Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Very nice thank you for a nice holiday and I hope that I will be able to use your services for a year, I will keep you in the palm and the wish of a lot of satisfied holidaymakers like we were.
Velmi pekne dakujem za krasnu dovolenku a dufam,že Vaše služby budem moct využit aj o rok,držim Vam palce a prajem vela takych spokojnych dovolenkarov ako sme boli my.
You've rated us:
(6 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Great service, fast and efficient. Good and kind Mrs. Vera.
Ottimo servizio, veloce ed efficiente. Brava e gentile la signora Vera.
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(6 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
Good service, as well as the availability and speed of operation ... Congratulations! : Smile:
Buono il servizio, come pure la disponibilità e la velocità delle operazioni...
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(6 August 2008)
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Italian (original)
Thank you and Svetlana Golubich for a great holiday! We went the first time themselves, and were very pleased that the chosen accommodation was better than the picture.: Smile:
Спасибо и Светлане Голубич за прекрасный отдых! Ездили первый раз сами и очень были рады тому, что выбранное жилье оказалось лучше, чем на картинке.:smile:
You've rated us:
(6 August 2008)
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Russian (original)
Excellent service. Good job. Force Croatia.: Smile:
Servicii excelente.
Buna treaba.
Forta Croatia.:smile:
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(6 August 2008)
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Romanian (original)
Very fast and professional service. Aaprtman was in line with the presentation on the agency's website.
Vrlo brza i profesionalna usluga. Aaprtman je bio u skladu prezentacijom na stranicama agencije.
You've rated us:
(6 August 2008)
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Croatian (original)
Great website )the best I have seen so far about Croatia holidays), great service. I really appreciated that everything could be done via Internet and without the slightest problem. The apartment looked just like on the pictures. We had a great time. Thanks
Great website )the best I have seen so far about Croatia holidays), great service. I really appreciated that everything could be done via Internet and without the slightest problem. The apartment looked just like on the pictures. We had a great time. Thanks
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(6 August 2008)
English original |
English (original)
Thanks a lot, we have spent a fantastic holiday in Drvenik. The apartment was very small but functional. The owners were very pleasant. There was a little problem with parking, but it was solved. The main beach was very crowded but the rocky one not far away was great, you could always find a nice place there. It would be a good idea to have GPS coordinates of the place, otherwise you have a great web page and services. Thanks again, we were very satisfied with the holiday.
Thanks a lot, we have spent a fantastic holiday in Drvenik. The apartment was very small but functional. The owners were very pleasant. There was a little problem with parking, but it was solved. The main beach was very crowded but the rocky one not far away was great, you could always find a nice place there. It would be a good idea to have GPS coordinates of the place, otherwise you have a great web page and services. Thanks again, we were very satisfied with the holiday.
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(6 August 2008)
English original |
English (original)
I meet your agency for the first time, but I am very happy with the dynamics of booking. I hope that the holiday will be according to our expectations and I will certainly use your services also in the future.: Cool: Thank you
S Vašou agentúrou sa stretávam prvý krát, zatial som velmi spokojná s dynamikou vybavovania rezervácie. Dúfam, že dovolenka bude podľa našich predstáv a určite využijem Vaše služby aj nabudúce.:cool: Ďakujem
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(6 August 2008)
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Slovak (original)
Sir! I am very surprised at your ažurnostjo and in a very positive smislu.Od now to know with whom I contacted on holiday on the Croatian coast. Lp, Stane
Zelo sem presenečen nad vašo ažurnostjo in sicer v zelo pozitivnem smislu.Od sedaj naprej vem s kom bom kontaktiral glede počitnic na Hrvaški obali.
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(5 August 2008)
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Slovenian (original)