Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I want to thank the Adriatic company. In the summer we used her services and went to Croatia. Excellent, prompt service. Confirmation and voucher we received immediately, as soon as they reached our payment. And the original we received by mail just a week after our request (it was demanded by the Polish Embassy for transit). The most important thing is that the prices displayed on the site for the objects are valid in Croatia itself (if you rent a house yourself). In any case, we learned from those who are trying to rent out their apartments and rooms, standing with signs at the road, a price tag about the same (no anti-advertising to Russian tour companies, but it is so). On this we did not have the sensations that we were ripped off like lindens, and this is double pleasant. With gratitude for a wonderful vacation, a beautifully beautiful country, an excellent people. We will definitely return there, and only using the services of the Adriatic. Thank you. And a special thank you to Svetlana Golubich.
Хочу поблагодарить фирму Адриатик.Этим летом мы воспользовались ее услугами и съездили в Хорватию. Отличное, оперативное обслуживание. Подтверждение и ваучер мы получили сразу, как только до них дошла наша оплата. А оригинал мы получили по почте буквально через неделю после нашего запроса (его у нас потребовало Польское посольство для транзита). Самое главное то, что цены, выставленные на сайте за объекты действительны и в самой Хорватии (если снимать жилье самостоятельно). Во всяком случае, мы узнавали у тех кто там пытается сдать свои апартаменты и комнаты, стоя с табличками у дороги, ценник приблизительно такой же (никакой антирекламы Российским тур. фирмам, но это так). По этому у нас не было ощущений, что нас ободрали как лип, а это в двойне приятно. С благодарностью за замечательный отпуск, сказачно красивая страна, отличный народ. Мы обязательно туда вернемся, и только воспользовавшись услугами Адриатик. Спасибо. И отдельное спасибо Светлане Голубич.
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(11 August 2008)
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Russian (original)
We have not arrived at the destination, but the impression of the Adriatic is very good - OPERATION, ORGANIZATION AND CREATION FOR THE CLIENT! I hope that I will come back from my holiday too: smile:
Nu am ajuns la destinatie, dar impresia despre Adriatic este foarte buna - OPERATIVITATE, ORGANIZARE SI PREOCUPARE PENTRU CLIENT! Sper ca si la intoarcerea din vacanta sa am aceeasi parere!:smile:
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(11 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
services - excellent, fast, graphics - I would welcome a schematic plan for the location of the apartment in the village and the surrounding area for better idea and transportation.
služby - vynikající, rychlé,
grafika - uvítal bych schematický plán umístění apartmánu v obci a blízkém okolí pro lepší představu a i dopravu.
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(11 August 2008)
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Czech (original)
We have not even reached our destination for vacation, and all booking and dialogue with ADRIATIC. hr. it was a real pleasure. If all clients are served as I was, I congratulate you wholeheartedly and promise to bring you new customers.
Inca nici nu am ajuns la destinatia pentru vacanta, si toata rezervarea si dialogul cu ADRIATIC. hr. a fost o adevarata placere.
Daca toti clientii sunt serviti cum am fost eu, va felicit din tot sufletul si promit sa va mai aduc noi clienti.
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(11 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Hello, in July I used your services-mediation of renting an apartment in Marina near Trogir. As a clear and clearly-crafted Web. I would like to say one small comment: in my opinion, the amount I paid as a deposit (207 euro) I assume that the reward for your agency is high. the amount invoiced to the owner of the apartment. In general, however, I note that at the prices and various fees that are applied to tourists in the HR it corresponds to a slight overstandartu.Je question whether Czech tourists will not orient in the future for the same quality but cheaper other tourist enclaves. Thank you with regards Doubrava Jiří: smile:
Dobrý den,
v měsíci červenci jsem využil Vašich služeb-zprostředkování pronájmu apartmánu v letovisku Marina u Trogiru.Jak jasně a přehledně zpracované Web. ztránky tak příjemné a profesionální jednání paní Dankové mě příjemně překvapily.Avšak jednu malou připomínku bych rád vyjádřil:dle mého názoru částka kterou jsem zaplatil jako zálohu (207 euro)předpokládám,že je to odměna pro Vaši agenturu považuji za vysokou.Zvlátě když ještě další částku fakturujete majitelce apartmánu.V celku ovšem konstatuji,že při cenách a různých poplatcích které vůči turistům v HR jsou uplatňovány to odpovídá mírnému nadstandartu.Je otázkou zda se čeští turisté do budoucna nebudou orientovat na stejně kvalitní,ale levnější jiné turistické enklávy. Děkuji s pozdravem Doubrava Jiří:smile:
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(11 August 2008)
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Czech (original)
Beautifull place with extremely friendly houseowners!!!
Prelijepo mjesto sa izuzetno gostoljubivim domacinima !!!
Beautifull place with extremely friendly houseowners!!!
Prelijepo mjesto sa izuzetno gostoljubivim domacinima !!!
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(11 August 2008)
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English (original)
Just returned from Baska Voda. For the first time we went by ourselves and were a bit worried, but everything turned out great. All dооольны, already we think about rest next summer. Special thanks to the manager Svetlana Golubich for the efficiency and patience: smile:
Только что вернулись из Башка Вода. Впервые ездили самостоятельно и немного волновались, но все получилось замечательно. Все доыольны, уже думаем об отдыхе следующим летом. Особоая благодарность менеджеру Светлане Голубич за оперативность и иерпение:smile:
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(10 August 2008)
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Russian (original)
Pros:Accomodation was very nice, clean, well furnished, beautiful view of the sea from terrace. A supermarket was near the house (10 minutes on foot)
the house was on a really sharp hill, so we had to climb by stairs from the beach to the house every day. Not suitable for older people, otherwise they risk a heart attack.
Pros:Accomodation was very nice, clean, well furnished, beautiful view of the sea from terrace. A supermarket was near the house (10 minutes on foot)
the house was on a really sharp hill, so we had to climb by stairs from the beach to the house every day. Not suitable for older people, otherwise they risk a heart attack.
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(10 August 2008)
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English (original)
like to express my appreciation for the availability, efficiency and great courtesy demonstrated by your employees with whom I have had several phone contacts. Many colmplimenti! my opinion on the service offered is "very very good!" Thanks to all!
desidero esprimere tutto il mio apprezzamento per la disponibilità, l'efficenza e la grande cortesia dimostrata dalle vostre collaboratrici con le quali ho avuto diversi contatti telefonici. molti colmplimenti! il mio giudizio sul servizio offerto è "molto molto buono!"
grazie a tutti!
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(10 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
The agency has fully satisfied the needs and questions. The stay was pleasant and the information received concerning the house on the site corresponded to reality. Thanks, and see you soon.
L'agenzia ha soddisfatto a pieno le esigenze e le domande poste. Il soggiorno è stato piacevole e le informazioni ricevute nel sito riguardo alla casa corrispondevano alla realtà.
Grazie, e arrivederci a presto.
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(10 August 2008)
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