Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Enikő Balatoni
We have travelled with Adriatic agency 2nd times and I can say only positive things about service. They are very correct, exact and quick and the staff is very kind. We are satisfied with them very much and thanks a lot.
This year our apartment was the 5234-a. It is very vell-equipped and nice (photos are exact), but we had to reach the apartment almost 50 degrees slope and parking was horroristic (we were behind each other and if somebody wanted to go away we had to stand out…so knocking was constant!) This apartment is offered for only experienced drivers because of extreme slope and parking. The sea is deep here except a little place (exactly under the terrace) so everybody used this and it was noisy. On the whole we offer them who doesn’t disturbe trouble with car but the panorama from terrace compensates unpleasantness.
We have travelled with Adriatic agency 2nd times and I can say only positive things about service. They are very correct, exact and quick and the staff is very kind. We are satisfied with them very much and thanks a lot.
This year our apartment was the 5234-a. It is very vell-equipped and nice (photos are exact), but we had to reach the apartment almost 50 degrees slope and parking was horroristic (we were behind each other and if somebody wanted to go away we had to stand out…so knocking was constant!) This apartment is offered for only experienced drivers because of extreme slope and parking. The sea is deep here except a little place (exactly under the terrace) so everybody used this and it was noisy. On the whole we offer them who doesn’t disturbe trouble with car but the panorama from terrace compensates unpleasantness.
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(5 July 2011)
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Balatoni Enikő
We have been traveling to Adriatic for the second time and I can only say positive about customer service, correct, accurate and fast administration, the kindness of the staff. Our hotel was 5234. The apartment is very well equipped and demanding (the photos are accurate), but from the mountain approx. We had to go down to the house at 50 o, and the parking was catastrophic (we were lined up behind each other and if we wanted to go ahead, we had to stop ... so there was constant knocking!). Due to the extremely steep slope and parking it is recommended for professional drivers only. The beach is very steep and deep, except for a smaller area where shallow water (below the terrace) so everyone uses it and is quite noisy. Overall, we recommend that you do not mind the car makers, but the panorama from the terrace compensates for the inconvenience.
Már másodszor utaztunk az Adriatic-al és csak pozitívumot tudok elmondani az ügyfélszolgálatról, a korrekt, pontos és gyors ügyintézésről, a munkatársak kedvességéről.
Idei szállásunk az 5234-a volt. Az apartman nagyon jól felszerelt és igényes (a fotók pontosak), viszont a hegyről kb. 50 o-os szögben kellett lemenni a házhoz és a parkolás katasztrofális (egymás mögött szorosan sorakoztunk és ha az előttünk álló el akart menni, nekünk el kellett állni... így állandó volt a kopogtatás!). A rendkívül meredek lejtő és a parkoló miatt csak profi autóvezetőknek ajánlott. A part nagyon meredek és mély, kivéve egy kisebb területet, ahol sekély a víz (pont a terasz alatt), így mindenki ezt használja és elég zajos.
Összességében annak ajánljuk, akit nem zavar az autóval járó macera, viszont a teraszról nyíló panoráma kárpótol a kellemetlenségért.
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(5 July 2011)
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Deák Gabriella
Correct, quick administration, very easy to use website, lots of pictures of accommodation. So far, only positive. The holiday will be a week away. I hope we are not disappointed either.
Korrekt, gyors ügyintézés, nagyon könnyen használható weboldal, sok kép a szállásról. Eddig csak pozitívum. A nyaralás egy hét múlva lesz. Remélem abban sem csalódunk.
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(5 July 2011)
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Márta Manek
Very Customer Service, Reliable and Correct!
Nagyon kedves az ügyfélszolgálat, megbízhatóak és korrektek!
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(4 July 2011)
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Miroslav Drkoš
Why are client comments broken down by individual objects?
Prečo sú zrušené komentáre klientov k jednotlivým objektom?
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(4 July 2011)
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István Csete
The funeral service was fair although the accommodation was not known. The quality of the accommodation did not correspond to the category rating.
Az ügífélszolgálat korrekt volt bár a szállás cimét nem tudták. A szállás minősége nem felelt meg a kategória besorolásának.
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(3 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Everything at the highest level, I have nothing to complain about, full professionalism, answers to all questions in the blink of an eye. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
Wszystko na najwyższym poziomie, nie mam nic do zarzucenia, pełny profesjonalizm, odpowiedzi na wszelkie pytania w mgnieniu oka. GORĄCO POLECAM!!!
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(3 July 2011)
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Czech Republic
Pavel Žouželka
We have used the services of your CK and thank you for trouble-free service. Staying in Croatia is perfect for us. Zouželka, Brno.
Použili jsme služeb Vaší C.K. a děkujeme za bezproblémové služby. Pobyt v Chorvatsku nám pro nás bezvadný. Žouželkovi, Brno.
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(3 July 2011)
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Gyula Musits
Very good site so far only positive experiences are customer service is fast and fair. The pictures on this page show the reality of the accommodation completely. Thanks
Nagyon jó az oldal eddig csak pozitív tapasztalataim vannak az ügyfélszolgálat gyors és korrekt.
Az oldalon látható képek a szállásról teljesen a valóságot mutatják. Köszönöm
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(3 July 2011)
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Czech Republic
Ivana Stránská
I really recommend Excellent service, clear web pages, help at any time, total satisfaction:-) We enjoyed a wonderful holiday on the Adriatic from the second time, do not hesitate.
Opravdu doporučuji služby Skvělé služby, přehledné webové stránky, pomoc kdykoliv, naprostá spokojenost:-).Zažili jsme báječnou dovolenou na Jadranu již po druhé od této společnosti, neváhejte.
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(2 July 2011)
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