Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
On my return I would like to briefly comment on our stay in Orebic. A very nice place, clean and recommendable to others. Our farms - very kind and cordial and helpful people who tried as much as they could to help us and make their stay in their home more pleasant. they even cared for our return home and asked for confirmation that we were happy to reach our homes. Our friends were also satisfied with the kindness of their hosts. We visited beautiful Dubrovnik, Medjugorje and the city of Korcula, which is like a miniature of Dubrovnik. We spent wonderful 14 days. At the end, we would like to thank you for the truly professional help, taking into account the fact that I was looking for a place to stay in a particular place so late. Greetings (all) to you and your colleagues and we wish you many satisfied customers. Grzegorz
Po powrocie chciałbym krótko skomentować nasz pobyt w Orebicu.
Miejscowość bardzo ładna czysta i godna polecenia innym.
Nasi gospodaże - bardzo mili i serdeczni i uczynni ludzie, którzy starali się jak tylko mogli aby pomóc nam i uprzyjemnić pobyt w ich domu. troszczyli się nawet o nasz powrót do domu i prosili o potwierdzenie szczęsliwego dotarcia do naszych domów.
Zadowoleni z uprzejmości swoich gospodarzy byli również nasi znajomi.
Zwiedziliśmy przepiękny Dubrownik , Medjugorje i miasto Korculę która jest jak miniaturka Dubrownika.
Spędziliśmy wspaniale te 14 dni.
Na koniec dziękujemy Panu za prawdziwie fachową pomoc biorąc pod uwagę fakt tak późnego szukania przeze mnie możliwości zakwaterowania w konkretnym miejscu.
Pozdrawiamy (wszyscy) Pana oraz Pana współpracowników
i życzymy wielu zadowolonych klientów .
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(13 August 2004)
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Polish (original)
: smile: Very wild for a successful holiday on the island of Rab. I am very happy that all the information provided by the office has worked, and even the apartment was better equipped, for example, air conditioning, which surprised me a bit. I consider your office to be very reliable and I will recommend it to your friends.
:smile:Bardzo dzikuj za udane wakacje na wyspie Rab .Jest mi bardzo milo ,ze wszystkie informacje podane przez biuro sprawdzily sie,a nawet apartament byl lepiej wyposazny np w
klimatyzacje,co mnie milo zaskoczylo. Uwazam Pana biuro za bardzo zetelne i napewno polece je znajomym.
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(10 August 2004)
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Polish (original)
for the first time I use the agency services, I am more than satisfied. I particularly emphasize the professional and human relationship of Mrs. M. Jovanović. As far as vacationing is concerned I got exactly what I was looking for, and that is the most important thing. I hope that cooperation will continue and expand. Best regards to and their other friends!
prvi put koristim usluge agencije, više sam nego zadovoljan. Posebno ističem profesionalan i ljudski odnos gospođe M. Jovanović. Što se ljetovanja tiće dobio sam upravo ono što sam tražio, a to je najvažnije. Nadam se da će se suradnja nastaviti i prširiti. Srdačan pozdrav poslenicima i ostalim njihovim prijateljima !
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(10 August 2004)
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Croatian (original)
Thank you for your willingness to help in finding a place to spend this year's holiday in Croatia. Miss Pidikova (perhaps Mrs.) promptly provided me with a lot of information. Finally, I repeatedly went for 2 weeks to spend my last year holiday on the island of Pag - where we and my wife were very satisfied. I wish you many successes in your work - it is quite difficult with people. Jozef Sloboda: happy:
Ďakujem Vám za prejavenú ochotu pomôcť pri hľadaní miesta na strávenie tohoročnej dovolenky v Chorvátsku. Slečna Pidíková (možno pani) mi promptne poskytla množstvo infomácií. Nakoniec som opakovane išiel na 2 týždne dovolenkovať na miesto svojej minuloročnej dovolenky na ostrove Pag - kde sme spolu s manželkou boli velmi spokojní.
Prajem Vám veľa úspechov vo Vašej práci - s ľudmi je to dosť ťažké.
Jozef Sloboda:happy:
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(7 August 2004)
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Slovak (original)
While I finally decided for another last minute, I have to appreciate the offer, the willingness, the speed and especially the art to find exactly what one is looking for.
I když jsem se nakonec rozhodl pro jiný last minute, musím ocenit nabídku, ochotu, rychlost a hlavně umění najít přesně to, co člověk hledá.
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(7 August 2004)
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Czech (original)
We are very pleased with all the help we have received from the helpful staff when we booked our room in Croatia, and now we are looking forward to our trip at the end of August!
We are very pleased with all the help we have received from the helpful staff when we booked our room in Croatia, and now we are looking forward to our trip at the end of August!
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(7 August 2004)
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English (original)
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(7 August 2004)
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Italian (original)
:smile:Very clear, usable and informative: just the way you want to oprate a site!
:smile:Very clear, usable and informative: just the way you want to oprate a site!
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(6 August 2004)
English original |
English (original)
Welcome to! It was a pleasure for us to take a break with your company. We had great, the apartment was beautiful, the sea clean, the beach is arranged. Local people on Brac were very friendly and helpful. All the praise for the owners of the apartment, who were friendly and hospitable, for which we thank them! They were invisible, but nevertheless always available. Once again, I praise your agency, with whom we will continue to work together with the apartment owners, who were very hospitable and who welcomed us very nicely. We also appreciate the beautiful coast on the island of Brač and the beaches close to our accommodation in Postira, Lovrečini and Bol. We have enjoyed a unique holiday. It is our pleasure to cooperate with you. We'll be back, and we're still cooperating. We also wish you many successes in the future! Stanko Zver and friends: cool: Thanks and nice regards!
Pozdravljeni na!
V veselje nam je bilo letovati s posredovanjem vaše družbe. Imeli smo se super, apartma je bil lep, morje čisto, plaža urejena. Tudi domačini na Braču so bili zelo prijazni in ustrežljivi.
Vse pohvale tudi lastnikom apartmaja, ki so bili prijazni in gostoljubni, za kar se jim zahvaljujemo! Bili so neopazni, a vseeno vedno na voljo.
Še enkrat pohvala vaši agenciji, s katero bomo še sodelovali in lastnikom appartmaja, ki so bili zelo gostoljubni in so nas zelo lepo sprejeli.
Pohvala tudi za urejeno obalo na otoku Braču ter plaže v bližini naše nastanitve v Postiri, Lovrečini ter na samem Bolu.
Preživeli smo enkraten dopust veselilo nas je sodelovanje z vami. Še se bomo vračali, in še sodelovali.
Želimo vam veliko uspehov tudi v bodoče!
Stanko Zver ter prijatelji
:cool: Hvala in lep pozdrav!
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(6 August 2004)
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Slovenian (original)
Absolutely good cooperation with Miss (Miss) Pidikova. A willing, professional approach, we are your supporters for the years to come. I cordially greet the whole team and hold my fingers for further work. Ivo: smile
Naprosto vyborná spolupráce s paní (slečnou) Pidíkovou. Ochotná, profesionální přístup, jsme vašimi příznivci i na další roky. Srdečně zdravím celý kolektiv a držím palce do další činnosti. Ivo: smile
You've rated us:
(5 August 2004)
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Czech (original)