Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Andrea Gregorová
We used for the first time. Communication is fast and clear. They responded to our demands by turnover. Communication with Mrs. Djordja Petrić was great and thanks to her we had a great holiday. We were very satisfied. We thank you! We will recommend!
Služby sme využili prvýkrát. Komunikácia rýchla a prehľadná. Na naše požiadavky reagovali obratom. Komunikácia s pani Djordjou Petrić bola výborná a aj vďaka nej sme mali výbornú dovolenku. Boli sme veľmi spokojní. Ďakujeme! Budeme odporúčať!
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(28 July 2011)
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Cseh László
So far everything goes. We were expecting the same accommodation for 10 € a day for less than $ 10 a day for another similar company. Here, after the payment of the deposit, we have received the address of the accommodation (at the "other" company last year we got the address of the local representation, probably not to be rented by the host ...). If we came home, I'll continue ...
Eddig flottul megy minden. Úgy jártunk, hogy ugyanazt a szállást egy hasonlónevű másik cég ajánlatánál napi 10 €-val kevesebbért kaptuk itt. Itt, az előleg befizetése után egyből megkaptuk a szállás címét, (a "másik" cégnél tavaly a helyi képviselet címét kaptuk meg, valószínűleg azért, hogy le ne boltoljuk a szállásadóval...). Ha hazjöttünk, folytatom...
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(28 July 2011)
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Hungarian (original)
Filip Egart
We were extremely pleased. Everything was the way we wanted it and it was in your offer. Thank you for your honesty. We are on the second year. Good luck. Filip
Bili smo izredno zadovoljni. Vse je bilo tako kot smo želeli in je bilo v Vaši ponudbi. Hvala za korektnost.
Drugo leto smo na vezi.
Srečno. Filip
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(28 July 2011)
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Elvíra Klimentová
Thanks to our professional and comprehensible web pages and willing and helpful staff, in a short period of time we have been able to choose a great place from a wide range of offerings and we felt great! We will definitely choose from your offers anytime soon! EK
Vďaka za profesionálne a zrozumiteľne vypracované webstrany ck a ochotných a nápomocných pracovníkov, za krátku dobu sme si vedeli vybrať zo širokej ponuky vyhovujúce miesto a cítili sme sa super!Určite budem ešte vyberať z Vašich ponúk al nabudúce! E.K.
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(27 July 2011)
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Szalai István
Good site, easy navigation
Jó oldal, könnyű navigálás
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(27 July 2011)
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Karol Kirchmaier
The great service in the ck is the perfect accommodation for all eight of us that we were extremely satisfied with in your bidding to Croatia only with you, once we are very thankful.
Skvele sluzby v ck vyborne ubytovanie proste vsetci osmy co sme boli sme nadmieru spokojny urcite v biducnosti do Chorvatska len s vami,este raz velmi dakujeme.
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(27 July 2011)
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Marzanna Cackowska
Professional service, I have never been disappointed and I've been using it 3 times. Croatia is beautiful. I recommend this travel agency
Profesjonalna obsługa, nigdy się nie zawiodłam a korzystam już 3 raz. Chorwacja piękna. Polecam to biuro podróży
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(27 July 2011)
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Polish (original)
Boros Ildiko
The web site is extremely good. You can find everything you need to know about the accommodation. And if any questions arise, the officers are willing to respond to everything. Thanks to Csibrik Edit for his helpful, patient cooperation.
A web-hely rendkívül jó. Minden információt meg lehet találni amire csak szükségünk lehet a szálláshellyel kapcsolatban. S ha felmerül bármilyen kérdés, az ügyintézők mindenre készségesen válaszolnak. Köszönöm Csibrik Edit segítőkész, türelmes együttműködését.
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(26 July 2011)
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The apartment was very nice and all the needs met with the owner was nice to recommend to others.
Nagyon szép igényes volt az apartman, minden igényt kielégített a tulajdonos kedves volt ajánlom másoknak is.
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(26 July 2011)
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Екатерина Гарозина
Good afternoon! I want to note that the site in comparison with last year was even better, informative. The only wish that from the town or village of residence was the map of the journey to the site itself. I want to thank Svetlana Golubich for her professionalism, attention and responsiveness.
Добрый день! Хочу отметить что сайт по сравнению с прошлым годом стал еще лучше, информативнее.Единственное пожелание,чтобы от городка или деревеньки проживания была схема проезда до самого объекта.Хочется поблагодарить Светлану Голубич за профессионализм ,внимание и отзывчивость.
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(26 July 2011)
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