Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
It is for Mr Roman Waligorski, who is in, and is not surprised to find Ciro and Anna Odrljin, a beautiful and already salon (A 980), a professional and professional tourist operator.
Koszonet Mr Roman Waligorski-nak, koszonet az,es nem utolso sorban koszonet Ciro es Anna Odrljin-nek a szep es jo szalasert(A 980), kornyezetert es profesionalis turista kezelesert.
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(4 September 2007)
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we were very satisfied with the services of, everything is running right from the beginning to the end of the day. The salon owners have behaved wonderfully with us, rare people, and they give their work to the best of ours.I am talking about the 980 salon, Seget Vranjica, the most beautiful terrace in Zambia. I'm going to do this for 5 people. We'll be surprised.
nagyon megvoltunk elegedve az szolgaltatasaival, minden rendben lezajlot a kezdetektol a vegeig.A szalastulajdonosok csodalatosan viselkedtek velunk, ritka emberek, telyes odaadassal csinaljak a munkajukat.A A 980-as szalashelyrol beszelek, Seget Vranjica-n, a legszupereb terasz a zonaban.Ajanlom akarkinek ezt az 5 szemelyre szolo szalashelyet.Csak jo meglepetesben lesz resszuk.
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(4 September 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
Hello, I first have to thank Mrs Katarina Homol for her kind and professional approach to your travel agency's clients. While we were picking the holiday at the last minute, everything was yours at your side. The building where we were staying was very nice, probably new. We were surprised by the proximity of the busy road, which was not visible in the photogallery, but it completely compensated for the sea view. There was also a small balcony, which was not included in the offer. The lady home very pleasant, clean and nicely arranged around the object. The disadvantage was relatively small equipment, there were no stowage areas, lockers, hangers, but we were overlooked because of the fact that the object was newly refurbished. The mountains and the beautiful nature have overlooked all the shortcomings. Thank you, and next year we will be glad to help you again. Alois Schovanec with his family
Dobrý den,nejdříve musím velmi poděkovat paní Kataríně Homolové za její laskavý a profesionální přístup ke klientům vaší cestovní kanceláře.I když jsme dovolenou vybírali na poslední chvíli,vše bylo z vaší strany na jedničku. Objekt ,kde jsme byli ubytováni byl velmi pěkný,zřejmě nově dokončen. Dost nás zaskočila blízkost frekventované silnice,což ve fotogalerii nebylo vidět,ale plně to vynahradil pohled na moře.Plusem byl i malý balkon,který taky nebyl v nabídce uveden. Paní domácí velmi příjemná,čisto a pěkně upravené celé okolí objektu. Nevýhodou byla poměrně malá vybavenost,chyběly odkládací plochy,skříňky,věšáky,což jsme ale vzhledem k tomu,že objekt byl nově dostavěn přehlédli.Moře a krásná příroda všechny nedostatky zastínili. Děkujeme a příští rok se na vás s radostí opět obrátíme o pomoc. Alois Schovanec s rodinou
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(3 September 2007)
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Czech (original)
On the Adriatic side, everything is fine. Good contact, fast response. Apartment in a good standard, consistent with the description. A small complaint is the relatively poor kitchen equipment in the dishes (bowls, strainers, knives, etc.) We have been traveling for 5 years to Croatia and it was the most modest here. It made it a bit difficult to prepare meals. Besides OK.
Ze strony Adriatic wszystko w porządku. Dobry kontakt, szybka reakcja. Apartament w dobrym standardzie, zgodny z opisem. Drobny zarzut to stosunkowo ubogie wyposażenie kuchni w zastawę (miski, sitka, noże itp.) Jeździmy od 5 lat do Chorwacji i tu było najskromniej. Troszkę utrudniało to przygotowywanie posiłków. Poza tym OK.
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(3 September 2007)
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A wonderful extension of the summer in a pleasant environment, close to the sea, with friendly home.
Nádherné predĺženie leta v príjemnom prostredí, blízko mora, s vľúdnymi domácimi.
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(3 September 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Thanks for making a holiday, everything was ok and we were satisfied with the accommodation as well as the beautiful nature and beaches. Makovská: smile:
Děkuji za zajištění dovolené, všechno bylo v pořádku a byli jsme spokojeni jak s ubytováním tak s krásnou přírodou i s plážemi. Makovská :smile:
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(3 September 2007)
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Czech (original)
All praises the travel agency for both the website and the correct and professional attitude. The website is extremely transparent, the search engines are quick and the information is rich and at least in our case accurate and accurate. Also, with regard to booking, paying and responding to additional questions, I have to say that there were no problems. I also have to praise our hosts (facility 809) in Tisno on Murter. The apartment is clean, well equipped, we did not miss the climate, although we were in the worst heat. The hosts are friendly, the village is peaceful and the choice of beaches is varied. Shadow is not a problem. We recommend the Vidic family
Vse pohvale turistični agenciji tako za spletno stran, kot tudi za korekten in profesionalen odnos. Spletna stran je izredno pregledna, iskalniki so hitri, informacije pa bogate in vsaj v našem primeru tudi natančne in točne. Tudi glede rezervacije, plačila in odziva na dodatna vprašanja, moram reči, da ni bilo nobenih problemov.
Prav tako pa moram pohvaliti tudi naše gostitelje (objekt 809) v kraju Tisno na Murterju. Apartma je čist, dobro opremljen, klime nismo pogrešali, čeprav smo bili v času najhujše vročine.
Gostitelji so prijazni, naselje je mirno, izbor plaž pa raznovrsten. Senca ni problem.
družina Vidic
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(3 September 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
All very correct, even broke the television and the next day the owners had bought another. The house we rented was as it was reflected on the website, and we spent a very good vacation. The management carried out by adriatic has been very correct at all times, and they have been very quick when answering the emails with the queries we have made. Suzanne
Todo muy correcto, incluso se rompio la televisión y al día siguiente los propietarios habian comprado otra. La casa que alquilamos era tal y como estaba reflejado en la pagina web, y hemos pasado unos días muy buenos de vacaciones. La gestion efectuada por adriatic ha sido en todo momento muy correcta, y han sido muy rapidos a la hora de contestar los correos electronicos con las consultas que hemos realizado. Susana
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(3 September 2007)
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Spanish (original)
: smile: we liked the holiday very much, the owners of the property were nice, cordial, friendly and loving people. Everything we needed was available. The beach was not 200 or 300m from the house, because 200 or 300m from the building was a harbor, but the way to the beach was a nice walk along the picturesque coast, so it did not matter. The beach was good, even with a shower and cleanly kept toilet, the possibility of being in the sun or in the shade of olive trees or parasols was also one of the big plus. Also Marina is a nice town and is where to go for an evening walk, certainly there is to see, not only nice houses and restaurants fitting into the environment, but also a piece of interesting nature. I would definitely recommend this holiday.
dovolenka sa nám veľmi páčila, majitelia objektu boli milí, srdeční, priateľskí a láskaví ľudia. Všetko, čo sme potrebovali, bolo k dispozícii. Pláž síce nebola 200 ani 300m od objektu, lebo tých 200 či 300m od objektu bol prístav, ale aj tak cesta na pláž bola pekná prechádzka malebným pobrežím, takže to vôbec nevadilo. Pláž bola dobrá, dokonca so sprchou a čisto udržovanými WC, možnosť byť na slnku alebo v tieni olivovníkov či slnečníkov bola tiež jeden z veľkých plusov. Tiež Marina je pekné mestečko a je kam ísť aj na večernú prechádzku, určite je tam čo vidieť, a to nielen pekné domčeky a reštaurácie zapadajúce do prostredia, ale aj kus zaujímavej prírody. Určite by som takú dovolenku odporučila.
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(3 September 2007)
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Hello, I would like to thank very much for the very nice and pleasant holiday in Primosten that your company has provided us with. Everything was fine and we were very happy with the services in the camp, especially with our home guests, who prepared great accommodation for us. I have a request, we left a towel in our luggage in our luggage and we would like to apologize very much to Mrs. Gacina. Please make this message. Thank you and we will look forward to seeing you next time in Croatia. Hello and I wish you a lot of success in your work. Wenig
Dobrý den, rád bych velmi poděkoval za velmi hezkou a příjemnou dovolenou v Primoštenu, kterou nám vaše společnost zajistila. Vše bylo v pořádku a byli jsme velice spokojeni jak se službami v campu, tak i a to hlavně s našimi domácími, kteří nám připravili báječné ubytování. Mám ještě prosbu, při odjezdu jsme omylem do našich zavazadel přibali také jeden ručník z apartmánu a chtěli bychom se tímto paní Gačině velmi omluvit. Prosím vyřiďte tento vzkaz. Děkujeme a budeme se těšit zase někdy příště s vámi v Chorvatsku. Zdravím a přeji hodně úspěchů ve vaší práci. Wenig
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(3 September 2007)
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