Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Hello.We would like to thank you for the two beautiful holidays in Pisak and Hvare that were realized through your agency.You have excellently processed websites and communication with the client-it is highly professional work.After these experiences I will use your services regularly.All good and with greeting Valent
Dobrý deň.Chcem sa Vám poďakovať za dve krásne dovolenky v Pisaku a na Hvare ktoré boli realizované cez Vašu agentúru.Máte výborne spracované internetové stránky a komunikácia s klientom-to je vysoko profesionálna práca.Po týchto skúsenostiach budem Vaše služby využívať pravidelne.Všetko dobré a s pozdravom Valent
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(25 September 2006)
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Slovak (original)
I want to thank my guests for the help given by the Adriatic travel agency, namely Mrs. Janka Nadj, in solving our situation after the accident that happened to us on Mljet, the very first day of our holiday. Their approach and negotiation with us were very accommodating, our willingness to help us during the week's stay was in our awkward situation very pleasing and encouraging. Thank you for the perfect guarantee of the return of me and my injured girlfriend through the Sky Europe airline. I was very pleased with the possibility to speak Slovak. At the same time, I would like to thank the doctor from the Babino Polje clinic on Mljet Island for treating my girlfriend, for her transport to the hospital in Dubrovnik, and especially for the owner and her husband, the owner of the Sobre apartment, who took care of me with great willingness and understanding. Croatia is a beautiful landscape and its inhabitants are good and hearty people, willing to help their guests from the bad situation. In the future, you will definitely use Adriatic travel agency services, their services are really professional and their staff are very nice people. Well thank you.
Chcem sa prostredníctvom knihy hosti poďakovať za pomoc, ktorú nám poskytla cestovná kancelária Adriatic, konkrétne pani Janka Nadj, pri riešení našej situácie po nehode, ktorá sa nám stala na ostrove Mljet, hneď prvý deň našej dovolenky. Ich prístup a jednanie s nami boli veľmi ústretové, ochota s akou nám pomáhali počas týždňového pobytu, bola v našej nepríjemnej situácii veľmi potešujúca a povzbudzujúca. Ďakujeme za perfektné zabezpečenie návratu mňa a mojej zranenej priateľky prostredníctvom leteckej spoločnosti Sky Europe. Veľmi ma potešila možnosť dohovoriť sa po slovensky.
Zároveň chcem veľmi srdečne poďakovať pani doktorke z ambulancie Babino Polje na ostrove Mljet za ošetrenie mojej priateľky, za jej transport do nemocnice v Dubrovníku a najmä pani majiteľke a jej manželovi, majiteľom apartmánu v Sobre, ktorí sa o mňa postarali s veľkou ochotou a porozumením. Chorvátsko je krásna krajina a jej obyvatelia sú dobrí a srdeční ľudia, ochotní pomôcť svojim hosťom zo zlej situácie. V budúcnosti určite využijem služby cestovnej kancelárie Adriatic, ich služby sú naozaj profesionálne a jej pracovníci sú veľmi milí ľudia. Ďakujem.
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(20 September 2006)
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Slovak (original)
Hello, we were very satisfied with the services of your travel agency. The website is on a professional level, as well as meetings with pi. Janka. Accommodation in Podace was standard, the terrace had a truly luxurious view of the sea, especially at sunset. We were satisfied.
Dobrý den, se službami Vaší cestovní kanceláře jsme byli velmi spokojeni. Internetové stránky jsou na profesionální úrovni, stejně jako jednání s pí. Jankou. Ubytování v Podace bylo na standardní úrovni, terasa měla opravdu luxusní výhled na moře, zejména při západu slunce. Byli jsme spokojeni.
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(18 September 2006)
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Czech (original)
Holiday in the selected locality on the island of Brač in the A-719a mediated by your CK was excellent. Everything was as you put on your site. Your CK can only recommend all.
Dovolená ve vybrané lokalitě a to na ostrově Brač v objektu A-719a zprostředkovaná vaší CK proběhla na výtečnou. Vše bylo tak, jak jste prezentovali na vašich stránkách. Vaši CK mohu všem jen doporučit.
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(16 September 2006)
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Czech (original)
We vacationed in Villa Bose apartment in Ruskamen near Omiš (5km from Omiš to Makarska). The apartment was clean and tidy on arrival, solid, beach like a pearl, on the beach shade, in the courtyard shower, stairs to the beach is 15, and the car park is tighter. Suitable for families with young children and for those who want peace above all. But I can only say good things about the owners. I have not met such friendly people anywhere on the Adriatic. In short, SUPEEEEER. Next year, we'll get back there.
Dopustovali smo v apartmaju Villa Bose v kraju Ruskamenu pri Omišu (5km od Omiša proti Makarski). Apartma je bil pri prihodu čist in urejen, soliden, plaža kot biser, na plaži senca , na dvorišču tuš, stopnic do plaže je 15, do parkirišča pa majceno več. Primerno za družine z majhnimi otroci in za vse tiste, ki si želijo predvsem miru. O lastnikih pa se lahko izrečem samo pohvalno. Tako prijaznih ljudi še nisem srečal nikjer na Jadranu. Skratka SUPEEEEER. Naslednje leto se ponovno vrnemo tja.
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(14 September 2006)
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Slovenian (original)
With your service I was basically happy with two reservations: 2103- 1) in the apartment we were living was 1 bed less than mentioned !! Fortunately, we have 3 children, so they went into a wider bed, but I find it a big mistake. 2) The description of the accommodation was very poor. Part of it is certainly a confusing situation on the island of Ciovo where we were. But the agency could still arrange the plan and mark the building here. Otherwise everything was good. Thank you. : smile:
S vašimi službami jsem byla v podstatě spokojená se dvěma výhradami: 2103- 1) v apartmánu, který jsme obývali, bylo o 1 postel méně, než bylo uvedeno!! Naštěstí máme 3 děti, takže se do širší postele vešly, ale považuji to za velkou chybu. 2) Popis cesty k ubytování byl velmi nedostatečné. Zčásti je to jistě nepřehlednou situací na ostrově Čiovo, kde jsme byli. Ale plánek by si agentura přece jen mohla zajistit a objekt zde vyznačit. Jinak bylo vše dobré. Děkuji.:smile:
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(14 September 2006)
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Czech (original)
The best website for booking apartments in Croatia that I found on the internet.
Il miglior sito per la prenotazione di appartamenti in croazia che abbia trovato su internet.
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(13 September 2006)
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Italian (original)
Clear page, reliable information, people providing information - competent, sometimes there is a problem with fax; in general - I recommend it!
Strona czytelna, informacje rzetelne, osoby udzielające informacji - kompetentne, czasami pojawia się problem z faxem; ogólnie - polecam!
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(12 September 2006)
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Polish (original)
We spent 10 days in Basina on the island of Hvar. Wonderful place, wonderful people and everything as we expected. Excellent support and organization of the Adriatic. Thank you
Abbiamo trascorso 10 giorni a Basina sull'isola di Hvar. Posto meraviglioso, gente splendida e tutto come ci aspettavamo. Ottimo il supporto e l'organizzazione dell'Adriatic. Grazie
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(11 September 2006)
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Italian (original)
I definitely recommend it. Very good service in the office. Accommodation as described. Everything without any problems. In addition, Croatia, especially the islands (HVAR, BRAĆ) is the perfect place to spend your holidays. Our holiday is the beginning of September, and the weather like we had, should be wished to anyone who goes on vacation. In a word, paradise on earth.
Zdecydowanie polecam. Bardzo dobra obsługa w biurze. Kwatera zgodna z opisem. Wszystko bezproblemowo.
Dodatkowo Chorwacja, szczególnie wyspy (HVAR, BRAĆ) to idealne miejsce do spędzenia wakacji. Nasz urlop to początek września, a takiej pogody jak my mieliśmy, należy życzyć każdemu kto jedzie na wakacje. Słowem raj na ziemi.
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(10 September 2006)
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Polish (original)