Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Bilinszky Judit
KALI Ugljan holiday, we had a very nice hostess, thanks to him.
Ugljan Kaliban nyaraltunk, nagyon kedves háziasszonyunk volt, köszönet neki.
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(17 September 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Jerzy Nędzi
Three times I used the services of the Bureau and for each time it was OK, no comments, efficiently and professionally. Full information and good contact,
Trzy razy korzystałem z usług Biura i za każdy razem było OK, bez uwag, sprawnie i profesjonalnie. Pełna informacja i dobry kontakt,
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(16 September 2013)
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Polish (original)
Barbara Minutoli
Serious agency with well-qualified staff. The information given was then all accurate. Excellent judgment.
Agenzia seria con personale ben qualificato. Le informazioni date sono risultate poi tutte esatte. Giudizio eccellente.
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(15 September 2013)
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Italian (original)
Claudio Previdi
Your internship and assistance services are efficient and friendly. The accommodations respond to the characteristics and images published. positive opinion
I Vs. servizi di internmediazione e assistenza sono efficienti e cordiali.
Le sistemazioni rispondono alle caratteristiche e immagini pubblicate. parere positivo
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(14 September 2013)
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Italian (original)
Viera Kovacova
Holidays in Novaline, on Pag was beautiful, the sea, the beaches of the unit, and weather. Accommodation according to the website exactly like the picture, Bendjo villa has an error. However, we had bad luck, or as I have called it. Has not slept all night, Czech youth and Italian youth, our nightly surprised Buchan, tramp, to laugh, clap as football, to blow up 4tej. This is also addressed with the owner, the owner, we dospavali on the beach ... and we were desperately. We therefore recommend to check if da, visitors villas, from families with children, should not spolubyvat with youth, which acts as world champions. It was the Year of 1992nar. Broke leave us in terms of rest and laughing our eyes. On Bendjo villa, the owner or keeper shall not delay the night, alert during the day were fungi plates ...
Dovolenka v Novalii, na Pagu bola krasna, more, plaze na jednotku, aj pocasie. Ubytovanie podla internetovej stranky presne ako na obrazku, vila Bendjo nema chybu. Mali sme vsak smolu, alebo ako to mam nazvat. Cele noci sa nespalo, ceska mladez a talianska mladez, nas noc co noc prekvapovali, buchanim, dupotom, rehotom, tlieskanim ako na fotbale, do rana do 4tej. Riesilo sa to aj s majitelom, aj s agenturou, dospavali sme na plazi...a boli sme zufali. Preto doporucujem, aby sa kontrolovali ak sa da, navstevnici vily, ze rodiny s detmi, by nemali spolubyvat s mladezou, ktora sa chova ako majstri sveta. Boli to rocniky od 1992nar. Pokazili nam dovolenku, co sa tyka oddychu a smiali sa nam do oci. Na vile Bendjo, majitel alebo spravca sa v noci nezdrzoval, upozornenia cez den boli houby platne...
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(13 September 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Bohumir Tejnicky
We were very pleased with the apartment accommodation in Novigrad, which seems to be the optimal starting point for active holidays and peaceful rest. Both the owner and the city were very pleasant. I can recommend and offer 7017.
Byli jsme velmi spokojeni s ubytováním v apartmánu v Novigradu, který nám připadá jako optimální východisko pro aktivní dovolenou i klidný odpočinek. Majitel i město byli velmi příjemní. Jednání i nabídku 7017 mohu doporučit.
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(12 September 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Martin Brninsky
I was very happy, a bit with a bed was a problem, the grates were not bolted, so I fell a few times. But otherwise OK. Next time I will go with CK Adriatic again. Even access and organization by the office is excellent.
Byl jsem velmi spokojený, trochu s postelí byl problém, rošty nebyly přišroubované,takže jsem se párkrát propadnul. Ale jinak OK. Příště s CK Adriatic pojedu opět. I přístup a organizace ze strany kanceláře je výborná.
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(12 September 2013)
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Czech (original)
Zdenka Mutňanská
Accommodation fulfilled our expectations, the home was nice and nice, we enjoyed a nice vacation:). Definitely I can recommend:)
Ubytovanie splnilo naše očakávanie, domáci bol príjemný a milý, užili sme si príjemnú dovolenku:). Určite môžem doporučiť:)
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(11 September 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Małgorzata Białas
I am very satisfied with the services offered by the Office, provide assistance, information received is accurate and complete. Reported quarters are the same as the posted photos. Conditions perfect. I would recommend this office to all, next year it will benefit my friends and we will use his services will not once.
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług swiadczonych przez Biuro,służą pomocą,wszystkie informacje otrzymane są rzetelne i wyczerpujące. Podawane kwatery są identyczne jak na zamieszczonych fotografiach. Warunki pobytu idealne. Polecem to biuro wszystkim, w przyszłym roku skorzystają z niego moi znajomi a my będziemy korzystać z jego usług z pewnością nie jeden raz.
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(11 September 2013)
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Polish (original)
Anna Grzesiak
Office service - model. The hosts of the lodge in Fażanie-Świetnia. I loved the pebble beaches and the wonderfully clear water of the Adriatic. It was really great.
Obsługa biura- wzorcowa. Gospodarze kwatery w Fażanie- świetni.Pokochałam kamieniste plaże i cudownie czystą wodę Adriatyku. Było naprawdę świetnie.
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(11 September 2013)
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Polish (original)