Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
It's great that I could take advantage of your offer. A wonderful, next trip to Croatia. Excellent, professional service, the kindness of Mr. Romka Waligórski guarantee a successful holiday. I recommend the Adriatic company. Jacek Dudzin
Wspaniale, że mogłem skorzystać z Waszej oferty. Cudowny, kolejny wyjazd do Chorwacji. Doskonała, profesjonalna obsługa, życzliwość Pana Romka Waligórskiego są gwarantem udanego urlopu. Rekomenduję firmę Adriatic. Jacek Dudzin
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(31 August 2004)
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Polish (original)
first but not last holiday in croatia! Wonderful people, fantastic places and lovely sea ... A special greeting in Zivogosce-Blato and above all to our homeowner who is a really special person.:heart:
prima ma non ultima vacanza in croazia ! Persone stupende, posti fantastici e mare incantevole ... Un saluto particolare a Zivogosce-Blato e soprattutto a nostra proprietaria di casa che è una persona veramente speciale.:heart:
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(31 August 2004)
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Italian (original)
Dear Marina! We are very grateful for all your efforts! In particular, I would emphasize the flexibility and the speed, since in fact, "the next day" managed to select and allocate the appropriate person from their personal appartment offer. We felt very good, we loved our home too, we would have liked to stay longer if we had our freedom. I can only recommend to my friends the service of their office! I wish you another successful job, I hope to spend our next summer in Croatia again.
Kedves Marina! Minden fáradozását nagyon-nagyon köszönjük! Különösképpen a rugalmasságot és a gyorsaságot emelném ki, hiszen valójában "másnapra" sikerült a személyre szóló appartman ajánlatukból a megfelelőt kiválasztani és lefoglalni. Nagyon jól éreztük magunkat, kedves volt a házinéni is, szívesen maradtunk volna tovább is akár, ha lett volna még szabadságunk. Csak ajánlani tudom ismerőseimnek irodájuk szolgáltatását! További sikeres munkát kívánok,remélem jövő nyarunkat ismét Horvátországban töltjük.
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(30 August 2004)
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Hungarian (original)
I recommend to all, good and professional help of Mr. Roman Waligórski. We spent a great and peaceful holiday on the island BRAĆ: cool :: cool :: cool:
Polecam wszystkim, dobra i fachowa pomoc Pana Romana Waligórskiego. Spędziliśmy świetny i spokojny urlop na wyspie BRAĆ:cool::cool::cool:
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(30 August 2004)
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Polish (original)
: smile: Thank you for our wonderful holiday in Nevidane. Everything was even better as promised and in our landlady with family we have wonderful and extremely love: heart: met people.
:smile:Danke für unseren wunderschönen Urlaub in Nevidane.Es war alles noch besser wie versprochen und in unserer Vermieterin mit Familie haben wir wunderbare und ausgesprochen liebe:heart:Menschen kennengelernt.
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(28 August 2004)
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German (original)
First of all, I would like to thank you for your help in arranging us accommodation in such a short time. The sea was amazing and we managed to find a sandy beach in Lopar, which the kids enjoyed very much. There was a problem with the water supply, and with the night's warmth, being no air conditioning in the apartment. Marica is very nice lady, we talked a lot with her. The ferry had to wait a lot for home (7 hours), which was also a bigger challenge with the two little kids in this big heat. It was odd that almost nobody spoke neither English nor German. But we learned Croatian words (Thanks, Dober Dan, Dober Vecer). If we decide to explore the beautiful parts of Croatia again, we will definitely contact you. I wish you all the best.
Először is szeretném megköszönni a segítségét, hogy szállást tudott intézni nekünk ilyen rövid időn belül. A tenger csodálatos volt és sikerült Loparban homokos partot találnunk, amit a gyerekek nagyon élveztek. Volt egy kis gond a vízellátással, és az éjszakai meleggel, lévén, nem volt légkondicionáló az apartmanban. Marica nagyon kedves hölgy, sokat beszélgettünk vele. A kompra nagyon sokat kellett várni hazafelé (7óra), ami szintén egy nagyobb megpróbáltatás volt a két kis gyerekkel ebben a nagy melegben. Az is furcsa volt, hogy szinte senki nem beszélt sem angolul sem németül. Viszont tanultunk horváth szavakat (Hvala, Dober Dan, Dober Vecer). Amennyiben úgy döntünk, hogy ismét felfedezzük Horvátország szép részeit, mindenképpen megkeressük Önt. Minden jót kívánok a továbbiakhoz.
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(27 August 2004)
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Hungarian (original)
I believe that the agency should better check what the apartment owners offer. Our experience was that it was arranged accommodation in the apartment on the first floor, we were placed on the ground floor, on your website it was clear that only 2 accommodation units, there were 4, in addition, in the additional offer was a boat on use (which is why we decided most for this house), and there are no similar things at all. The owners of the apartments knew we were coming with a small child, and in the end they all smiled. It would be fairer to say they did not receive guests with small children. Because of all of this, I have the feeling that my vacation is overcharged, and I would recommend it to the agency to take more account of what people are doing!
Smatram da bi agencija bolje trebala provjeravati ono što nude vlasnici apartmana. Naša iskustva su bila da je dogovoren smještaj u apartmanu na prvom katu, mi smo bili smješteni u prizemlju, na Vašoj internet stranici jasno je pisalo da su samo 2 smještajne jedinice, a bilo ih je 4, osim toga u dodatnoj ponudi je bio čamac na korištenje (zbog kojega smo se najviše i odlučili baš za tu kuću), a čamac uopće ne postoji i slične stvari. Vlasnici apartmana su znali da dolazimo s malim djetetom, a na kraju im je sve smetalo. Bilo bi poštenije da su rekli da ne primaju goste s malom djecom. Zbog svega toga imam osjećaj da je moj godišnji odmor preplaćen, a agenciji bih preporučila da više vodi računa s kakvim ljudima radi!
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(25 August 2004)
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Croatian (original)
Fully professional service and a lot of kindness on the part of Mr. Roman Waligórski. It is obvious to me that I will come back to you again ...
W pełni profesionalna obsługa i dużo życzliwości ze strony Pana Romana Waligórskiego. Jest dla mnie rzeczą oczywistą, że jeszcze do Was wrócę...
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(24 August 2004)
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Polish (original)
Thank you for your pleasant contact and willingness: Heart:
Dakujem za prijemny kontakt a ochotu.:heart:
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(23 August 2004)
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Slovak (original)
We are really happy with the holiday spent in the fantastic island of Pag. It is a wonderful place, ideal for relaxing and enjoying the sun and the sea. We appreciated the availability of the agency (thanks Franca !!!!!) in providing us with the appropriate information. The only drawback perhaps was that of the language .. since the owner of our accommodation did not speak neither Italian nor English, even if for his part there was a big effort in meeting our needs. Nice ... definitely to be redone !!: biggrin :: smile :: heart:
Siamo davvero contenti della vacanza trascorsa nella fantastica isola di Pag. E'davvero un posto stupendo, ideale per rilassarsi e godersi il sole e il mare.
Abbiamo apprezzato molto la disponibilità dell'agenzia (grazie Franca!!!!!)nel fornirci le informazioni adeguate. L'unico neo forse è stato quello della lingua.. visto che il proprietario del nostro alloggio non parlava nè l'italiano nè l'inglese, anche se da parte sua c'è stato un grosso sforzo nel venire incontro alle nostre esigenze.
Bello...sicuramente da rifare!!:biggrin::smile::heart:
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(21 August 2004)
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Italian (original)