Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
I was satisfied with the expectations and I recommend this company. I write yet without any experience from the building but really good! : cool:
byl jsem spokojen nad očekávaní a doporučuji tuhle společnost.Píšu zatím bez skušeností z objektu ale fakt dobrý!
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(17 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
I was very surprised by your response, especially now, at a time when travelers do not know as soon as possible. We generally go to Croatia every year as a larger group (about 20 people). So I believe that next year we will turn to you with our request and use your services. : Smile:
Veľmi milo ma prekvapila Vaša odpoveď, hlavne teraz, v čase, keď cestovky nevedia čo skôr. Do Chorvátska chodíme každý rok väčšinou ako väčšia skupina (cca 20 ľudí).Takže verím, že budúci rok sa na Vás obrátime s našou požiadavkou a využijeme Vaše služby.:smile:
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(17 July 2006)
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Slovak (original)
great search in the offer-excellent access Mrs. Pidíková-the next year we will use again thanks.
výborné vyhledávání v nabídce-výborný přístup paní Pidíkové-příští rok využijeme znovu- děkujeme.
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(16 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
: smile: Thanks to your site it is possible to get a good overview of the possibilities of accommodation throughout the Adriatic coast. Graphic processing, sufficient information, including photos, makes it very easy to select according to your requirements. Communication with company parks (namely Mrs. Pidik) is welcoming and immediate. Despite the fact that I did not book this accommodation in the end because the accommodation capacity was not suitable for me and the location in question, I will definitely visit your site during the years to come.
:smile:Díky Vašim stránkám je možnno udělat si dobrý přehled o možnostech ubytování na celém Jaderském pobřeží. Grafické zpracování, dostatečné informace včetně fotografií velmi usnadňují výběr dle požadavků. Komunikace s parcovnicemi firmy (jmenovitě paní Pidikovou)je vstřícná a okamžitá. Přesto, že jsem si nakonec touto cestou ubytování nerezervoval neboť pro mne vhodny termín a danou lokalitu nebyla již ubytovací kapacita k dispozici, určitě při výběru v dalších letech na Vaše stránky zavítám.
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(15 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
WE HAVE EASY PRICES: wink: wink:
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(14 July 2006)
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Slovenian (original)
This is our first time that we have booked a holiday over the internet. And so far everything has gone very well with us.At adriatic you can just go with the Dutch language and we have experienced that as pleasant.Hoe our holiday is we do not know yet, but we let you know. So far, we are full of praise for adriatic and after our holiday we think even more. Greetings Anita
Dit is onze eerste keer dat wij een vakantie via internet hebben geboekt. En tot nu toe is alles bij ons nog zeer goed verlopen.Bij adriatic kun je gewoon terecht met de nederlandse taal en dat hebben wij toch wel als prettig ervaren.Hoe onze vakantie wordt weten wij nog niet,maar dat laten we jullie nog weten.Tot nu toe zijn we vol lof over adriatic en na onze vakantie denken wij nog meer. Groetjes Anita
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(14 July 2006)
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Dutch (original)
I like the page. And the offer is great: smile:
Stran mi je všeč. Pa tudi ponudba je odlična:smile:
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(13 July 2006)
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Slovenian (original)
Very nice offer, all the essential information. Thank you for the willingness and professional and friendly action Mrs. Jance Nadj. The problem was with payment in cash-deposit, thanks p.Nadj, we managed to resolve it. Thank you. The stay was nice, instead of nice-obj. 625A.
Velmi přehledná nabídka,všechny podstatné informace.Děkuji za ochotu a profesionální a vstřícné jednání paní Jance Nadj.Problém byl s platbou hotově-složenkou,díky p.Nadj, se nám jej podařilo vyřešit.Děkuji.Pobyt byl příjemný,místo pěkné-obj.625A.
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(12 July 2006)
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Czech (original)
We are very satisfied with the office and their work.We are happy with the help and assistance of the people.While we are on holiday we have not started yet has not yet come to an end but we hope to go back home with good experiences.The procedure for booking accommodation is easy we did not even think about it at the beginning. Good luck.
Nagyon meg vagyunk eddíg elégedve az irodával és a munkájukkal.Kedvesek az emberrel és segítőkészek.Bár nyaralni még nem indultunk el nem jött el még az ideje csak le van foglalva, de remélem jó élményekkel térünk haza.A szálláshelyek lefoglalásával kapcsolatos ügymenet pofon egyszerű, amit az elején nem is gondoltunk.
Sok sikert.
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(12 July 2006)
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Hungarian (original)
This is the first time I have used this agency. I found courtesy and availability and I was very pleased. We will leave for Hvar ... we will let you know: smoke:
E' la prima volta che mi servo di quest'agenzia. Ho trovato cortesia e disponibiltà e mi ha fatto molto piacere. Partiremo alla volta di Hvar... vi faremo sapere:smoke:
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(12 July 2006)
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Italian (original)