Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Kossuth Norbert
On Rab Island there was our lodging in Barbat, the description and photographs showed the actual condition was nothing to worry about. Thanks to Edit Csibrik again next year, I can recommend it to others. Thank you, Norbert Kossuth
Rab-szigeten Barbat településen volt a szállásunk, a leírás és a fényképek a tényleges állapotot mutatták semmivel nem volt gond. Köszönet Csibrik Editnek jövőre ismét találkozunk, másnak is csak ajánlani tudom. Köszönettel: Kossuth Norbert
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(22 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Pierpaolo Lino
Serious and helpful agency, he always gave me all the useful information so that when we arrived in Croatia everything would be perfect, VOTE A +++
Agenzia seria e disponibile, mi ha sempre fornito tutte le informazioni utili affinchè al nostro arrivo in croazia sarebbe stato tutto perfetto, VOTO A+++
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(22 July 2011)
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Italian (original)
Leszek Kucharuk
Dates and waiting rooms for us in line with our expectations. Unfortunately, the accommodation is not always equipped with what should be (kitchen accessories). A small matter, and cumbersome ...
Terminy i czekające na nas kwatery zgodne z naszym oczekiwaniem. Niestety w kwaterach nie zawsze jest w wyposażeniu to, co powinno być (akcesoria kuchenne). Drobna sprawa, a uciążliwa...
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(21 July 2011)
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Polish (original)
Zsolt Csorba
Quick, accurate and helpful administration. we are very pleased. Thank you very much for Melinda Parcina and our host for Petar Gudic.
Gyors pontos és segítőkész ügyintézés. nagyon meg vagyunk elégedve.Külön köszönet Melinda Parcinanak és a vendéglátónknak Petar Gudic-nak.
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(21 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Brunella Crepaldi
Comfortable apartment equipped with everything necessary. The truthful description. Owners available.
Appartamento confortevole e dotato di tutto il necessario. La descrizione veritiera. Proprietari disponibili.
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(21 July 2011)
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Czech Republic
Vladan Polák
Very flexible and on-line negotiation holiday, nicely sophisticated internet search services and travel agencies. Certainly a step in the right direction today. Perfect and quick communication in English with the Croatian travel agencies. A good project idea and thus lead and run a travel agency.
Velmi pružné a on-line sjednání dovolené, hezky propracované internetové vyhledávání i služby cestovky. Určitě krok správným směrem v dnešní době. Perfektní a pohotová komunikace v češtině s touto chorvatskou cestovní kanceláří. Dobrý projekt a nápad takto vést a provozovat cestovku.
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(20 July 2011)
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Czech (original)
I booked accommodation for the second time on the website, and now everything was fine. Excellent service.
Másodjára foglaltam szállást a honlapon keresztül, most is minden rendben volt. Kiváló szolgáltatás.
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(20 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Kovács Péter
Mandre booked a room for 6 people in an apartment house. The owner was a very kind and helpful lady, everything was at our disposal. The accommodation was also good for the promised, we had nothing to worry about. Thank you CSIBRIK EDIT for help and telephone connection, next time I will also use their services and I will recommend them as friends. Thank you Péter Kovács
Mandre-be foglaltunk szállást 6 főre apartman házban.A tulajdonos nagyon kedves segítőkész hölgy volt,mindenben a rendelkezésünkre állt.A szállás is az ígérteknek megfelelő volt,semmivel nem volt gondunk.Külön köszönet CSIBRIK EDIT-nek a segítésékért és a telefonos kapcsolatért,legközelebb is igénybe fogom venni a szolgáltatásukat és ismerőseimnek is őket fogom ajánlani.Köszönettel Kovács Péter
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(20 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Petar Rušnjak
Dear, regarding the website, the way and the search capabilities, I am extremely pleased. By calling and direct phone contact and the information presented, I'm almost completely satisfied with very little objection and deception, but no one is perfect. The last thing to mention and what I am not happy with is the administrative part where there are certain time differences or deviations in the received information via email and / or telephone query when searching vouchers and / or R1 accounts. But with the state of affairs and the settings we are surrounded in its administrative part, you are more than good. Thanks for understanding and a pleasant day! Petar Rušnjak, Zagreb 20.07.2011.
vezano uz web stranice, način i mogućnosti pretraživanja, izuzetno sam zadovoljan. Pozivom i izravnim telefonskim kontaktom te prezentiranim informacijama, sam gotovo potpuno zadovoljan,uz vrlo male zamjerke i odmake, no nitko nije savršen. Zadnje što spominjem i čime baš nisam zadovoljan je administrativni dio, gdje pri traženju vouchera i/ili R1 računa postoje određena vremenska odstupanja ili odstupanja u dobivenim informacijama mailom i/ili telefonskim upitom. No uz stanje u državi i postavke kojima smo okruženu u njenom administrativnom dijelu, vi ste i više nego dobri.
Hvala na razumijevanju i ugodan dan!
Petar Rušnjak, Zagreb 20.07.2011.
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(20 July 2011)
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Croatian (original)
Nagy Mélykuti Luca
Our Murter hotels are reserved for 4 persons (2 adults, 2 children) at The clerks were kind and willing. We found the following about the accommodation: the housekeepers were there and even welcomed guests as they wrote on the datasheet that only our family would be in the house. They were very nice, but we expected that we were just gonna be.
A murteri szállásunkkat 4 főre (2 felnőtt, 2 gyerek foglaltam) azél. Az ügyintézők kedvesek, készségesek voltak. A szállással kapcsolatban a következőket tapasztaltuk: a háziak ott voltak végig, sőt vendégeket is fogadtak ahhoz képest, hogy azt írták az adatlapon, hogy csak a mi családunk lesz a házban. Nagyon kedvesek voltak, de mi arra számítottunk, hogy csak mi leszünk.
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(20 July 2011)
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