Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
We were in Icici at the 2315. We had the problem with the room because it was clean and comfortable, but the bathroom was shared with the others. The hostess did not speak a word in English, though it was written that so we did not know how to communicate with her. We also walked for 3 hours, mostly mountain uphill, because we did not get any information about the exact location of the accommodation, but we were told to go up and there. We went a couple of miles away, we have found it.You only recommend the accommodation to car racers, because it is a terrible tiring to walk all the way down and down. There is a bus, but it rarely happens to be unfortunately and constantly adjusted and pay is not very convenient. And the lady has landed us at 5am , our bus started at 22:30.
2007.08.04-11-ig voltunk Iciciben a 2315-ös szálláshelyen.Magával a szobával nem volt probléma,mert tiszta és kényelmes volt,viszont közös volt a fürdőszoba a többiekkel.A szállásadó hölgy egy szót se beszélt angolul,pedig azt írták ,hogy jól beszél,így nem nagyon tudtunk vele kommunikálni.Ezen kívül 3 órát gyalogoltunk,javarészt hegynek felfelé, mert semmilyen információt nem kaptunk a szálláshely pontos helyéről,csak azt mondták menjünk felfelé és majd ott lesz.Hát mentünk is jó pár kilométert,mire nagy nehezen megtaláltuk.Szóval csak autóval redelkezőknek ajánlom a szállást,mert amúgy rettentő fárasztó állandóan le-föl járkálni gyalogosan.Busz van ugyan ,de ritkán jár sajnos és állandóan ahhoz igazodni és fizetni nem igazán kényelmes.Ja és a hölgy kirakott minket du.5-kor, a buszunk meg 22:30 kor indult....
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(12 August 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
I had the same experience at Zavalatica, in apts A-183 B, although the place is a beauty, the sea is incredible, the landlady was unsuppoprtable, her remarks and actions (throwing our stuff off the sunbeds, so a friend of hers, not a paying guest could use it, tossing her dirty dog into the swimming pool, while we had a 6 month old baby with us, who would have used it otherwise, making comments about my wife's nationality - French), and so on, and so on, I could go on for pages, there was something up her sleeve each day, but only thinking about makes me angry, so I quit here. The island is terrific, but chose to lodge elsewhere!
La signora della casa ci ha parzialmente rovinato le vacanze con le sue maniere insopportabili, evitate I had the same experience at Zavalatica, in apts A-183 B, although the place is a beauty, the sea is incredible, the landlady was unsuppoprtable, her remarks and actions (throwing our stuff off the sunbeds, so a friend of hers, not a paying guest could use it, tossing her dirty dog into the swimming pool, while we had a 6 month old baby with us, who would have used it otherwise, making comments about my wife's nationality - French), and so on, and so on, I could go on for pages, there was something up her sleeve each day, but only thinking about makes me angry, so I quit here. The island is terrific, but chose to lodge elsewhere!
La signora della casa ci ha parzialmente rovinato le vacanze con le sue maniere insopportabili, evitate l'appartamento numero A-183 A,B,C e D!
I had the same experience at Zavalatica, in apts A-183 B, although the place is a beauty, the sea is incredible, the landlady was unsuppoprtable, her remarks and actions (throwing our stuff off the sunbeds, so a friend of hers, not a paying guest could use it, tossing her dirty dog into the swimming pool, while we had a 6 month old baby with us, who would have used it otherwise, making comments about my wife's nationality - French), and so on, and so on, I could go on for pages, there was something up her sleeve each day, but only thinking about makes me angry, so I quit here. The island is terrific, but chose to lodge elsewhere!
La signora della casa ci ha parzialmente rovinato le vacanze con le sue maniere insopportabili, evitate I had the same experience at Zavalatica, in apts A-183 B, although the place is a beauty, the sea is incredible, the landlady was unsuppoprtable, her remarks and actions (throwing our stuff off the sunbeds, so a friend of hers, not a paying guest could use it, tossing her dirty dog into the swimming pool, while we had a 6 month old baby with us, who would have used it otherwise, making comments about my wife's nationality - French), and so on, and so on, I could go on for pages, there was something up her sleeve each day, but only thinking about makes me angry, so I quit here. The island is terrific, but chose to lodge elsewhere!
La signora della casa ci ha parzialmente rovinato le vacanze con le sue maniere insopportabili, evitate l'appartamento numero A-183 A,B,C e D!
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(8 August 2006)
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English (original)
I believe that the agency should better check what the apartment owners offer. Our experience was that it was arranged accommodation in the apartment on the first floor, we were placed on the ground floor, on your website it was clear that only 2 accommodation units, there were 4, in addition, in the additional offer was a boat on use (which is why we decided most for this house), and there are no similar things at all. The owners of the apartments knew we were coming with a small child, and in the end they all smiled. It would be fairer to say they did not receive guests with small children. Because of all of this, I have the feeling that my vacation is overcharged, and I would recommend it to the agency to take more account of what people are doing!
Smatram da bi agencija bolje trebala provjeravati ono što nude vlasnici apartmana. Naša iskustva su bila da je dogovoren smještaj u apartmanu na prvom katu, mi smo bili smješteni u prizemlju, na Vašoj internet stranici jasno je pisalo da su samo 2 smještajne jedinice, a bilo ih je 4, osim toga u dodatnoj ponudi je bio čamac na korištenje (zbog kojega smo se najviše i odlučili baš za tu kuću), a čamac uopće ne postoji i slične stvari. Vlasnici apartmana su znali da dolazimo s malim djetetom, a na kraju im je sve smetalo. Bilo bi poštenije da su rekli da ne primaju goste s malom djecom. Zbog svega toga imam osjećaj da je moj godišnji odmor preplaćen, a agenciji bih preporučila da više vodi računa s kakvim ljudima radi!
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(25 August 2004)
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Croatian (original)
Croats: do not ask why you have less and less visitors every year ... you offer tourists wars a bit, you do like us as if you are tourists in Croatian you, and not us, and more and more ..., other peoples what are you in reality !!!: sad:
Hrvati: ne sprašujte se zakaj imate vsako leto vse manj gostov...turistu nudite bore malo,do nas Slovencev se obnašate kot da ste turisti na hrvaškem vi in ne mi in še in še...,pogruntali so vas že tudi drugi narodi kakšni v resnici ste!!!:sad:
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(8 August 2004)
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Slovenian (original)
Not bad, I saw it worse. For my term too many texts and long, Christian phrases. I hope your criticism will not be hard to come by, but I want to be honest. All praise to this new way of doing business.
Nisu loše,vidjela sam i gore.Za moj pojam previše teksta i dugih,krležijanskih rečenica.Nadam se da vam kritika neće teško pasti,ali želim biti iskrena.Inače, sve pohvale ovakvom novom načinu turističkog poslovanja.
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(2 October 2002)
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Croatian (original)