Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Mária Lašová
Thank you for the beautiful holiday we were in mediči accommodation super, there is fantastic, beautiful clear sea, amazing nature. The mist and the rest are overflowing with the scent of the sea. Thank you and we will recommend the services of your traveler, and we will certainly use them.
Ďakujeme za prekrásnu dovolenku boli sme v mediči ubytovanie super, je tam fantasticky, krásne číre more, úžasna príroda. Kľud a oddych sa prelínalii s vôňou mora. Ďakujeme a vrelo budeme odporúčať služby vašej cestovky a my ich určite využijeme.
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(1 August 2011)
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Stanila Ioan
I am very pleased with the services offered by this agency. It is the second year in which I call on their services and I have nothing to say. As far as Croatia is concerned, it is a very beautiful country that you fall in love at first. to all the Romans.
Sunt foarte multumit de serviciile oferite de aceasta agentie.Este al doilea an in care apelam la serviciile lor si nu am ce sa le reprosez.In ceea ce priveste Croatia,este o tara foarte frumoasa ,de care te indragostesti la prima vedere.O recomand tuturor romanilor.
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(1 August 2011)
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Alena Bieliková
Thank you for your wonderful holiday on the island of Ugljan, there is fantastic, beautiful clear sea, amazing nature. The whims and snacks were blended with the scent of the sea. Thank you and we will recommend the services of your traveler, and we will certainly use them.
Ďakujeme za prekrásnu dovolenku na ostrove Ugljan, je tam fantasticky, krásne číre more, úžasna príroda. Kľud a oddych sa prelínali s vôňou mora. Ďakujeme a vrelo budeme odporúčať služby vašej cestovky a my ich určite využijeme.
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(1 August 2011)
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Jara Kravcová
The offer of a travel agency is very rich and especially very clear, a lot of photos from the surrounding area and directly from the apartments make it very easy to choose accommodation. Communication with the travel agency was fast, all our questions answered immediately. We traveled to private apartments for the first time, everything was easy and we will definitely use the services of this travel agency next year. Thank you and we strongly recommend.
Ponuka cestovnej kancelárie je veľmi bohatá a predovšetkým veľmi prehľadná, množstvo fotografií z okolia a aj priamo z apartmánov veľmi uľahčuje výber ubytovania. Komunikácia s cestovnou kanceláriou bola rýchla, na všetky naše otázky odpovedali ihneď. Cestovali sme do súkromných apartmánov prvý krát, všetko bolo bez problémov a budúci rok určite využijeme služby tejto cestovnej kancelárie opäť. Ďakujeme a vrelo odporúčame.
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(1 August 2011)
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Erzsébet Seres
A few days earlier, "just" in the office, and Melinda Parcina perfect work of opinion writing is not about accommodation. Now it replaces. Two weeks on the Peljesac Peninsula, Orebic was in the A-425 labeled apartment. Everything was fine with it, well equipped and clean, the owner is friendly and nice. Parking is a problem posed in the sense that the cars are lined up one after the other in the yard, and if you do not guard the car on the day of sightseeing, not about time for the others to exchange parking order ... if you stay, do not you go hiking. The other is a very noisy street. There is a ferry port. What we found out there is only this last-minute organized the trip, and were it not too happy. The Croats are building great highways, but the other way are typically very narrow in many cases. So it is in Orebic in this street as well. The ferry trucks, large buses can operate, and they certainly do not fit side by side, if you bring a lot to meet. In this case, many times, honk the solution is chosen, and when they find out that this does not make the road wider, you can also try other solutions. Quickly carry on this road, be careful, some little kid! - Because, as a man puts his foot in the yard, now it can also drive the truck. Look out from the garden of the many beautiful green plants can not be, so before you exit the ride, caution should be kukucskálni. After we passed the dangerous road a few steps after you get the part. In this sense, but a good place to stay. All the beaches are cleaned in the morning, picked up the trash, but he always stays cigerattacsikk that we should not throw away. The holiday companions environmental behavior is certainly a lot to be desired! Calf was found at such a beautiful bay, where water will flow into the sea of karst. Divine clean water, wonderful views of the sea, but if you turn around, look toward the mountains, admire landfills. Terribly depressing. Littering case is still very much work. Of course, not only here, not only in Croatia. Peljesac is worth a trip on a very beautiful peninsula!
Pár nappal korábban "csak" az iroda, és Melinda Parcina tökéletes munkájáról írtam véleményt a szállásról nem. Most pótolom. Két hétig a Peljesac félszigeten, Orebic-ben voltunk, az A-425 jelzésű apartmanban. Minden rendben volt vele, jól felszerelt, tiszta, a tulajdonos barátságos, kedves. A parkolás jelentett gondot olyan értelemben, hogy az autók egymás után sorakoznak az udvarban, és ha az ember nincs résen az autós kirándulós napján, nem szól időben a többieknek, hogy cseréljenek parkolási sorrendet ... akkor maradsz, nem mégy kirándulni. A másik: nagyon zajos ez az utca. Itt van kompkikötő. Mi erre csak ott jöttünk rá -utolsó pillanatban szerveztük az utazást-, és nem voltunk tőle túl boldogok. A horvátok fantasztikus autópályákat építenek, de a többi út jellemzően, rendkívül sok esetben nagyon keskeny. Így van ez itt Orebic-ben ebben az utcában is. A komppal kamionok, hatalmas autóbuszok is közlekednek, és ezek bizony nem férnek el egymás mellett, ha úgy hozza a sors, hogy találkoznak. Ilyenkor számtalanszor a dudálást választják megoldásnak, majd amikor rájönnek, hogy ettől még nem lesz szélesebb az út, akkor egyéb megoldással is próbálkoznak. Gyorsan hajtanak ezen az úton, óvatosnak kell lenni -kisgyerekesek!!!- , mert amint kiteszi az ember a lábát az udvarról, már rá is hajthat a kamion. Kilátni a kertből a sok szép zöld növény miatt nem lehet, ezért mielőtt kilépünk az útra, óvatosan ki kell kukucskálni. Miután áthaladtunk a veszélyes úton pár lépés után már ott a part. Ilyen értelemben viszont jó helyen van a szállás. Minden reggel takarítják a strandokat, összeszedik a szemetet, de a cigerattacsikk valahogy mindig ott marad, amit nem is kellene eldobni. A nyaralótársak környezettudatos magatartása bizony nagyon sok kívánnivalót hagy maga után! Borje-nél például találtunk egy gyönyörű öblöt, ahol befolyik a tengerbe a karsztvíz. Isteni tiszta a víz, meseszép a kilátás a tengerre, de ha megfordulunk, a hegy felé nézünk, szeméttelepet csodálhatunk. Rettenetesen lehangoló. Szemetelés-ügyben nagyon sok feladat van még. Persze nem csak itt, és nem csak Horvátországban. Peljesac-on érdemes kirándulni, nagyon szép félsziget!
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(1 August 2011)
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R Van Drongelen
Working with this company was not only easy, fast and pleasant, the apartment and beach location was exactly as promised. We will use this company in the future again. Recommendable!!
Working with this company was not only easy, fast and pleasant, the apartment and beach location was exactly as promised. We will use this company in the future again. Recommendable!!
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(31 July 2011)
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Михаил Светлов
Good afternoon. Andriatik is a very good site, I've been traveling for 2 years and booked twice through this site. The problem was not any! Everything was very good. Croatia is more and more like to me, Croatia is very friendly people and the atmosphere is very cozy, the prices are stores as we have in St. Petersburg. The roads are good. Andriatik thank you very much, I will definitely go again, and I advise you. Thank you.
Добрый день.Андриатик очень хороший сайт,езжу уже 2 год и бронировал два раза через этот сайт.Проблем ни каких не было!Все было очень хорошо.Хорватия мне все больше и больше нравится,Хорваты очень доброжелательные люди и атмосфера очень уютная,цены в магазинах как у нас в Питере.Дороги хорошие.Андриатику большое спасибо,обязательно поеду еще,и Вам советую.Спасибо.
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(31 July 2011)
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Erika Glaichová
We were on holiday on the Makarska Riviera part of Drašnice in the 4810c building. Accommodation and the owners were great. We are enjoying Adriatic travel agency for the third year and we are always very satisfied with the services. We are already looking forward to the next year's holiday. We thank you. I recommend this object. Sincerely EG
Boli sme na dovolenke na Makarskej riviére časť Drašnice v objekte 4810c. Ubytovanie a aj majitelia boli super. Dovolenkujeme s cestovnou kanceláriou Adriatic už tretí rok a vždy sme so službami veľmi spokojní. Už teraz sa tešíme na dovolenku na budúci rok. Ďakujeme. Vrelo odporúčam tento objekt. S pozdravom E.G.
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(31 July 2011)
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Esnol Philippe
Highly recommended to work with them. Agency Everything is very correct expired. Location and apartment were superb!!
Een echte aanrader om met deze agentschap te werken.
Alles is zeer correct verlopen . Locatie en appartement waren super!!!
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(31 July 2011)
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Liliana Masłowska
I am very pleased with the services of the office.
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług biura.
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(30 July 2011)
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