Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Greetings! So far, we are very pleased with your services. Everything was done very quickly and correctly. We hope that we will also be happy with the apartment and staying in Razanj: happy:
Lep pozdrav!
Do sedaj smo zelo zadovoljni z vašimi uslugami. Vse je bilo izvedeno zelo hitro in korektno. Upamo, da bomo zadovoljni tudi z apartmajem in bivanjem v Ražanju:happy:
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(24 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
It is quite a yes, but in case of complications with the change of the number of people, I did not like your access. I'm probably going to go directly and there will be fewer problems.
Vcelku ano ale pri komplikaciach so zmenou rezervacie na pocet ludi sa mi Vas pristup moc nepacil. Zrejme na buduce pojdem priamo a bude menej problemov.
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(24 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Hello, I really like your website and it's very easy to use. Thanks for being kind. Dunja Krajnc, who helped us to book accommodation. Lp Nina Janša
Pozdravljeni, vaša spletna stran mi je zelo všeč in zelo enostavna za uporabo. Hvala za prijaznost ga. Dunji Krajnc, ki nam je bila v pomoč pri rezervaciji prenočišča.
Lp Nina Janša
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(23 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
As my partner Isabel Diez has already commented, the service offered by Vera Dragicevic has been very good, very worried and efficient.
Como ya ha comentado mi compañera Isabel Diez el servicio ofrecido por Vera Dragicevic ha sido de muy bueno ,muy preocupada y eficiente.
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(23 July 2008)
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Spanish (original)
In our case we are very satisfied with the service provided by Vera Dragicevic. She has seemed to us a very good professional, very attentive and concerned. Greetings: Isabel Diez Iturralde and Francisco Ismael Fernandez Sanchez
En nuestro caso estamos muy satisfechos con el servicio prestado por Vera Dragicevic.Nos ha parecido muy buena profesional muy atenta y preocupada.
Saludos:Isabel Diez Iturralde y Francisco Ismael Fernandez Sanchez
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(23 July 2008)
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Spanish (original)
The meeting with your company was quick and very pleasant, namely with Mrs. / Miss Jaromír Danková, which I would like to thank! I will definitely recommend you to your friends and acquaintances.
Jednání s Vaší společností bylo rychlé a velmi příjemné, jmenovitě pak s paní/slečnou Jaromírou Dankovou, které bych tímto chtěl poděkovat! Určitě Vás budu doporučovat svým přátelům a známým.
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(23 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am very pleased with your site and your offers, especially because during the communication with you three times we changed the location you wanted, but you still managed to accommodate us. Quite right and good! Mojca
Z vašo spletno stranjo in vašimi ponudbami sem zelo zadovoljna predvsem zato, ker smo med komuniciranjem z vami tri krat spremenili želeno lokacijo pa ste nam kljub vsemu ustregli. Kar tako naprej in lep pozdrav! Mojca
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(23 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I was pleasantly impressed by the promptitude and professionalism with which my request was solved, the web page is very well structured, easy to use, with a lot of useful information. It is the first time I work with ADRIATIC.HR for my vacation, and I am delighted with how it has been so far. Tin to thank Ms. Luncan Laura for his promptness and professionalism. Question: this site is for croatia only; for the rest of the countries in Europe when a collaboration?
Am ramas placut impresionat de promptitudinea si profesionalismul cu care a fost rezolvata solicitarea mea, pagina web este foarte bine structurata, usor de folosit, cu multe informatii utile. Este prima oara cand lucrez cu ADRIATIC.HR penrtu vacanta mea, si sunt incantata de cum a decurs pana acum. Tin sa aduc multumiri in special d-nei Luncan Laura, pentru promptitudine si profesionalism.
Intrebare : acest sait este doar pentru croatia; pentru restul tarilor din Europa cand o colaborare ?
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(23 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
I like the services. It's just a shame that you do not have every piece of information, but that may not be your fault.
Služby se mi líbí. Jen je škoda,že né všude máte všechny informace,ale to nemusí být vaše chyba.
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(23 July 2008)
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Czech (original)
Too complicated procedure for obtaining a voucher, despite the modern electronic business. Over the margins of the agency for apartments. Otherwise everything is OK.
Preveč kompliciran postopek pridobitve voucherja, kljub sodobnemu elektronskemu poslovanju. Prevelike marže agencije za apartmaje. Drugače pa je vse OK.
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(23 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)