Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Do I have to congratulate the agency for your willingness shown to me and the speed with which I have done have all the necessary information and documentation included. Sincerely Santina Strains
Devo fare le mie congratulazioni alla Vs. agenzia per la disponibilità dimostratami e per la rapidità con la quale mi avete fatto avere tutte le informazioni e la docmentazione necessaria.
Cordiali saluti Santina Ceppi
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(13 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
Through the two offices went about accommodation in the competition you were much better, because of your tender benefited. In contact with you feels zawodostwo.Gratuluję Ms. Monika! Your next-acquired customer firmie.JM: smile:: smile:
Poprzez dwa biura załatwiałem kwaterę,w konkurencji byliście o wiele lepsi, dlatego z Waszej oferty skorzystałem. W kontakcie z Wami czuje się zawodostwo.Gratuluję Pani Moniko!-pozyskała Pani następnego klienta firmie.JM:smile::smile:
You've rated us:
(12 August 2008)
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Polish (original)
I was pleasantly surprised by the rapid processing of our holidays over the internet as well as smooth communication in Polish, so the year znova.Váš guest.
Som príjemne prekvapený za rýchle vybavenie našej dovolenky cez internet ako aj bezproblémovej komunikácie v slovenčine,takže o rok znova.Váš hosť.
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(12 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
I am very satisfied with the services and I hope that this will remain so
zatím jsem se službami velmi spokojen a doufám ,že to i dále tak zůstane
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(12 August 2008)
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Czech (original)
Thanks for the promptness with which Mrs. Laura answered any problema.Speram always nice to have a holiday in Croatia to return with impressions anyway! Website As we only words of praise, rarely encounter such a page to give you all necessary information lowest detaliu.FELICITARI!
Multumesc doamnei Laura pentru promtitudinei cu care mi-a raspuns mereu la orice problema.Speram sa avem un concediu placut in Croatia oricum o sa revenim cu impresii!!!Cat despre pagina de web nu am decat cuvinte de lauda,rar intalnesti asa o pagina care sa-ti ofere toate informatiile necesare in cel mai mic detaliu.FELICITARI!!!
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(12 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
The members of were quick, flexible and the administration was accurate and detailed. I recommend to everyone.
Az munkatársai gyorsak, rugalmasak voltak, az adminisztáció is pontos és részletes volt. Ajánlom mindenkinek.
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(12 August 2008)
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Hungarian (original)
Professional fast and secure service, you can use the services in buducnosti.:wink:
Profesionalny rychly a bezproblemovy servis, urcite vyuzijem sluzby aj v buducnosti.:wink:
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(12 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
The July holidays in Sali-island Long Island A-895, and was úžasná.Tak super holiday we have a great nemali.Začalo CK Adriatic and ended up parting with the owner (and her family). They are super. On this holiday nezabudneme.Ak nothing happens, so one year we späť.Mira: wink:
Júlová dovolenka v Sali-ostrov Dugi Otok A-895-a bola úžasná.Tak super dovolenku sme ešte nemali.Začalo to skvelou CK Adriatic a skončilo to až po rozlúčke s majiteľkou(a s jej rodinou).Sú super. Na túto dovolenku nezabudneme.Ak sa nič nestane, tak o rok sme späť.Mira:wink:
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(12 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
: Smile: Thank you for your. availability '. you have been very kind. Have a good August.
:smile:grazie per la vs. disponibilita'.siete stati molto gentili. Vi auguriamo buon ferragosto.
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(12 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
high professionalism and speed up settlement provides high-class office. Thank you and remain your regular customer
wysoki profesjonalizm i szybkość załatwienia rezerwacji świadczy o wysokiej klasie biura. Dziękuję i pozostanę Waszym stałym klientem
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(11 August 2008)
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Polish (original)