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Lumblija - tasty traditions from Korčula island

Print Megjelenés: 2014.10.31.
Lumblija - tasty traditions from Korčula island

While the entire world celebrates on the last day of October the scary Halloween, on Korčula island the same time is marked by a tastier tradition. Lumblija is a bread overfilled with spices from the island and which is prepared for already two hundred years by the residents of Blata on Korčula in order to commemorate a dear person who left them.

The tradition started, as it often happens, with a love story. The first lumblija was baked by a french soldier of Napoleon's army when he left the island. The bread with almonds, walnuts, orange, cloves and other spices from Korčula island, was a farewell gift for a beautiful girl from Korčula. He handed over the gift to his dear with the words "n'est oublie pas" (don't forget me), which sounded to her like - lumblija.

To keep the memory of this tradition, as well the one of the ancient love, the carrying residents of Blata on Korčula, organize every year the Days of lumblija.

Töltse le az angol nyelvű turista-tájékoztatót

Najpoznatije jadranske gastronomske delicije

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