Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Елена Старикова
Everything was great! Everything is simple, convenient, fast! Thanks to Yaroslav!
Все было отлично! Все просто,удобно,быстро!Спасибо Ярославу!
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(7 July 2011)
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Елена Старикова
Thanks for good job! The site is very convenient! Special thanks to Yaroslav Sadovyy I will recommend to my friends !!!! Thanks to all!
Спасибо за хорошую работу! Сайт очень удобный!Отдельная благодарность Yaroslav Sadovyy Буду рекомендовать своим друзьям!!!! Всем спасибо!
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(7 July 2011)
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Darina Majercikova
I recommend the CK Adriatic, the whole process of selecting and realization of the stay were good, cooperate with Mrs. Besinova vyborna.Pobyt in Drasnicia predccile our expectations, the apartment corresponds to the description, excellent home, the perfect reptiles.One rusivym element were Czech tourists-noisy and drzi.Na year abbot we will use the services of CK Adriatik.Dakujeme.
Odporucam CK Adriatic,cely proces vyberu a realizacia pobytu boli dobre,spolupraca s pani Besinovou vyborna.Pobyt v Drasniciach predcil nase ocakavania,apartman zodpovedal popisu,vyborna domaca,perfektna plaz.Jedinym rusivym elementom boli ceski turisti-hlucni a drzi.Na rok opat vyuzijeme sluzby CK Adriatik.Dakujeme.
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(6 July 2011)
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Papp Ildikó
Adriatic is the most helpful. All questions are perfectly satisfactory and most importantly they are always nice and friendly. Thank you for your help! Ildik Papp
Az Adriatic maximálisan segítőkész.Minden kérdésre tökéletesen kielégítő választ adnak és ami a legfontosabb,
mindig kedvesek és barátságosak.Köszönöm segítségüket! Papp Ildikó
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(6 July 2011)
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Erős Zoltán
I'm very satisfied with the services of the Adriatic office. They work fast, they work rightly, answer any questions immediately. Thank you for your help!
Az Adriatic iroda szolgáltatásaival maximálisan elégedett vagyok.Gyorsan,korrektül dolgoznak,bármilyen kérdésre azonnal válaszolnak.Köszönöm a segítségüket!
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(6 July 2011)
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Michał Zawadziński
Highly recommended:) customer approach very welcome and professional. I have nothing to complain about:) Would definitely use more of your services!:)
Gorąco polecam:) Podejście do klienta bardzo mile i profesjonalne. Nie mam nic do zarzucenia:) Na pewno skorzystam jeszcze z Państwa usług!!!:)
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(6 July 2011)
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Martina Reptišová
I recommend the CK Adriatic services: the website is clear, and detailed enough, the booking took place quickly and without any problems. Fast and easy communication with the operator - p. Bešinová Ďakujem
Odporúčam služby CK Adriatic: internetova stránka je prehľadná, a dostatočne podrobná, rezervácia prebehla rýchlo a bez problémov. Ochotná a rýchla komunikácia s operátorom - p. Bešinová Ďakujem
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(5 July 2011)
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Пименов Виктор
Thank you for the services of the agency, we rested at object 583 in 2010, I liked everything very much, now I booked 758, we hope that we will also be delighted
Cпасибо за услуги агенства,отдыхали в объекте 583 в 2010 г., всё очень понравилось, сейчас забронировали 758, надеемся что тоже будем в восторге
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(5 July 2011)
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Kinik Ján
I have been using the Adriatic for three more times. Dosial has always been happy. I recommend the services of this travel agency.
Služby Adriaticu využívam
už treti krát.Dosial so bol vždy spokojný . Odporúčam služby tejto cest.kancelárie.
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(5 July 2011)
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Vladimir Seredin
Many thanks to the Agency, we were resting in the object 5219, I liked everything, thanks to Yaroslav Sadovoy, a person with a soul comes to clients.
Большое спасибо Агенству , отдыхали в на объекте 5219,все очень понравилось, отдельное спасибо Ярославу Садовому, человек с душой подходит к клиентам.
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(5 July 2011)
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