Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Thankyou for friendly and rapid service. Very usable website and helpful staff!
Thankyou for friendly and rapid service. Very usable website and helpful staff!
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(5 March 2008)
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Russian (original)
Dear friends, the offer of your site suits me well and it is easy to see, the order can be made easily, including a booking fee. Only confirmation of payment by the bank is very time consuming from payment 21.2. to confirmation 4.3.2008. Overall, however, I am satisfied with your service. Sincerely, Ing. Miroslav Jindra
Vážení přátelé,
nabíddka Vašich stránek mi vyhovuje a je přehledná, objednávku lze uskutečnit jednoduše včetně rezervačního poplatku. Pouze potvrzení platby bankou je velice zdlouhavé od platby 21.2. do potvrzení 4.3.2008. Celkově však jsem s Vaší službou spokojen.
S pozdravem
Ing. Miroslav Jindra
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(5 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
Hello, I'm using my office for the first time, and communication with my office is great for me, as the response to my requests is quick, clear and comprehensible. I suppose there will be similar accommodation on Hvar. Yours sincerely, Ing.Stanislav Julíček
Dobrý den, služby kanceláře využívám poprvé a komunikace s kanceláří mi zatím velmi vyhovuje, neboť reakce na mé požadavky jsou rychlé, jasné a srozumitelné. Předpokládám, že podobně bude probíhat ubytování na Hvaru.
S úctou Ing.Stanislav Julíček
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(4 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
I use the service for the first time and I am very happy with this: smile: if this is the case, I will definitely use your services again: cool:
Služeb využívám poprvé a zatím jsem velmi spokojená:smile: jestli takto dopadne i dovolená určitě vašich služeb opět využiji:cool:
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(4 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
I am so happy with the services of this CK that I do not look elsewhere. Very fast and resolutely, I was afraid to send some money to a foreign bank I know nothing about, but the fears were unexpected! And Mrs Katarína Homolová would have deserved the bonus (if it's a real person). It would fit a detailed map for each object.: Tongue:
Som tak spokojná so službami tejto CK že už žiadnu inú nehladám. Velmi rýchle a spolahlivé jednanie, najskor som mala strach posielat peniaze niekam do zahranicnej banky o ktorej nič neviem,ale obavy boli neopodstanené!A pani Katarína Homolová by si zaslúžila prémie( pokial je to skutočná osoba). Hodila by sa ešte podrobná mapa u jednotlivých objektov.:tongue:
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(4 March 2008)
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Slovak (original)
excellent site and excellent presentation of the apartments and everything you want to know when choosing a holiday destination. Impeccable service, quick and efficient. congratulations: smile :: smile:
ottimo sito ed eccellente presentazione degli appartamenti e di tutto quanto si desidera sapere al momento della scelta del luogo di vacanza.
Servizio impeccabile, rapido ed efficiente. complimenti:smile::smile:
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(4 March 2008)
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Italian (original)
Rycé ordering and very clear pages. I am very satisfied.
Ryclé vyřízení objednávky a velmi přehledné stránky.Jsem velice spokojen.
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(4 March 2008)
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Czech (original)
This year, I have been using for the third year. So far, I have been extremely pleased with all the offers, it was even above expectations. The staff is very friendly, and the internet site is also excellent. I am very pleased that the data on facilities and distances are real. I hope that this year's vacation will be as pleasant as it was two years ago. Jozi
Letos že tretje leto uporabljam storitev Do sedaj sem bila z vsem ponujenim izredno zadovoljna, bilo je celo nad pričakovanji. Osebje je zelo prijazno, prav tako pa je tudi internetna stran odlična. Zelo me veseli, da so podatki o objektih in oddaljenostih realni. Upam, da bo tudi letošnji dopust tako prijeten, kot je bilo pretekli dve leti. Joži
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(3 March 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
ensuring the trip through was once again super I have already used it 3 times and I will use it also in the future. Dušan
zabezpečenie zájazdu cez bolo opäť super využil som ho už 3 krát a využijem ho aj nabudúce. Dušan
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(3 March 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Despite some small catches with faxing, I'm satisfied with the service ... I hope that the booked structure matches what we saw on the site. Congratulations to Mr. Vanjia for the demonstrated professionalism.
Nonostante qualche piccolo inghippo con l'invio dei fax, sono soddisfatto del servizio... Sprero che la struttura prenotata corrisponda a quanto visto nel sito. Complimenti alla Sig. Vanjia per la professionalità dimostrata.
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(3 March 2008)
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Italian (original)