Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Very convenient and understandable site! It is good that there is access in Russian! Special thanks for the operative work of Roman Valigorski!
Очень удобный и понятный сайт!Радует, что есть доступ на русском языке! Отдельное спасибо за оперативную работу Роману Валигорски!
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(3 May 2007)
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Russian (original)
Thank you for your safe and easy facilities our holiday we are very pleased that it is our first vacation at the Adriatic we raise because all of us know the praise of Croatia let you be glad the island family Rampachova
dakujem Vam za bezproblemove arychle vybavenie nasej dovolenky velmi sa tesime je to nasa prva dovolenka pri jadrane sme zvedavi lebo vsetci nasi znami chvalia CHorvatsko nech sa Vam dari spozdravom ostava rodina Rampachova
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(2 May 2007)
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Slovak (original)
We want to give our hearts to the whole of Adriatic, but most certainly to Mrs. K. Homola for her help. We will be glad to know your name well and we will be glad to advise you. We are trying to cooperate with your company. We wish many successes. Family Krskova.
Chceme sa srdecne podakovat celemu timu spolocnosti Adriatic, najma vsak pani K. Homolovej za jej pomoc.
Velmi radi budeme medzi znamymi sirit o Vas dobre meno a radi Vas odporucime.
Tesime sa na opatovnu spolupracu s Vasou spolocnostou.
Prajeme mnoho uspechov. Rodina Krskova.
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(2 May 2007)
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Slovak (original)
I very much appreciate the pages and the access of the staff of the offices. The pages are clear, the holiday can be done at rest from the home computer. Personally, I made my vacation within 5 days and I count on the long delivery times of the banks (4-5 days). I would like to imagine traveling. offices.
Velice kladně hodnotím stránky a přístup pracovníků cest.kanceláře.Stránky jsou přehledné,dovolenou lze vyřídit v klidu z domácího počítače. Osobně jsem dovolenou vyřídil během 5 dnů a to do toho počítám dlouhé "dodací " lhůty bank (4-5 dnů).Takto bych si představoval práci cest. kanceláří.
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(2 May 2007)
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Czech (original)
I have made a reservation for an apartment in Jelsa (Island of Hvar). Until now everything is OK. They are quick and efficient in giving information and answers. For the rest, I will know it on arrival at the chosen destination ..... and I will tell you
Ho effettuato la prenotazione per un appartamento in località Jelsa (Isola di Hvar).
Sino ad adesso tutto ok. Sono rapidi ed efficienti nel dare informazioni e risposte. Per il resto, lo saprò all'arrivo alla meta prescelta.....e ve lo racconterò
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(1 May 2007)
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Italian (original)
I am very satisfied with the communication with the travel agency. I hope that the accommodation will be well.:cool:
Som velmi spokojna s komunikaciou s cestovnou kancelariou. Dufam, ze aj ubytovanie bude take dobre.:cool:
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(28 April 2007)
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Slovak (original)
Although we have not traveled yet, I'm completely surprised at the office's attitude, helpfulness. They are very nice, responding in Hungarian and within 24 hours. I hope the holiday will be as cool as my previous experience.:lol:
Bár még nem utaztunk el, de teljesen meglepett vagyok az iroda hozzáállásán, segitőkészségén. Nagyon kedvesek, magyarul válaszolnak és 24 órán belül. Remélem a nyaralás is ilyen klassz lesz, mint az eddigi tapasztalatom.:lol:
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(27 April 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
Professional and efficient approach. Thanks E. Santagostino
Approccio professionale ed efficente.
E. Santagostino
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(27 April 2007)
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Italian (original)
I recommend office services. Efficient, friendly and fast service, accommodation always in line with the offer.
Polecam usługi biura.
Sprawna , miła i szybka obsługa , kwatery zawsze zgodne z ofertą .
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(26 April 2007)
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Polish (original)
Very nice and professional customer service, quick contact and the rest after the longed-for leave
Bardzo mila i profesjonalna obsluga klientow,szybki kontakat a reszta wrazen po upragnionym urlopie
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(25 April 2007)
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Polish (original)