Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
: happy: Excellent service and extremely well-maintained website
Servizio ottimo e sito internet estremamente ben curato
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(22 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
I had forgotten to express special thanks to Mrs. Vanja, very competent and kind
Mi ero dimenticato di esprimere un ringraziamento particolare alla signora Vanja, molto competente e gentile
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(22 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
It is the first time that we use this service, the staff is kind and precise. He responded promptly, courteously and competently to all our questions. We will be able to give an opinion as soon as we are back. Thank you
E' la prima volta che usiamo questo servizio, il personale è gentile e preciso. Ha risposto con prontezza, cortesia e competenza ad ogni nostra domanda. Per l'alloggio sapremo dare un giudizio non appena tornati. Grazie
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(22 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
Since I booked my vacation for the first time on the Internet, I was pleasantly surprised. Everything could be done on the Internet, and I also very much liked that everything could be done in the Slovene language, which is still rare for Croatia. Nice greeting, Nina
Glede na to, da sem prvič rezervirala počitnice preko interneta, sem bila prijetno presenečena. Vse se je dalo uredit preko interneta, zelo mi je bilo všeč tudi to, da se je vse dalo opraviti v slovenskem jeziku, kar je za Hrvaško še vedno redkost.Lep pozdrav, Nina
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(22 May 2008)
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Slovenian (original)
I ordered a holiday object 424. Super website, as well as very efficient service. I received all the information immediately. I think that the accommodations will also correspond to the description on the page. But I will see during my stay. I wholeheartedly congratulate you. Anna Pluta
Zamówiłam na wczasy obiekt 424. Super strona internetowa, a także bardzo sprawna obsługa. Wszelkie informacje otrzymałam natychmiast. Myślę, że również kwatery będą odpowiadały opisowi na stronie. Ale przekonam się podczas pobytu. Serdecznie gratuluję. Anna Pluta
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(21 May 2008)
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Polish (original)
For me it is the first time and my holiday will be in August but the kindness, accuracy and efficiency of this agency have shokkata me! ... accustomed to our agencies ... however, my impression is excellent and, on my return, I will tell you ALL THE REST !! : wink :: cool: GOOD WISHES HOLIDAYS TO ALL !!!: lol :: tongue:
Per me è la prima volta e la mia vacanza sarà ad Agosto ma la gentilezza, la precisione e l'efficienza di questa agenzia mi hanno shokkata!!! ...abituata alle nostre agenzie...comunque la mia impressione è ottima e, al mio ritorno, Vi racconterò TUTTO IL RESTO!!:wink::cool: BUONE MERITATE VACANZE A TUTTI!!!:lol::tongue:
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(21 May 2008)
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Italian (original)
For the time being, I am very satisfied with your services, I hope that it will also come back from your holiday: smile:
Zatiaľ som s Vašimi službami maximálne spokojná, dúfam, že tomu tak bude ajpo návrate z dovolenky:smile:
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(21 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovak (original)
I'm very happy with your quick service: lol:
zelo sem zadovoljna z vašo hitro uslugo:lol:
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(21 May 2008)
English Google Translate |
Slovenian (original)
Promptness and kindness! Thank you! Codruta: smile:
Promptitudine si amabilitate!
Va multumesc!
You've rated us:
(20 May 2008)
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Romanian (original)
We liked your website very much. Everything is clear, well handy. The reservation was quick and easy. We are looking forward.
Vaše internetové stránky se nám líbily moc. Vše je přehledné, dobře ovladatelné. Rezervace proběhla rychle a bez problémů. Moc se těšíme.
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(20 May 2008)
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Czech (original)