good base for other tourist attractions. We highly recommend both the place and the agency serving us - especially Mr. Roman Waligórski - a very kind and competent person. : Smile :: happy :: cool :: cool :: smile :: happy :: wink:
Dzieki agencji spędziliśmy bardzo miły urlop w Chorwacji pod Zadarem w miejscowości Kozino. Bardzo piękna, spokojna wioska, sympatyczny apartament, przemiły właściciel, urocza plaża, super czyste morze, dobra baza wypadowa do innych turystycznych atrakcji. Jak najbardziej polecamy zarówno miejsce jak i obsługującą nas agencję - a szczególnie pana Romana Waligórskiego - osobę bardzo miłą i kompetentną.:smile::cool::happy::smile::cool::happy::wink:
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(1 September 2004)
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Polish (original)
I would like to thank Mr. Roman Waligórski for a wonderful holiday in Seget Vranjica, near Trogir and in particular for a map with access to the quarters. It was so accurate that it was impossible to hit. The room is ok. Beautiful surroundings and exquisite owners. I recommend the travel agency - it is really worth to go. If I return to Croatia I will definitely use your services. I once again greet. Agnieszka Sochan
Chciałam bardzo podziękować Panu Romanowi Waligórskiemu za wspaniałe wakacje w Seget Vranjicy,koło Trogiru a w szczególności za mapkę z dojazdem do kwatery. Była tak dokładna, że nie sposób było nie trafić. Kwaterka naprawdzę w porządku. Piękna okolica i przesympatyczni właściciele. Wszystkim polecam biuro podróży - naprawde warto pojechać. Jeśli jeszcze wrócę na Chorwację to na pewno skorzystam z waszych usług. Jeszcze raz pozdrawiam. Agnieszka Sochan
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(31 August 2004)
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