Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Very nice and attractive.
Veoma lijepo i atraktivno.
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(8 January 2003)
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Croatian (original)
I would like to praise the agency "" and the whole team of agencies. Since I've been working with you lately, I have been convinced of your expertise, professionalism, kindness. We were very pleased with all the services provided by this agency and thank you and we are commending you for your work! : Lol:
Želim pohvaliti agenciju"" i cijeli tim agencije. Budući da sam s Vama nedavno poslovala uvjerila sam se u Vašu stručnost, profesionalnost, ljubaznost.Bili smo vrlo zadovoljni svim uslugama koje nam je ova agencija pružila te Vam zahvaljujemo i šaljemo pohvale za vaš rad!!
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(8 January 2003)
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Croatian (original)
I'm thrilled with the site. I put them in favourits. I will often visit and show them to friends in Greece where I am currently working.: Lol:
Oduševljen sam stranicama. Stavio sam ih u favourits-e. Često ću ih posjećivati i pokazivati prijateljima u Grčkoj gdje trenutno radim.:lol:
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(3 January 2003)
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Croatian (original)
I strongly recommend the services of this travel agency. The pages are done as you see yourself great, but what is most important is everything you read and you can see it for 100 percent or more of truth. Before I had a little worry, everything was as it was written in the instructions. Thanks for a nice vacation! : heart:
Všem vřele doporučuji služby této cestovní agentury.Stránky jsou udělány jak sami vidíte skvěle, ale co je nejdůležitější vše co čtete a vidíte je na 100 i více procent pravda.Před cestou jsem měl trochu obavu, ale vše bylo tak jak bylo psáno v instrukcích.Díky za pěknou dovolenou!:heart:
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(30 December 2002)
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Czech (original)
For the first time I'm on your site. What to say to I'm thrilled, although I do not use your services, your work deserves all the praise. : happy :: cool: Marko Mario Boban
Prvi put sam na Vašim stranicama.
Što reći do Oduševljen sam, iako ne koristim Vaše usluge,
Vaš rad zaslužuje sve pohvale.:happy::cool:
Marko Mario Boban
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(26 November 2002)
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Croatian (original)
Although I have not become a member of your small family, I want you to know that your way of working and communication is very impressive and you can count on me in the future.:):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Mada jos nisam postala član Vaše male obitelji zelim da znate da me se Vaš način rada i komunikacije jako dojmio i da mozete racunati na mene u budućnosti. Zelim Vam puno uspjeha!!!:smile:
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(10 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)
Very versatile and colorful pages with detailed information about virtually every segment of our country and I think every visitor can find out and find out all that interests him. The pictures and texts are equally impressive and I think they serve their purpose, that is, interest in both foreign and our visitors. So the pages are satisfactory but I think they need to be changed from time to time and refresh with new ideas and offer.:lol:
Jako opširne i slikovite stranice sa iscrpnim informacijama o doslovno svakom segmentu nase zemlje i mislim da svaki eventualni posjetitelj tu moze naci i saznati sve sto ga interesira. Slike i tekstovi su jednako dojmljivi i mislim da sluze svojoj svrsi odnosno da bude interes kod kako stranih tako i nasih posjetitelja. Dakle stranice su zadovoljavajuce ali mislim da ih se treba s vremena na vrijeme mijenjati i osvježavati novim idejama i ponudom.:lol:
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(2 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)
Not bad, I saw it worse. For my term too many texts and long, Christian phrases. I hope your criticism will not be hard to come by, but I want to be honest. All praise to this new way of doing business.
Nisu loše,vidjela sam i gore.Za moj pojam previše teksta i dugih,krležijanskih rečenica.Nadam se da vam kritika neće teško pasti,ali želim biti iskrena.Inače, sve pohvale ovakvom novom načinu turističkog poslovanja.
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(2 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)
I like the presentation of the Croatian: well-presented natural beauty and cultural znamenitosti.Fotografije are really attractive, include authentic and recognizable elements. Offered are detailed information, which is very important in the management of the agency.
Svidja mi se prezentacija Hrvatske: dobro su predstavljene prirodne ljepote i kulturne znamenitosti.Fotografije su doista atraktivne, obuhvaćaju autentične i prepoznatljive elemente. Ponudjene su iscrpne informacije, što je vrlo bitno pri poslovanju agencije.
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(2 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)
Very good site. I particularly like what your photos are and what you do not offer the accommodation capacities your field workers have not previously visited. I think it is very important in this mode of operation. I have a suggestion for page enhancement: there should be more information about current events in all the destinations you're advertising. : Lol:
Jako dobra stranica. Posebno mi se sviđa što su fotografije vaše i što ne nudite smještajne kapacitete koje vaši terenski radnici prethodno nisu obišli. Smatram da je to veoma važno u ovakvom načinu rada. Imam jedan prijedlog za poboljšanje stranice: trebalo bi biti više informacijama o aktualnim zbivanjima u svim destinacijama koje reklamirate.:kiss:
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(1 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)