Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Špela Golob Peterlin
For the third consecutive year at sea with the help of, each year, again, they are satisfied with the service, responsiveness and kindness. You're super:)!
Že tretje leto zapored na morju s pomočjo, vsako leto znova zadovoljni s storitvijo, odzivnostjo in prijaznostjo. Super ste:)!
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(13 August 2017)
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Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic
Jana A Standa
Adriatic services are no problem and we were satisfied with their services
služby Adriatic jsou bez problémů a s jejich službami jsme byli spokojeni
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(13 August 2017)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Jaroslava Doleželová
With accommodation and willingness, we were always happy. For several years we have been going to the same place in Baška Voda and we are very dissatisfied with the conditions on the beach. Although the beach is large, most of the pavilions are lounged by lavatories that are largely empty because not everyone can afford to pay the price. In other places, all day are different towels and deck chairs that are not occupied but block instead. For ordinary tourists, it is quite a problem to find a place on the beach and I'm not talking about a family with young children. If the deck chairs are to be deployed until someone wants it, it will be more enjoyable for other tourists. Jarka
S ubytováním a s ochotou jsme byli vždy spokojeni. Již několik let jezdíme na stejné místo do Bašky Vody a jsme velmi nespokojeni s podmínkama na pláži. I když je pláž velká je z větší částí zastavana lehátkama od projímatelů která jsou z větší části prázdná, protože ne každý si může požadovanou cenu dovolit zaplatit. Na dalších místech jsou celý den různé ručníky a lehátka která nejsou obsazená ale místo blokují. Pro běžné turisty je dost problém najít místo na pláži a to nemluvím o rodině s malými dětmi. Pokud budou lehátka rozmisťovat až je někdo bude chtít, bude to i pro ostatní turisty příjemnější. Jarka
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(13 August 2017)
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Czech (original)
Robert Pomorski
I have been using office services for several years. Full of professionalism. The offers on their websites coincide 100% with reality. The offer has the best.
z usług biura korzystam już od kilku lat. Pełen profesjonalizm. Ofert na ich stronach w stu procentach pokrywają się z rzeczywistością. W ofercie mają to co najlepsze.
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(12 August 2017)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Helena Viktorynova
I only travel to Croatia with Adriatic. I do not know how many times. I'm satisfied and I would not change. Thank you.
Do Chorvatska uz jezdim jen s Adriatic.
Ani uz nevim kolikrat. Jsem spokojena a nemenila bych.
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(12 August 2017)
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Czech (original)
Zdenko Mutka
All done professionally. For every praise!
Sve odrađeno profesionalno. Za svaku pohvalu!
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(10 August 2017)
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Croatian (original)
Lőke Róbert
3rd time we have booked on the site. The information about the accommodation has always been accurate. I think the map impression is good, the location can be better defined. Booking is smooth and fast. There are no hidden costs, exactly what you pay on the page. I think it is very good to calculate the cost of accommodation even without logging on to the site, so we could see a lot of accommodation before choosing. Correct, reliable, I can only recommend to everyone.
3. alkalommal foglaltunk az oldalon. A szállásról adott információk eddig mindig pontosak voltak. Jónak tartom a térképes megjelenítést, jobban behatárolható a helyszín. A foglalás gördülékenyen és gyorsan megy. Nincsenek rejtett költségek, pontosan annyit kell fizetni, amennyit az oldalon feltüntetnek. Nagyon jónak tartom, hogy akár az oldalra történő bejelentkezés nélkül is kiszámolhatóak a szállás költségei, így sok szállást meg tudtunk nézni választás előtt. Korrektek, megbízhatóak, csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek.
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(9 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
Szél Ivett
I can only recommend it to everyone. I can only say good things about them !!
Én csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek. Csak jót tudok mondani róluk!!
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(8 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
Rita Gonda
Third time we organize our trip through the adriatic. Correct, fast, accurate administration. The website is easy to use and the filters are useful.
Harmadik alkalommal szervezzük utazásunkat az adriaticon keresztül. Korrekt, gyors, precíz ügyintézés. A honlap áttekinthető, jól használhatók a szűrések.
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(8 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
Miroslav Drkoš
I will add an interesting experience. We had a problem - we broke the key on the front door. I called the owner who lives about 5 km away from the apartment, but she only knew Croatian, so I could not explain the situation over the phone. For a moment she called Mrs. from and asked her English what a problem. So I explained it, she called the owner and after a short time she came home with a spare key.
Pridám zaujímavý zážitok. Mali sme problém - zlomil sa nám kľúč na vchodových dverách. Volal som majiteľke, ktorá býva asi 5 km od apartmánu, lenže tá vedela len po chorvátsky a tak som jej nedokázal situáciu cez telefón vysvetliť. O chvíľu volala pani z a pýtala sa po anglicky, v čom je problém. Tak som jej to vysvetlil, ona zavolala majiteľke a po krátkom čase prišla pani domáca s náhradným kľúčom.
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(8 August 2017)
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