Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Melinda Jákli
We have been staying at the Adriatic for many years. I can only recommend it to everyone. I would like to highlight the 5% and 10% discounts. So far, we have been pleased with each accommodation, except for the present. Pag (A-6461-a)
Évek óta az Adriaticnál foglalunk szállást. Csak ajánlani tudom mindenkinek. Külön kiemelném a 5 illetve 10% -os kedvezményt. Eddig mindegyik szállással meg voltunk elégedve, kivéve a mostanival. Pag (A-6461-a)
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(7 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
László Patartics
We have been searching for accommodation for eight times in Adriatic with my partner's name mixed. I was never disappointed. However, I have the main advantage of having many axonometric drawings that clear everything. This is not the case with other offices. Another clever solution is to indicate the arrival time in a simple way. They help us all! I find it a small mistake for the hosts that the bathrooms are missing a dress-towel hanger. They should have fun!
Kb nyolcszor kerestünk szállást az Adriaticnál a párom nevén vegyesen. Sosem csalódtam. Legfőbb előnyének mégis azt tartom, hogy sok ajánlásában van axonometrikus rajz, amelyek mindent tisztáznak. Ez más irodáknál nincs. Másik ügyes megoldásuk az, hogy egyszerű módon lehet jelezni az érkezésünk idejét.
Mindenben segítenek!
Apró hibának tartom a vendéglátók részéről, hogy a fürdőszobákból hiányzik a ruha-törölköző akasztó. Hatni kéne rájuk!
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(7 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
Sándor Bernadett
Everything went smoothly. The place was beautiful, as we have seen in the offer. They've put everything in place for us. I recommend it to others !!!
Minden gördülékenyen zajlott. A hely gyönyörű volt,pont ahogy azt láttuk az ajánlatban. Mindent elintéztek helyettünk. Ajánlom másnak is!!!
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(7 August 2017)
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Hungarian (original)
Jozef Valko
In July I used the Adriatic service. Let me summarize this briefly: You sell the trabanta and you charge the Mercedes
V júli som využil služby Adriatic. Zhrniem to stručne: Predávate trabanta a účtujete mercedes
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(7 August 2017)
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Slovak (original)
Hanna Idczak-Biegańska
I spent the third time using the office services. There was all that was going to be. Am I happy with the service? I will answer shortly. See you next season !!!!
Już trzeci raz wakacje spędzałam korzystając z usług biura. Było wszystko to co być miało. Czy jestem zadowolona z usług ? Odpowiem krótko. Do zobaczenia w przyszłym sezonie !!!!
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(7 August 2017)
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Polish (original)
Mirosław Dalecki
Recommended office who recommends going to Croatia
Biuro godne polecenia Polecam kto jedzie do Chorwacji
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(7 August 2017)
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Polish (original)
I was over 2 times am happy over Website super processed also for prepayment Thank you
Bola som cez 2 krát som nadmieru spokojná. Webstránka super spracovaná aj čo sa týka zálohovej platby Ďakujem
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(7 August 2017)
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Slovak (original)
Professional office. Offers as described. The place is very well photographed. It gives the actual landscape. If necessary, continuous contact with the office. RECOMMEND
biuro profesjonalne. Oferty zgodne z opisem. Miejsce bardzo dobrze fotografowane.Oddaje rzeczywisty krajobraz. W razie potrzeby ciągły kontakt z biurem. POLECAM
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(7 August 2017)
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Polish (original)
Michał Latacz
Jest OK
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(7 August 2017)
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Bartosz Buchalik
I used the services of the office for the third time, the main advantages are first of all the ease of booking objects, reliable descriptions of accommodation together with photos that represent the actual state of these objects. In a word, the office recommendable.
Korzystałem z usług biura po raz trzeci, główne zalety to przede wszystkim łatwość rezerwacji obiektów, rzetelne opisy kwater wraz ze zdjęciami które przedstawiają stan faktyczny tych obiektów. Jednym słowem biuro godne polecenia.
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(7 August 2017)
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Polish (original)