Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Super fast website and very good contact. Compared to others, I use professionalism for the second time and I am very happy again
Super strona szybki i bardzo dobry kontakt. W porównaniu do innych to pełen profesjonalizm korzystam już drugi raz i znowu jestem bardzo zadowolony
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(25 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
: heart: Unfortunately, this year I had to cancel my holidays after booking them. Here again I found the same correctness of this agency ... I got back the deposit paid as I had insurance (which I recommend to everyone!) Thank you so much to Mrs Vanja !!!: lol:
Purtroppo quest'anno ho dovuto disdire le mie vacanze dopo averle prenotate. Anche qui ho ritrovato la stessa correttezza di sempre di questa agenzia ... ho riavuto l'acconto versato in quanto avevo fatto l'assicurazione (che consiglio a tutti!!) Grazie mille alla sig.ra Vanja!!!:lol:
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(25 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
Waiting to see the apartment fixed, I express strong appreciation for the services and for the organization of the Agency.
In attesa di vedere l'appartamento fissato, esprimo vivo appprezzamento per i servizi e per l'organizzazione dell'Agenzia.
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(25 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
Recently I came back from a holiday from Croatia in Rabac and I am very happy with both the accommodation, the place and the hosts themselves. I thank the agency and Mrs. Monika Krizmanic for the help and professional service was great, we will definitely want to return to the same place next year. It was great once again thanks a lot.: Happy :: happy :: lol:
Niedawno wróciałam z wypoczynku z Chorwacji w miejscowości Rabac i jestem bardzo zadowolona zarówno z kwatery , miejsca jak i samych gospodarzy . Diękuje agencji i Pani Monice Krizmanic za pomoc i fachową obsługę było super na pewno bedziemy chcieli w przyszłym roku wrócić w to samo miejsce. Było super jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki.:happy::happy::lol:
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(24 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
I used the Adriatic service 3 times and I always found it very well. Usually I use the Adriatic service. It's very professional javascript: insert_smiley (': wink:') javascript: insert_smiley (': wink:') service
Ho utilizzato il servizio di Adriatic per 3 volte e mi sono sempre trovato molto bene.
Usually I use the Adriatic service. It's very professional javascript:insert_smiley(':wink:')
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(24 July 2008)
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Italian (original)
We want to thank you for this wonderful holiday and especially our accomodations in Podaca, which are amazing. We thank you!
Chceme touto cestou poďakovať za prekrásnu dovolenku a osobitne našim ubytovateľom v Podaca, ktorí sú úžasní. Ďakujeme!
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(24 July 2008)
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Slovak (original)
for now excellent!
zaenkrat odlicno!
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(24 July 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
The first stage is ok.Opieka p.Romana Waligórskiego -super.Next comment after return 21.08.
Pierwszy etap ok.Opieka p.Romana Waligórskiego -super.Następny komentarz po powrocie 21.08.
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(24 July 2008)
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Polish (original)
: Cool: I've been back for a week from Medulin and still think about how beautiful it was. It was super. The service is good and not expensive. The prices are similar to the usual ones in our stores, as well It's great to have a holiday in Croatia. For the first time in Croatia, I've had a heartbeat for what places I will know and for whom you live, I meet, but I can see what beautiful place I got and what good people. : Happy :: cool:
:cool:Mam intors de o saptamaana de la Medulin si inca tot ma gandesc cat a fost de frumos.A fost super.Serviciile sunt bune si nu sunt scumpe.Preturile sunt asemanatoare cu cele obisnuite de la noi din magazine,la fel si la restaurante.Peisajul este incantator,marea este curata,este multa vegetatie injur si localnicii ospitalieri.Ma bucur ca am ales Croatia pentru concediu .Fiind de prima data in Croatia am avut o strangare de inima pentru ce locuri voi cunoaste si pentru ce locuitori v-oi intalni,dar m-am linistit vazand in ce loc frumos am nimerit si cu ce oameni cumsecade. :happy::cool:
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(24 July 2008)
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Romanian (original)
very professional and patient, a special thanks for the kind Vera.
molto professionali e pazienti, un ringraziamento particolare per la gentilissima Vera.
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(24 July 2008)
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Italian (original)