Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Web pages are clear and searchable. I am very happy with Alexander Pidik's approach. Meanwhile, everything is "on the one", I hope to spend a pleasant holiday: smile:
Webové stránky jsou přehledné, příjemně se na nich vyhledává. Jsem velmi spokojena i s přístupem Alexandy Pidikové. Zatím je vše "na jedničku", doufám, že strávím příjemnou dovolenou:smile:
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(12 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
I was in Artatore on the island of Lošinj - a nice quiet place, beware of jellyfish, little room for nudists, sea clean
Byl jsem v Artatore na ostrově Lošinj - pěkné klidné místo, pozor na medůzy, málo prostoru pro nudisty, moře čisté
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(11 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
Access p. Alexandra Pidikova was perfect, she was willing to react to all my questions. Staying on the island of Murter was great.
Prístup p. Alexandry Pidikovej bol perfektný, na všetky moje dotazy ochotne a promtne reagovala. Pobyt na ostrove Murter bol výborný.
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(10 July 2006)
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Slovak (original)
it's the first time I have booked a holiday at this agency. The impression I had is very helpful. For now I have a great desire to leave but August is still a bit in there ....
è la prima volta che prenoto una vacanza presso questa agenzia.L'impressione che ho avuto è di molta disponibilità. Per ora ho una gran voglia di partire ma agosto è ancora un pò in là....
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(10 July 2006)
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Italian (original)
Thank you for your beautiful vacation, and for the sixth time we went with ADRIATIC and it is really the most pleasant vacation.
Děkujeme za krásnou dovolenou,po šesté jsme jeli s agenturou ADRIATIC a je to opravdu nejpříjemněji strávená dovolená.DÍKY
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(10 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
The pages are tasteful and solid. I was surprised at the helpfulness and speed of negotiations, even though I did not end up using the offer: smile:
Stránky jsou vkusné a solidní. Byl jsem překvapen vstřícností a rychlostí jednání, třebaže jsem nabídky nakonec nevyužil.:smile:
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(8 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
I met here with Alexandra Pidikova the maximum willingness and resilience, even though I did not know until the last moment how much we would go to Croatia and constantly change the number. Certainly, I will always return to Zdeněk Jícha: smile:
Setkal jsem se zde od Alexandry Pidikové maximální ochoty a vztřícnosti, i když jsem do poslední chvíle nevěděl, kolik nás do Chorvatska pojede a neustále jsem počet měnil. Určitě se kdykoliv rád na obrátím. Zdeněk Jícha:smile:
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(8 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
Congratulations on a great web site. I am a new computer user and finding you was like coming home. Continued success. Holevy Urrau.
Congratulations on a great web site. I am a new computer user and finding you was like coming home. Continued success. Holevy Urrau.
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(8 July 2006)
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English (original)
Last week I was with my family at Hvar in the amazing bay of Uvala Lozna. Everything was according to our ideas and especially according to the offer of Adriatic traveler. We were all very happy and thank Mr. Jance Nadj - Adriatic's employee for the willingness and kindness of our vacation. I think next year we will go with the Adriatik with a choice, we have to start earlier this year because at the end of May the offer was quite small and most of the trips were already sold out. So, Mr. Janko once again thanks for a beautiful holiday. the Jank family
V minulém týdnu jsem byla s rodinou na Hvaru v úžasné zátoce Uvala Lozna. Vše bylo podle našich představ a hlavně podle nabídky cestovky Adriatic. Byli jsme všichni moc spokojeni a děkujeme p. Jance Nadj - zaměstnankyni Adriaticu za ochotu a laskavost při výběru naší dovolené. Myslím, že příští rok pojedeme opět s Adriaticem jen s výběrem musíme začít o něco dříve než letos, protože na konci května byla už nabídka poměrně malá a většina zájezdů byla již vyprodána. Takže p. Janko ještě jednou děkujeme za krásnou dovolenou. rodina Janků
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(7 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
Good day, I have to admit that once I ordered the apartment via internet and Croatian CK. I was very satisfied with the services and equipment and we are looking forward to a stay. For the services and information I have now provided, I thank you and I greet you with greetings.
Dobry deň,
musím priznať že 1. krát som si objednávala apartmán prostredníctvom internetu a chorvátskej CK. Zatial som so službami a vybavením veľmi spokojná a tešíme sa na pobyt. Za teraz poskytnuté služby a infomácie ďakujem a ostávam s pozdravom.
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(6 July 2006)
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