Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Thanks to Adriatic for a very prompt and nice answers regarding our holiday in Biograd 2005 eventhough we didn't used their accomodation:wink:
Thanks to Adriatic for a very prompt and nice answers regarding our holiday in Biograd 2005 eventhough we didn't used their accomodation:wink:
You've rated us:
(14 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
Swedish (original)
Hello, Your site is remarkably well done. He offers a lot of details and choices. We looked at several other sites and found that yours far surpasses them. We also wish to emphasize the kindness and efficiency of Miss Delphine Anger and her colleagues who have always been very knowledgeable. Congratulations we will call you for a next trip and we will recommend your agency to our friends. Sincerely Christel and Sébastien DEMARIGNY
Votre site est remarquablement bien fait. Il y propose énormément de détails et de choix. Nous avons regardé plusieurs autres sites et nous avons trouvé que le votre les surpasse bien largement. Nous souhaitons également souligner la gentillesse et l'éfficacité de Mlle Delphine Anger ainsi que ses collègues qui nous ont toujours très bien renseigné.
Bravo nous referons appelle à vous pour un prochain voyage et nous recommanderons votre agence à nos amis.
Bien sincèrement
Christel et Sébastien DEMARIGNY
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(13 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
French (original)
Good day. From your internet. we are content because it is comprehensive, informative and high level: biggrin:
Dobrý deň. Z Vašou internet. stránkou sme spokojní, pretože je obsiahla, informatívna a na vysokej úrovni.:biggrin:
You've rated us:
(12 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
it was easy to find intresting accomodation alternatives and your replies on inquiries were of high quality and short in response time. We can gladly recommend this site to our friends. BR!
it was easy to find intresting accomodation alternatives and your replies on inquiries were of high quality and short in response time. We can gladly recommend this site to our friends. BR!
You've rated us:
(11 April 2005)
English original |
English (original)
Nice site but why do not you even add restaurant tips? I have one to suggest that I discovered Volosko..ottimo !!! and it's not a alternative restaurant with a wonderful view LE MANDRAC: tongue:
Bello il sito ma come mai non aggiungete anche consigli sui ristoranti?
ne ho uno da suggerire che ho scoperto a Volosko..ottimo!!! e non e' una konoba..un ristorante alternativo con un panorama meraviglioso
LE MANDRAC:tongue:
You've rated us:
(5 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
Italian (original)
Hello, Although I have found nix with you, thank you for the excellent service. If we want to go to Hrvatska again next year, we will certainly contact you, day with regards, Lev Bont: heart:
Ondanks dat ik nix bij jullie gevonden heb toch dankjewel voor de prima service.
Als we volgend jaar weer naar Hrvatska willen gaan nemen we zeker contact op, dag met groetjes,
Lev Bont:heart:
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(4 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
Dutch (original)
With what kind of live picture with the web cam from your splendid split split Sibenik dubrovnik, your website would be one of the most visited tourist websites.
z kakšno sliko v živo z veb cam iz vaših čudovitih letovišč split zadar šibenik dubrovnik bi bila vaša spletna stran ena od najbolj obiskanih turističnih spletnih strani.
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(1 April 2005)
English Google Translate |
Slovenian (original)
I was unable to use but Franka was very helpful and I will definatly consider using them in the future.
I was unable to use but Franka was very helpful and I will definatly consider using them in the future.
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(29 March 2005)
English original |
English (original)
I would love to thank you for all the services your travel agency has done. For the first time, I have to pick out excellent websites for your clients, which I have been orienting without difficulty. Holiday is still waiting for me and I therefore hope that our cooperation will continue to be as great as it has been so far. I'm glad that I found this way of choosing a holiday and I will certainly recommend you to my acquaintances. Have a nice day.
Veľmi rada by som sa poďakovala za všetky služby, ktoré mi Vaša cestovka zrealizovala. Keďže som po prvý krát Vašim klientom musím vyzdvihnúť výborné internetové stránky, na základe ktorých som sa bez problémov orientovala. Dovolenka ma ešte len čaká a preto dúfam, že naša spolupráca bude aj naďalej taká skvelá ako doteraz. Som rada, že som našla tento spôsob výberu dovolenky a zaručene Vás odporučím aj svojim známim. Prajem príjemný deň.
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(27 March 2005)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
You have worked nicely website with plenty of information, only the search would have given the possibility to use multiple parameters simultaneously. There is a large selection of accommodation. Communication with the agency was smooth and friendly. I must commend the work of the agency last year, when we finally could go on vacation for health reasons and because of communication and friendly attitude of employees, we solved the problem. We look forward to this holiday. Thank you and goodbye.: Smile:
Máte pěkně zpracované internetové stránky s velkým množstvím informací, pouze u vyhledávání bych dal možnost použít více parametrů najednou. Je zde velký výběr ubytování. Komunikace s agenturou byla bezproblémová a vstřícná. Musím pochválit práci agentury v loňském roce, kdy jsme nakonec nemohli na dovolenou odjet ze zdravotních důvodů a díky komunikaci a vstřícnému přístupu zaměstnanců jsme problém vyřešili. Těšíme se na letošní dovolenou. Děkujeme a nashledanou.:smile:
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(13 March 2005)
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Czech (original)