Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
In CATALONIA: Very good service, just after asking for an email if the owner knows that I will arrive later on, they answer me in the affirmative by telephone and in addition a Spanish-speaker. Thanks from Barcelona In English: a very good service, immediately after asking by the internet if the owner knows I'm arriving very late at night they have phoned me answering positively and in Spanish (Spanish) by a Spanish-speaking lady. Thanks a lot from Barcelona.
En CATALÂ: Molt bon servei, just després de preguntar per e-mail si el propietari sap que arribaré molt tard em responen afirmativament per telèfon i ademés una castellanoparlant. Gràcies des de Barcelona
In ENGLISH: a very good service, immediatly after asking by the internet if the owner knows I'm arriving very late at night they have phoned me answering positivetly and in Castilian (Spanish) by an Spanish-speaking lady. Thanks a lot from Barcelona.
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(14 August 2008)
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Spanish (original)
The office is a quick and understandable was the accommodation was like a point in the description and pictures. The house on our arrival at once with cold drinks and fruit were offered, which in the heat very well esett.Mindvégig very polite and helpful voltak.A 2600 - as accommodation was what they can recommend who do not have luxury needs a vacation alatt.Az office and everyone who Internet book you want to quickly and reliably.
Az iroda szolgáltatása gyors és érthető volt, a szálláshely pedig pont olyan volt mint a leírásban és a képeken. A háziak a megérkezésünkkor rögtön hideg itallal és gyümölccsel kínáltak, ami a nagy melegben igen jól esett.Mindvégig nagyon udvariasak és segítőkészek voltak.A 2600- as szálláshelyen voltunk, amit azoknak tudok ajánlani akiknek nincsenek luxus igényei a nyaralás alatt.Az irodát pedig mindenkinek aki Interneten akar gyorsan és megbízhatóan szállást foglalni.
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(14 August 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
Very well presented and fast. Effective in sending e-mail and payment system. In observations I wrote that I would arrive after 11 at night, I hope the owner of the apartment knows.
Muy bien presentado y rápido. Eficaces en enviar e-mail y sistema de pago.
En observaciones escribí que llegaria después de las 11 de la noche, espero que el propietario del apartamento lo sepa.
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(14 August 2008)
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Spanish (original)
Thanks to Miss Laura Luncan for promptness.
Multumesc domnisoarei Laura Luncan pentru promptitudine.
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(14 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Hello, we loved Baska Voda very much, the weather fortunately for us a few days. We also enjoyed our accommodation, we were basically happy, we just wanted to point out that I do not know if your travel agency knows that it is paying 5 € / day for the use of climate, from which I was quite surprised and we had problems with warm water. We came from the beach and we were showering in the cold water, which was not very pleasant. Thank you for the services, we will certainly use your services. Sincerely, Bc. Martina Sedláková
Dobrý deň,
v Baška Voda sa nám veľmi páčilo, počasie nám našťastie až na pár dní vyšlo. Ubytovanie sa nám tiež páčilo, v podstate sme boli spokojní, len by sme chceli upozorniť na to, neviem či Vaša cestovná kancelária o tom vie, že za použitie klímy sa dopláca 5€/deň, z toho som bola dosť prekvapená a mali sme problémy s teplou vodou. Prišli sme z pláže a sprchovali sme sa v studenej vode, čo nebolo veľmi príjemné.
Ďakujeme za služby, určite ešte využijeme vaše služby.
S pozdravom
Bc. Martina Sedláková
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(14 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
A very good impression, especially regarding the site, very promptly, precisely, provide all necessary information, and then Mrs. Laura, thanks for the kindness with which he proved every time. Personally, I congratulate you for what you do
O impresie foarte buna mai ales in ceea ce priveste site-ul, foarte prompt, exact , ofera toate informatiile necesare, apoi si pentru doamna Laura, cu multumiri pentru amabilitatea de care a dat dovada de fiecare data. Personal , va felicit pentru ceea ce faceti
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(14 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Hello, the apartment was the same as it was promised, it was just not clear (it was not very nice) (the cobwebs in the kitchen and in the rooms), we were disturbed by the fact that there was no gas, we could cook only two electric cookers, but there was another but the slightest of which was not mentioned, however, would interest us: The entrance to the apartment was common, so that during our absence anyone could walk around the apartment (I felt a little unsecured). In principle, the holidays were nice, and the second year we will serve your agency when choosing a shift. Best regards, Polona Garbas
apartma je bil tak kot je bil obljubljen, samo počiščen ni bil pretirano lepo (pajčevine po kuhinji in v sobah), motilo nas je še to da ni bilo plina, kuhali smo lahko le na dveh električnih kuhalnikih, bila pa je še ena malenkost katera ni bila omenjena pa bi nas vseeno zanimala: Vhod v apartma je bil skupen, tako da bi lahko v času naše odsotnosti kdorkoli hodil po apartmaju (počutila sem se malo nezavarovano). Načeloma pa so bile počitnice lepe, tudi drugo leto se bomo poslužili vaše agencije pri izbiri pošitnic. Lep pozdrav Polona Garbas
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(13 August 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
your agency seemed to me very serious and very professionale.sono satisfied with your work.
la vostra agenzia mi è sembrata molto seria e professionale.sono molto soddisfatto del vostro lavoro svolto.
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(13 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
I used it in 2-12.8. Apartment A-1051d and we were extremely satisfied. For families with children ideal destination, excellent owner, accommodation high quality, apartment OK, I can recommend.
Využil som v čase 2-12.8. apartmán A-1051d a boli sme nadmieru spokojní. Pre rodinu s detmi ideálna destinácia, výborný majiteľ, ubytovanie veľmi kvalitné, vybavenie apartmánu OK, môžem odporúčať.
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(13 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
ladies and gentlemen I think their HP.suuuuper great !!!! lbg.uli from vienna
sehr geehrte damen u
ich finde ihre HP.suuuuper toll!!!!
lbg.uli aus wien
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(13 August 2008)
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German (original)