Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Czech Republic
Martin Kolman
Everything was in perfect order yet
Vše proběhlo zatím v naprostém pořádku
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(5 April 2013)
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Czech (original)
Pitti Katalin
First, I used the quick and the staff szolgáltatásáikat.Köszönöm munkáját.Barátaim correct, I will recommend my friends among you. Katalin Pitti
Először használtam szolgáltatásáikat.Köszönöm a munkatársak gyors és korrekt munkáját.Barátaim, ismerőseim körében is ajánlani fogom Önöket.
Pitti Katalin
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(4 April 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Branislav Baláž
As regards services, we spokojný.Čosa the maximum accommodation in the Hotel Zora in Primosten, from the outside very nice hotel, inside communist interior, so I'm recalling the childhood and school prírode.Izby are krajšie.Celkovo but are very positive for what is no small merit the hotel staff.
Čo sa týka služieb, sme maximálne spokojný.Čosa týka ubytovania v Hoteli Zora v Primošten, z vonka veľmi pekný hotel, zvnútra komunistický interiér, takže som si zaspomínal na detsvo a školu v prírode.Izby sú ale krajšie.Celkovo hodnotím veľmi pozitívne na čom má nemalú zásluhu aj personál hotela.
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(3 April 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Gabriella Pásztohy
Dear Visitors, this is the first time that I have been using this site but I am positive that It isn't the last. I have been browsing among the endless wealth of accomodations for 3 days. I have written a couple of letters to Ms Szilvia Žitko and she has replied me at once. The webpage is amazing. The filters are great, the pictures and floorplans make it easy to choose. I narrowed down our choice by giving the attributes of my dream holiday and finally I managed to find The Spot on an island. The pre-invoice was correct and clear so was the payment. I highly recommend this service and I look forward to our summer holiday this year.
Dear Visitors, this is the first time that I have been using this site but I am positive that It isn't the last. I have been browsing among the endless wealth of accomodations for 3 days. I have written a couple of letters to Ms Szilvia Žitko and she has replied me at once. The webpage is amazing. The filters are great, the pictures and floorplans make it easy to choose. I narrowed down our choice by giving the attributes of my dream holiday and finally I managed to find The Spot on an island. The pre-invoice was correct and clear so was the payment. I highly recommend this service and I look forward to our summer holiday this year.
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(2 April 2013)
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English (original)
Gabriella Pásztohy
Everyone can easily recommend the website. I am now for the first time I used this option, but I'm sure that did not last. 4 days of surfing the hotels before I found my ideal. Meanwhile, more than once I switched Žitkoval letter Sylvia, who was always willing to send a letter and reply, even when I lose some of the many possibilities. Tell everyone the attention of all the benefits that you as ADRIATIC.HR offers toll reimbursement of petrol costs, reducing the possibility of the recommendation involving a 5% discount and who knows what I missed! If you have enough time, you can feel free to browse to narrow down their choices according to their needs and I am sure that you will find your dream furniture.
Mindenkinek bátran ajánlom az honlapot. Én most használtam először ezt a lehetőséget, de biztos vagyok benne, hogy nem utoljára. 4 napon át böngésztem a szálláshelyek között, mire megtaláltam az ideálisat. Ezenközben többször váltottam levelet Szilvia Žitkoval, aki mindig levélfordultával és készségesen válaszolt, még akkor is, amikor kicsit elvesztem a sok lehetőség között. Ajánlom mindenki figyelmébe mindazokat a kedvezményeket, amiket as ADRIATIC.HR kínál: az autópályadíj visszatérítés, a benzinköltségek csökkentésének lehetősége, az ajánlással járó 5%-os kedvezmény és még ki tudja, mit hagytam ki! Ha van elég idejük, akkor bátran böngésszenek szűkítsék le a választékot igényeiknek megfelelően és biztos vagyok benne, hogy meg fogják találni itt álmaik pihenőhelyét.
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(2 April 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Andrea Uherova
After a few years I reused the service and did not disappoint me again. Fast communication, clear and perfectly crafted web. Communication with sl. Katka Homolová at the first. I'm really looking forward to your holiday.
Po niekoľkých rokoch som znovu využila služby a zase ma nesklamali. Rýchla komunikácia, prehľadný a perfektne prepracovaný web. Komunikácia so sl. Katkou Homolovou na jedničku. Už sa veľmi teším na dovolenku.
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(2 April 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Alena Trubbová
Very easy and clear komunikace.Těšíme and hopefully leave us pleasantly překvapí.Děkujeme
Velmi snadná a přehledná komunikace.Těšíme se a doufáme,že i dovolená nás mile překvapí.Děkujeme
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(2 April 2013)
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Czech (original)
Este al doilea an ca folosim acest site pentru rezervare, sintem foarte multumiti, noi am colaborat cu D-na Laura Luncan. Ceea ce vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta este ca anul in Omis, la proprietarul AS-2726-b, am avut cateva surprize neplacute. Familia proprietarului care locuia in aceeasi cladire la un nivel superior, de pe terasa "se uitau" in fiecare dimineata in camera noastra, pina ne-am dat seama ce se petrece. Noi nu am cerut aer conditionat din motive de sanatate, si fiind foarte cald nu trageam perdeaua. Ar fi fost bun un aparat de aer conditionat, dar fiind ca ei nu vorbeau nici o limba de circulatie internationala nu ne-am inteles de loc.Lucru foarte neplacut si josnic, ca-ti sa spionezi oaspetii! Ca sa nu va mai spun ca ceilalti oaspeti cu care se intelegeau, probabil vorbeau aceeasi limba, procedau la fel! Va rog sa le transmiteti acest lucru, ca sa nu mai faca la fel si cu alti oaspeti! Va dati seama ca la plecare nici macar la revedere nu le-am spus, ca nu vreau sa-i revad! Cristina, Sf.Gheorghe
Este al doilea an ca folosim acest site pentru rezervare, sintem foarte multumiti, noi am colaborat cu D-na Laura Luncan. Ceea ce vreau sa va aduc la cunostinta este ca anul in Omis, la proprietarul AS-2726-b, am avut cateva surprize neplacute. Familia proprietarului care locuia in aceeasi cladire la un nivel superior, de pe terasa "se uitau" in fiecare dimineata in camera noastra, pina ne-am dat seama ce se petrece. Noi nu am cerut aer conditionat din motive de sanatate, si fiind foarte cald nu trageam perdeaua. Ar fi fost bun un aparat de aer conditionat, dar fiind ca ei nu vorbeau nici o limba de circulatie internationala nu ne-am inteles de loc.Lucru foarte neplacut si josnic, ca-ti sa spionezi oaspetii! Ca sa nu va mai spun ca ceilalti oaspeti cu care se intelegeau, probabil vorbeau aceeasi limba, procedau la fel! Va rog sa le transmiteti acest lucru, ca sa nu mai faca la fel si cu alti oaspeti! Va dati seama ca la plecare nici macar la revedere nu le-am spus, ca nu vreau sa-i revad! Cristina, Sf.Gheorghe
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(28 March 2013)
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English (original)
Czech Republic
Hello, thank you very much for your willingness. We've all made it easy for you, we look forward to your holiday. Have a nice day
Dobrý den,
moc děkuji za ochotu.
Vše jsme snadno díky vám vyřídili,těšíme se na dovolenou.
Hezký den
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(28 March 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
Zuzana Michálková
The pages are clear and I appreciate a lot of photos about the accommodation and its surroundings. Communication fast and reliable. Thank you, Michálková
Stránky jsou přehledné a oceňuji množství fotek ohledně ubytování i jeho okolí. Komunikace rychlá a spolehlivá. Děkujeme, Michálková
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(27 March 2013)
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Czech (original)