Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Denis Belletti
great service, practical and fast, very good descriptions of housing very truthful
ottimo servizio,pratico e veloce,ottime le descrizioni degli alloggi molto veritiere
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(19 July 2011)
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Italian (original)
Sebastjan Skoncnik
I am very pleased with your agency! Reviewed pages, speed, friendliness!
Z vašo agencijo sem zelo zadovoljen!Pregledne strani, hitrost, prijaznost!
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(19 July 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Игорь Данилюк
We thank Adriaik Khr and personally Yaroslav Sadovoy for his good work. The site is simple and affordable. Everything that was presented corresponded to reality. With pleasure we will use the services of the agency again.
Благодарим Адриаик Хр и лично Ярослава Садового за хорошую работу. Сайт простой и доступный. Всё, что было представленно, соответствовало действительности. С удовольствием воспользуесмся услугами агенства ещё раз.
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(19 July 2011)
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Russian (original)
Catalina Vintila
An exceptional agency by employees and I want to thank Mrs Laura Luncan on this path, a site rich in offers, easy to use with many details, etc. To take as an example for Romanian tourism .... Croatia a dream country
O agentie de exceptie prin angajati si vreau sa multumesc d-nei Laura Luncan pe aceasta cale, un site bogat in oferte, usor de utilizat cu multe detalii etc.
De luat ca exemplu pentru turismul romanesc....
Croatia o tara de vis
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(19 July 2011)
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Romanian (original)
Dr.Boros Hilda
Punat spent with my husband for the past week. The accommodation was booked through the travel book. Everything went smoothly, but we were somewhat surprised at the site: the apartment, which was a very nice place, was our studio occupied by a useless part of a useless door. There was, of course, a cushioned door, where the neighboring noises were heard. It would have been nice if this was discovered during the booking, we probably would not have chosen this.
Punaton töltöttem férjemmel az elmúlt egy hetet.A szállást az utazási iródán keresztül foglaltuk.Minden símán ment,de kissé meglepődtünk a helyszínen: az amúgy nagyon szép fekvésű apartman ,általunk foglalt studiója egy használaton kívülii ajtón kapcsolódott a háziak által használt résszel.Természetesen egy párnázott ajtó volt,amin keresztül viszont jól hallhatóak voltak a szomszédos zajok.Jó lett volna,ha ez kiderül a foglalás során már,valószínű ,hogy nem ezt választottuk volna.
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(19 July 2011)
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Czech Republic
Dagmar Jindrová
With CK Adriatic We cetovali this year for the third time and once again we were very satisfied. What we have chosen correspond exactly to reality. I like fast communication and willingness to answer every question. Thank you!
S CK Adriatic jsme cetovali letos už po třetí a opět jsme byli velmi spokojeni. To, co jsme si vybrali odpovídalo přesně skutečnosti. Líbí se mi rychlá komunikace a vstřícnost odpovědět na každý dotaz. Děkuji!
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(19 July 2011)
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Czech (original)
Hrebenku Gábor
I am completely satisfied with it, helped me greatly in choosing accommodation and booking and administration is simple. Customer Service colleagues are tender, helpful, patient. Thank You,
Teljesen meg vagyok vele elégedve, sokat segített a szállás kiválasztásában, és a foglalás és ügyintézés is egyszerű. Az ügyfélszolgálatos kollégák előzékenyek, segítőkészek, türelmesek.
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(19 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Agnieszka Otręba
Thank you for organizing the holiday, we returned happy. Thank you for nice and professional service !!!
Dziękujemy za zorganizowanie urlopu, wróciliśmy zadowoleni. Dziękujemy za miłą i profesjonalną obsługę!!!
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(19 July 2011)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
M. Tvrdík
Impeccable service, great communication! I felt like a respected customer. I'd like to take advantage of this office's services again.
Bezvadné služby, skvělá komunikace! Cítil jsem se jako vážený zákazník. Rád využiji znovu služeb této kanceláře.
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(19 July 2011)
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Czech (original)
Törő József
The office's attitude is excellent, in Omis "a-2737" apartment is perfect, although it is very steep on its street.
Az iroda hozzáállása kitűnő ,Omisban "a-2737"apartman tökéletes,bár nagyon meredek az utcája.
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(19 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)