Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
: biggrin: Stay at Igrane lokum 310 We have just opened the holiday this year since 28.08 and it is extremely fast because this is 08.09. description started from the trip - for girls there were tochwile for the rain and wind - cold and in the suit only the costumes: lol: as far as we approached Makarska as if hand to remove the sun from the dog in the car fell on the muzzle. Accommodation - exactly the same as in the pictures and in the description - without the cake, the host is a unique "unit" very nice as all the rest of the "natives: wink: The weather was very cool from the beginning at 5:30 am as we were leaving 24 degrees, in the evening only kompielowki If the shirt is just to burn the body in front of the sun, we recommend the office and quaterre 310 and all Igrane (quiet and close to everywhere (Makarska, Brela, Dubrovnik)
Pobyt w Igrane lokum 310
Wakacje rozoczelismy w tym roku pozno bo od 28.08 i szalenie szybko minela ta chwila bo juz 08.09 .
opis rozpoczne od podrozy - dla dziewczyn byly tochwile zwatpienia bo na okolo deszcz i wiatr - zimno a w walizach same kostiumy:lol:
w miare jak zblizalismy sie do Makarskiej jakby reka odjac slonce ze az pies w samochodzie padal na pysk.
Kwatera - dokladnie taka sama jak na zdjeciach i w opisie - bez sciemy, gospodarz to wyjatkowa "jednostka" bardzo mila jak cala reszta "tubylcow
Pogoda super ood poczatku do konca o 5;30 rano jak wyjezdzalismy bylo 24 stopnie, wieczorem tylko kompielowki jesli koszulka to tylko po to by spalone cialo przed sloncem okryc
polecamy i biuro i kwatere 310 i cale Igrane (spokoj i blisko wszedzie(Makarska, Brela, Dubrovnik)
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(9 September 2006)
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Polish (original)
I was satisfied with the services of your travel agency and the accommodation. I appreciate the fact that the photos of the object and of the interior equipment totally coincided with the fact that it is not quite obvious in other ck.Určite your services still use.
So službami Vašej cestovnej kancelárie a ubytovaním som bol spokojný.Cením si fakt,že
fotografie objektu aj vnútorného vybavenia sa úplne zhodovali so skutočnosťou,čo nie je úplnou samozrejmosťou u iných ck.Určite Vaše služby ešte využijem.
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(8 September 2006)
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Slovak (original)
Croatia is an ideal place for a holiday, good weather, warm sea and beautiful scenery. I spent 7 days in the village of Duce near Omnis, in apartment 944. Conditions such as in the offer and on the pictures (the proximity of the beach is particularly attractive - 20 m), hosts a delight they served help and offered homemade wine: tongue: Collaboration with the office efficient and impeccable. We will also come next year: kiss:
Chorwacja jest idealnym miejscem na wakacje,dobra pogoda, ciepłe morze i piękne krajobrazy.Spędziłam 7 dni w miejscowości Duce koło Omnis, w apartamencie 944.Warunki takie jak w ofercie i na zdjeciach(szczególnie atrakcyjna jest bliskość plaży-20 m), gospodarze przemili służyli pomoca i częstowali winem domowej roboty:tongue: Współpraca z biurem sprawna i bez zarzutu. Za rok także przyjedziemy!:kiss:
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(5 September 2006)
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Polish (original)
Great site and great service! The reservation went smoothly. Even with visa issues (for my girlfriend from Ukraine) travel agency helped us a lot (thanks to Ms. Valerijev: smile:). The offer corresponded to the description and our wishes. I can only recommend this site.
Tolle Seite und prima Service! Die Reservierung verlief problemlos. Auch bei Visumfragen (für meine Freundin aus der Ukraine) hat Reisebüro uns sehr geholfen (vielen Dank an Frau Valerijev:smile:). Das Angebot entsprach der Beschreibung und unseren Wünschen. Ich kann diese Seite nur weiterempfehlen.
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(4 September 2006)
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German (original)
The service offered by the agency was excellent, directions, information and other perfect. The owners of the apartment were delicious and hospitable, in short, everything perfect and congratulations !! Next year
Il servizio offerto dall'agenzia e' stato ottimo , indicazioni , informazioni e altro perfetti . I proprietari dell'appartamento sono stati deliziosi ed ospitali , insomma tutto perfetto e complimenti !!!! All'anno prossimo
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(3 September 2006)
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Italian (original)
Accommodation 2018 I can recommend. The place is perfect for rest in the evening, gradual sandy access to the water is ideal even for really small children or pensioners. The whims will be thrilled by the warmth of the extravaganza. I was a bit afraid of the ferry, but it is really constant and the check-in is fast. They just charged us everywhere in kunas, and they wanted a different amount of 3E in euros. It will froze ... There is little kettle in the apartment. Communicate with travel without problems! Thanks!
Ubytování 2018 mohu směle doporučit. V místě je večer naprostý klid pro odpočinek, pozvolný písčitý přístup do vody je ideální i pro opravdu malé dětičky či důchodce.
Mrňousci budou z prohřáté mělčinky opravdu nadšeni. Měla jsem trochu obavu z trajektu, ale jezdí skutečně nepřetržitě a odbavení je rychlé. Jen nám pokaždé účtovali v kunách, a v eurech pak po nás chtěli rozdílnou částku o 3E. To tedy zamrzí...
Ve vybavení apartmánu trochu chybí varná konvice. Komunikace s cestovkou bez problémů! Díky!
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(2 September 2006)
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Czech (original)
office ok. I recommend it! accommodation as described and even better. it was wonderful just like on the entire Croatian coast. I appreciate it and thanks: biggrin:
biuro ok. polecam! kwatera zgodnie z opisem a nawet lepiej . było cudnie tak jak i na całym chorwackim wybrzeżu .pozdrawiam i dzieki:biggrin:
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(2 September 2006)
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Polish (original)
I recommend office and accommodation! I used Adriatic services for the first time, but everything was ok.:
polecam biuro i kwaterę! pierwszy raz korzystałam z usług Adriatic , ale wszystko było ok.:smile:
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(2 September 2006)
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Polish (original)
A big thank you to the agency in particular to dr. Ivica Martinovic very kind and helpful. Beautiful holidays in Selce, owners of the accommodation very courteous and kinds.:happy:
Un grosso ringraziamento all'agenzia in particolare al dott. Ivica Martinovic molto gentile e disponibile. Belle vacanze in Selce, proprietari dell'alloggio molto cortesi e gentili.:happy:
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(1 September 2006)
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Italian (original)
I'm happy with the services of your travel agency. Searching the Internet is simple, the bids are listed in a clear manner. Transferring delivery to a foreign bank is a bit expensive in Slovakia, I suggest you consider setting up your travel agent account in a Slovak bank or a bank. in a foreign bank operating in Slovakia. Thank you also Ms. Pidikova for fast handling and handling of my requirements.
So službami Vašej cestovnej kancelárie som spokojný. Vyhľadanie na internete je jednoduché, ponuky sú zaradené prehľadne. Prevod predavku do zahraničnej banky je na Slovensku trochu drahý, doporučujem uvažovať o založení účtu Vašej cestovnej kancelárie v nejakej slovenskej banke príp. v nejakej zahraničnej banke , ktorá pôsobí na Slovensku.
Ďakujem tiež Ms. Pidikovej za
rýchle jednanie a vybavovanie mojich požiadaviek.
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(1 September 2006)
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Slovak (original)