Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
For now the service is well organized, returning from the holiday gives a more comprehensive opinion. Thank you again for your cooperation, I offer the most 'cordial greetings. Zappi Beppe
Per ora il servizio e' bene organizzato;al rientro dalla vacanza daro' un parere piu'
Ringrazio ancora per la collaborazione,porgo i piu' cordiali saluti. Zappi Beppe
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(7 March 2008)
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Italian (original)
I have gone through several offers from other companies and other countries but I'm the best guy on your site is clear and there is all the information you need. I know what I order, I have an idea about the object and about the environment.
prešla som viaceré ponuky z iných firiem aj iných štátov ale ja sa najlepšie orientujem vo vašich stránkach sú prehľadné a sú tam všetky potrebné informácie. Viem, čo si objednávam, mám predstavu o objekte a o prostredí.
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(7 March 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Greetings from Germany to the entire Adriatic team. The website is super built, understandable and clear. You can find your way around quickly. The booking process is relatively fast and is (thanks to the competent Ariaticteams) no problem. If now our booked holiday in Croatia runs as smoothly as the booking process, then everything is perfect. It greets you all sincerely (especially Mrs. Luncan, who worked on our booking), Jürgen Müller with family (Münchberg in the Fichtelgebirge): smile:
Viele Grüße aus Deutschland an das gesamte Adriaticteam. Die Internetseite ist super aufgebaut, verständlich und übersichtlich. Man findet sich schnell zurecht. Der Buchungsvorgang geht relativ schnell und ist ( Dank des kompetenten Ariaticteams ) kein Problem. Wenn jetzt unser gebuchter Urlaub in Kroatien genauso reibungslos verläuft wie die der Buchungsvorgang, dann ist alles perfekt.
Es grüßt Sie alle herzlichst (besonders Frau Luncan, die unsere Buchung bearbeitet hat),
Jürgen Müller mit Familie
(Münchberg im Fichtelgebirge):smile:
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(7 March 2008)
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German (original)
very large offer of apartments, great organization, fast transaction. We look forward to the holiday!
sehr großes Angebot an Fewos, tolle Organisation, schnelle Abwicklung. Freuen uns schon auf den Urlaub!
You've rated us:
(7 March 2008)
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German (original)
Your website or the offer is very good. In particular, it is also good that you can see the beaches nearby. In fact, from your offer I can get all the information I need.
Vaše spletne strani oz. ponudba je zelo dobra. Predvsem je dobro tudi to, da si lahko ogledam kakšne so plaže v bližini.Pravzaprav lahko iz vaše ponudbe dobim vse informacije, ki jih potrebujem.
You've rated us:
(7 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
Dear! Your offer or The websites are very good. I like to see the facility and its surroundings, including the beaches.
Vaša ponudba oz. spletne strani so zelo dobre. Všeč mi je, da si lahko ogledam objekt in okolico, vključno s plažami.
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(7 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
: smile: at the site, organization, and services so far I can say that it is all excellent level .. When I have 'stayed on site I will expose' more comments .. thanks.: smile:
:smile:a livello di sito, organizzazione, e servizi fino ad ora usufruiti posso dire che è tutto di ottimo livello..Quando avro' soggiornato in loco esporro' ulteriori commenti..grazie.:smile:
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(7 March 2008)
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Italian (original)
I am very satisfied with your services so far and your website is flawless.Thank you with regards to Doman Petra.
Jsem doposud velmi spokojena s Vašimi službami a také Vaše internetové stránky jsou bezchybné.Děkuji s pozdravem Domanská Petra.
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(5 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
Hello, I have traveled to Croatia all times, but through this company I go for the first time so far is OK to arrange all the formalities. Best regards and see you at the seaside: wink :: lol:
Witam wszystkich zaiteresowanych wyjazdami do Chorwacji byłem wiele razy lecz za pośrednictwem tej firmy jadę pierwszy raz jak narazie jest OK załatwianie wszelkich formalności Pozdrawiam i do zobaczenia nad morzem:wink::lol:
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(5 March 2008)
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Polish (original)
I think you are doing very well! I am taken seriously from the beginning and you come across business! Especially because I am completely helped in Dutch, I get the feeling that I am negotiating with a reliable company! Thanks for everything
Ik vind dat jullie het erg goed doen! Ik word vanaf het begin serieus genomen en jullie komen zakelijk over! Vooral omdat ik helemaal in het Nederlands geholpen word, krijg ik ontzettend het gevoel dat ik met een betrouwbare onderneming aan het onderhandelen ben! Bedankt voor alles
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(5 March 2008)
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Dutch (original)