Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Branimir Pušnik
The agency's service is a professional, quick response to the reservation, instant assistance in a variety of confusion. The destination was also the one described in the offer.
Usluga agencije je profesionalna, hiter odziv na rezervacijo, takojšnja pomoč pri raznih nejasnostih. Tudi destinacija je bila takšna, kot je bila opisana v ponudbi.
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(3 August 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Veronika Lacová
Thank you for having a nice holiday. We will be glad to make your service even better.
Dakujeme za sprostredkovanie krasnej dovolenky. Velmi radi vyuzijeme Vase sluzby aj v buducnosti.
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(3 August 2011)
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Slovak (original)
I recommend, the agency is reliable, I have used it several times and everything has always been OK
Polecam, agencja jest rzetelna, korzystałem już parokrotnie i zawsze wszystko było OK
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(2 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Gordana Prešeren
Very good organization, great offers, in short, we are very satisfied with Bravo!
Zelo dobra organizacija, super ponudbe, skratka, zelo smo zadovoljni z Bravo!
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(2 August 2011)
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Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic
Miloš Kočí
very clear access and viewing of CK offers. clearly defined conditions, very fast and correct settlement of travel formalities, incl. reimbursement. One proposal to extend the CK service to offer travel insurance
velmi přehledný přístup a prohlížení nabídek CK. jasně popsané podmínky, velmi rychlé a korektní vyřízení cestovních formalit, vč. úhrady. Jeden návrh na rozšíření služby CK-nabídka cestovního pojištění
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(2 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
Marija Draganujac
I am very pleased with the services agencies. Thanks HAK to you in a simple way, I organized a holiday without a headache:)
Jako sam zadovoljna uslugama agencije. Zahvaljujući HAK-u i Vama na jednostavan način sam organizirala ljetovanje bez glavobolja:)
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(2 August 2011)
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Croatian (original)
The company is professional. I am happy with her services, but the owners chosen by me have failed my expectations and turned out to be not tolerant and not forgiving.
Firma jest profesjonalna. Jestem zadowolony z jej usług lecz właściciele wybranego przeze mnie zawiedli moje oczekiwania i okazali sie nie tolerancyjni i nie wyrozumiali.
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(2 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Dorota Bienias
Fast formalities. Apartment as shown in the pictures. Tangible and professional service through the office.
Szybkie załatwienie formalności. Apartament taki jak pokazany na zdjęciach. Rzeczowa i profesjonalna obsługa przez biuro.
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(2 August 2011)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Zdenka Juklová
Thanks for welcoming access to accommodation and meeting our requirements, we look forward to your stay.
Děkujeme za vstřícný přístup při zajišťování ubytování a splnění našich požadavků, těšíme se na pobyt.
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(2 August 2011)
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Czech (original)
Dinu Ionel
Your agency services are very precise and prompt, starting from the first booking to the voucher delivery! Now we are going to enjoy your stay with you, and then we can tell you the impressions of your trip! Thanks a lot.
Serviciile Agentiei dvs. sunt foarte precise si prompte, incepand de la prima rezervare pana la inmanarea voucherului! Acum urmeaza sa ne bucuram de sejurul contractat de la dvs., urmand ca ulterior sa putem povesti impresiile de calatorie!
Multumim frumos.
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(2 August 2011)
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Romanian (original)