Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
A special thanks to Mrs Vanja Pivcevic for her availability and patience
Un grazie particolare alla sig.ra Vanja Pivcevic per la sua disponibilità e pazienza
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(28 June 2007)
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Italian (original)
just a few impressions: we were browsing the internet and we were surprised by the speed or response, especially Mrs. Homol. All of our queries corresponded almost to our satisfaction. "I think they should somehow look like service. Adriatic did not make the slightest mistake by that time. I wish you were doing well.
jenom pár dojmů : obkedmali jsme přes internet a mile nás překvapila rychlost popř.reakce zvláště paní Homolové. Na všechny naše dotazy odpovídala takřka obratem k naší spokojenosti.¨myslím, že asi takhle nějak mají vypadat služby. Adriatic do této doby neudělal nejmenší chybu. Přeji ať se vám daří.
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(27 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
Websites are at a very good level. Thanks for fast and seamless fulfillment of our requirements.
Internetové stránky jsou na velmi dobré úrovni. Děkujeme za rychlé a bezproblémové vyřízení našich požadavků.
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(27 June 2007)
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Czech (original)
I have been very happy with you to communicate with you on the Internet, and maybe it will stay on vacation.
Zatial som s Vami velmi spokojny s komunikaciou cez internet a snad to tak aj ostane po prichode z dovolenky.
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(27 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I am very satisfied with communicating with you on the Internet, and I thank you for your understanding of the payment of the payment. M.Chamko
S komunikáciou s Vami cez internet som vyslovene spokojný a ďakujem Vám za pochopenie pri platbe akontácie. M.Chamko
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(27 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I will use the services of your travel agency this year for the first time, but I've been following you on the Internet for years. So far, I have not found the courage to order a holiday on an "anonymous internet offer". This is mainly due to the fact that today you can never be sure who is hidden behind the site. On your site I appreciate the possibility to verify the exact location and the accommodation that the client orders. But I also very gratefully thank Ing.Homolova for its immediate response to all my mails, questions. Thank you again. I hope it will go on as smoothly as ever. A lot of success in your work is by Eva
Služby Vašej cestovnej kancelárie využijem v tomto roku prvý krát, ale Vašu ponuku na internete sledujem už niekoľko rokov. Doteraz som totiž nenašla odvahu objednať si dovolenku na základe "anonymnej internetovej ponuky". Je to spôsobené predovšetkým tým že dnes si nemôžete byť nikdy istí,kto je za stránkou skrytý. Na Vašich stránkach oceňujem hlavne možnosť overiť si presnú lokalitu aj ubytovanie ktoré si klient objednáva.Chcem však aj veľmi pekne poďakova Ing.Homolovej za jej okamžitú reakciu na všetky moje maily,otázky. Ešte raz vďaka. Dúfam, že aj ďalej pôjde vetko tak hladko ako doteraz. Veľa úspechov vo Vašej práci praje Eva
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(27 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
First of all, I would like to boast of your website, in particular the presentations of facilities and holidays themselves. Special thanks are Miss Maya Matusinović (I hope I did not write it wrong). Extremely friendly, up-to-date - in short, miss, who knows how to serve things for a good business:) I hope that the holidays will be great and justify your reputation. Thanks in advance to everyone for the effort you have invested in finding my vacation location. I wish a lot of success to the whole agency, Miss Maya once again thank you very much and a lot of personal happiness. Greetings to everyone from Slovenia. Monika
Najprej bi želela pohvaliti vašo spletno stran, predvsem predstavitve objektov in počitnic samih. Posebna pohvala pa gre gospodični Maji Matusinović (upam, da nisem narobe napisala). Izredno prijazna, ažurna - skratka- gospodična, ki ve, kako se streže stvarem, za dober biznis:) Upam, da bodo počitnice super in da upravičijo vaš renome. Hvala že vnaprej vsem skupaj za trud, katerega ste vložili v iskanje lokacije mojega dopustovanja. Veliko uspeha želim celi agenciji, gospodični Maji pa še enkrat najlepša hvala in veliko osebne sreče.
Lep pozdrav vsem iz Slovenije.
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(27 June 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
Great suport. Everything works at the highest level, both technical and personal communication. I'm pleasantly surprised. I want such surprises even on vacation. Thank you very much and just so: lol:
Odličen suport. Vse deluje na najvišji ravni, tako tehnična, kot osebna komunikacija. Sem prijetno presenečen. Želim si taka presenečenja tudi na letovanju. Hvala lepa in le tako naprej:lol:
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(27 June 2007)
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Slovenian (original)
Due to the fact that until now I have not encountered any problem when ordering an object, paying, informing, etc. I appreciate your Internet services as excellent. I hope it will remain so after the holiday.
Vzhladom k tomu, ze doteraz som sa nestretol so ziadnym problemom pri objednavani objektu, platbe, informovani a pod. hodnotim Vase internetove sluzby ako vyborne. Dufam, ze to tak zostane aj po prichode z dovolenky.
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(26 June 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I have been using the services for the second time and I am very satisfied. I appreciate the opportunity to take a closer look at the place where one goes. It was always a reality, not arranged pictures of places where people would not normally get. I also welcome perfect communication when negotiating and reducing fees. Vilém
Využil jsem služeb již podruhé a jsem velice spokojen. Oceňuji možnost prohlédnout si detailně místo, kam člověk jede. Šlo vždy o realitu, nikoliv aranžované fotky míst, kam se lidé normálně nedostanou. Perfektní komunikace při sjednávání a snížení poplatků také vítám.
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(26 June 2007)
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