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Poland Marek Majchrzyk
I recommend the Croatian office website. OK, I know that no one will pull me back on a government plane
You've rated us: (30 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Polish (original)
Poland Andrzej Szerlak
Very efficiently carried out booking, the website contains detailed and necessary information, and at the same time it is easy to navigate through it - in a word, as for now only superlatives.
You've rated us: (30 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Polish (original)
Slovakia Leitner Daliboe
We were on vacation in the city of Podaca in object 2711. The environment was super and location of the apartment. But as far as apartment equipment is concerned, it was the worst thing I've ever experienced in Croatian ... From the burning door, the non-functional handle on the toilet, the no shelter that you put in your offer to the apartment. The device is about 30 years old, but that would be possible if it was maintained. In the cabinets the smell of pottery, everywhere dust, but unhealthy. We are very dissatisfied with the accommodation. Find out what the offer of your travel agency offers. Still the weather was great. Sincerely, Leitner Dalibor
You've rated us: (30 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Hungary Szarvas Dóra
Although I'm still on the road and I will only be able to comment on the holiday after the holiday, I would like to point out that the Adriatic employees are really conscientious, especially thanks to Edit Csibriket for his conscientious work and his helpful attitude towards the guests. nowadays my voucher is in my hands, but the bankers did not ease our business ... But to edit, I was reluctant to ask my questions, so I did not even doubt that this sudden idea could be realized ... and I travel with three young children from the base of competing travel agencies it was a problem, but it did not cause any disruption here. I am absolutely sure that the quality of our accommodation will be satisfactory, for me Adriatic is the guarantee:-)
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Hungary Horváth Mónika
I am very satisfied with quick, accurate information and booking. I can only recommend everyone!
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Hungary Smit Gyöngyi
I am very pleased with the adriatic service. It's been so fluttered up to now, even though two weeks before the trip it was discovered that this holiday would be a hotel, not the choice because there was no place but a better one, as a substitute accommodation, close to the place where I originally wanted to go. In addition, I got the voucher in 3 days, if I had a question, I just got the answer. Special thanks to Melinda and Edit for their kindness and preparedness. I'm looking forward to going back to the post ...:-) I've already recommended the office to friends and I hope others will be as happy as I am !!
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Slovakia Ľudmila Moravčíková
Your services are perfect, we are extremely satisfied, we will again use your services next year if we serve health. We would welcome more offers for accommodation in Brela. Thanks again.
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Hungary Erzsébet Sres
We have been on Adriatic for the second time. It's no coincidence, since we were happy for the first time. We thank Melinda Parcina for her very kind, kind, and she was happy to be in every respect. I really like the office website. You can easily navigate, manage it easy, and the information there is almost complete to answer any questions you may have. If you have any questions, then experience can be answered quickly by customer service. I can recommend the office to anyone!
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Slovakia Mária Fuseková
I appreciate the Adriatic.hr Internet Services for excellent, quick answers, quick handling and satisfaction.
You've rated us: (29 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Slovenia Edita černjavič
I used the Adriatic.hr service for the first time. The reservation process is quick, communication in the Slovene language, very specific descriptions, it was good.
You've rated us: (28 July 2011)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovenian (original)
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