Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
: Smile:: smile:: smile: We first used the services of Adriatic and we are very satisfied with the course booking and immediate response from his travels. of office. as well as accommodation, all comfort, simply cool. Thanks to Mrs. and Mr. Home.
:smile::smile::smile:Poprvé jsme využili služeb Adriatic a jsme velmi spokojeni s průběhem rezervace a okamžitá odezva z cest. kanc. jakož i ubytování, veškerý komfort, no prostě pohoda. Dík patří paní a panu domácí.
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(4 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
Thank you very much both to the company and personally to Svetlana! Quickly received a voucher by mail IDL. The pictures and information fully corresponded to what they saw. Hospitable hosts and a great place. Rest in Rogoznica!
Большое спасибо и компании и лично Светлане! Быстро получили ваучер по почте IDL. Картинки и информация полностью соответствовали тому, что увидели. Гостеприимные хозяева и прекрасное место. Отдыхйте в Рогознице!
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(4 September 2008)
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Russian (original)
Wczasy i wakacje, turystyka uzdrowiskowa,
Wczasy i wakacje, turystyka uzdrowiskowa,
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(4 September 2008)
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English (original)
Satisfaction: smile:
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(3 September 2008)
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Slovak (original)
professionalism, thoughtful, honestly, you can learn everything, a consultant in the Polish language, answers to questions quickly and wątpliwości.POLECAM!! fully checked, images are not exaggerated, even worse, the reality ładniejsza.byłam with his family in two places, Both apartments cool, carefully described, and even better than already provided by biuro.zawsze I rode with you! greetings!: smile:: smile:: heart:
pełen profesjonalizm, miło, rzetelnie,można się wszystkiego dowiedzieć,konsultant w języku polskim,odpowiada szybko na pytania i wątpliwości.POLECAM!!!!w pełni sprawdzone,zdjęcia nie przesadzone,wręcz gorsze,rzeczywistośc ładniejsza.byłam z rodziną w dwóch miejscach,obydwie kwatery fajne,dokładnie opisane,i jeszcze lepiej niż przedstawione przez biuro.zawsze już będę z wami jeździła!!!pozdrowienia!:smile::smile::heart:
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(2 September 2008)
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Polish (original)
I do not know if I have used the Adriatic Hr Services, but I booked at the last moment a flat on the island of Hvar through your agency and I have to confirm that I found myself very well. The apartment was nice, well located and with an affordable price. The staff of your agency, contacted by telephone when we arrived in Split, was very kind and assisted us in making sure that we could find the property of the apartment quickly. Even the owner of the apartment was very skinny and available. Truly everything OK :: happy :: happy :: happy:
Non so se ho usufruito degli Adriatic Hr Servizi, ho però prenotato all'ultimo momento un appartamento sull'isola di Hvar tramite la vostra agenzia è devo confermare che mi sono trovato molto bene.
L'appartamento era bello, ben posizionato e con un prezzo accessibile. Il personale della vostra agenzia, interpellato telefonicamente al nostro arrivo a Spalato, è stato molto gentile e ci ha assistito facendo in modo di farci trovare la proprietà dell'appartamento in maniera veloce. Anche la proprietaria dell'appartamento è stato molto carna e disponibile.
Veramente tutto OK::happy::happy::happy:
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(2 September 2008)
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Italian (original)
Super strong agency. If we had at least one in the country that I would be something. Laura is extraordinary and so stay. Congratulations again. Gigi - Romania
Super tare agentie. Daca am avea macar una in tara ca voi ar fi ceva. Laura esti extraordinara si asa sa ramai. Felicitari incaodata. Gigi - Romania
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(2 September 2008)
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Romanian (original)
The house is exactly as it appears on the site. Extremely clean and cozy, comfortable as well as near the sea, and the owners, even if they do not speak Italian, are very courteous and hospitable. The service agency has been excellent: all precise as agreed. Council this facility and this agency.
La casa è esattamente come appare sul sito.
Estremamente pulita ed accogliente, nonchè comodissima in quanto vicina al mare.I proprietari, anche se non parlano italiano, sono molto cortesi ed ospitali. Il servizio dell'agenzia è stato ottimo: tutto precisissimo come d'accordo. Consiglio questa struttura e questa agenzia.
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(2 September 2008)
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Italian (original)
Good evening, we took advantage of services offered by your travel agent and would like to state that everything was to our satisfaction. Was perfect as your range of services on the Internet, so arranging the selected residence and also the reality in the place of residence. Everything was as it was previously presented, including a nice landlady. Stay and your services could safely recommend.
Dobrý večer, využili jsme služeb Vaší cestovní kanceláře a rádi konstatujeme, že vše proběhlo k naší spokojenosti. Bezvadná byla jak Vaše nabídka služeb na internetu, tak zařizování vybraného pobytu a v neposlední řadě i realita v místě pobytu. Vše bylo tak, jak bylo předem prezentováno včetně příjemné paní domácí. Pobyt a Vaše služby můžeme s klidem doporučit.
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(1 September 2008)
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Czech (original)
Let me briefly assess the recreation of my family in Croatia in 2008. Impeccable and fast organization by Adriatic. I highly appreciate the work of Slovak worker Alena Bešinová. The accommodation was excellent. Thank you, my dear lady, Blaženka Pogorilič in Povljan on the island of Pag. Children liked it from the beginning. After this short stay, maybe just one link: Knowledge of the year and thank you for everything.
Dovoľujem si stručne zhodnotiť rekreáciu mojej rodiny v Chorvátsku v roku 2008.
Bezchybná a rýchla organizácia zo strany Adriatic. Vysoko hodnotím činnosť slovenskej pracovníčky ml.pani Aleny Bešinovej. Ubytovanie bolo vynikajúce.Ďakujeme láskavej pani domácej Blaženke Pogorilič v Povljane na ostrove Pag. Deti si ju od začiatku obľúbili. Po tomto krátkom pobyte snáď len jeden odkaz: Dovidenia o rok a ďakujeme za všetko.
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(1 September 2008)
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Slovak (original)