Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Lujza Veruzábová
Pretty good, since we were on the island of Pag several times so we knew about the location. All I have to say is the bad pictures of the nearest beach below the house. There was at least a piece of tiny pebbles or sand on the beach, and instead there were rocks where the adult man had a problem. I had 2 children 2r and 7r so we had to finish with a concrete pit. What was a bit uncomfortable to play the smaller one all day on a 50cm stairwell. I would recommend a better photo to make the customer more in the picture.
Vcelku fajn, keďže sme na ostrove Pag boli už viac krát tak sme vedeli čo to o lokalite. Jediné čo musím vytknúť sú zlé fotky najbližšej pláže pod domom. Bol tam nafotený aspoň kúsok drobých kamienkou alebo piesku na pláži a namiesto toho tam boli skaly kde mal problém prejsť dospelý človek. Mala som 2 deti 2r a 7r tak sme si museli vystačiť s betónovým mólom. Čo bolo trochu nepríjemné aby sa ten menší hral celý deň na 50cm schodíkoch. Doporučila by som lepšie foto aby bol zákazník viac v obraze.
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(31 July 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Peter Jamnický
I have been very satisfied with your services for several years, and I would not want to have another trip. We still do our work.
S vašimi službami som už niekoľko rokov veľmi spokojný a inú cestovku by som ani nechcel.Nech sa vám aj naďalej darí.
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(30 July 2015)
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Slovak (original)
It is now the third year that I book through, great service, always available, accurate and fast. Recommend your services.
Ormai è il terzo anno che prenoto tramite, ottimo servizio, sempre disponibili, precisi e veloci. Consiglio i vostri servizi.
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(30 July 2015)
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Italian (original)
Katarzyna Pachulska
I highly recommend.
Bardzo polecam.
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(30 July 2015)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Pavla Nováková
Super like every year
Super jako každý rok
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(29 July 2015)
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Czech (original)
Jakub Jamróz
I had the opportunity recently to use the services of All organizational issues are dealt with quickly and smoothly. I would like to particularly recommend the offer Sutivan (Brac) - in 2846, the apartment of Mrs. Mary Gulić. Great conditions, apartment with a sea view and to the family atmosphere provided by Mrs. owner and her husband. We would highly recommend!
Miałem okazję niedawno korzystać z usług agencji Wszelkie kwestie organizacyjne załatwiane są szybko i bezproblemowo. Chciałbym Państwu w szczególności polecić ofertę Sutivan (Brač) - 2846, apartament u Pani Mary Gulić. Świetne warunki, mieszkanie z widokiem na morze i do tego rodzinna atmosfera zapewniona przez Panią właścicielkę i jej męża. Serdecznie polecam!
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(28 July 2015)
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Polish (original)
Марта Раковци
I would like to book accommodation through your site
Я бы хотела бронировать жилье через ваш сайт
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(28 July 2015)
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Russian (original)
Tudor Alexandru Grajdeanu
It was the first bookings were very prompt in by service online chat to answer any question asked by what right information and contacted gazdele.Serviciile t were seamless, good hosts, good conditions and everything It was exactly the information provided by the .Multumim this way agency and hosts.
A fost prima rezevare prin au fost foarte prompti prin,serviciul chat online care raspunde la orice intrebare pusa dupa ce s-a informa corect t si a contactat gazdele.Serviciile au fost ireprosabile,gazdele cumsecade,conditiile bune si totul a fost exact cu informatiile furnizate de .Multumim pe aceasta cale agentiei si gazdelor .
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(28 July 2015)
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Romanian (original)
Katarína Kobanová
Adriatic I recommend no problems just a great holiday accommodation was top we were satisfied, we will be entrusted into the hands Adriatico next time:-)
Adriatic odporúčam,žiadne problemy iba skvelá dovolenka,ubytovanie bolo top boli sme spokojný,radi sa zveríme do ruk Adriaticu aj nabudúce:-)
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(28 July 2015)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Naděžda Nováková
Thanks to the Adriatic, our little family lived a beautiful and relaxing holiday. Accommodation in a beautiful apartment with a large terrace overlooking the sea, peaceful location and the beach. We were pleasantly services překvapeni.Děkujeme
Díky Adriatic prožila naše rodinka krásnou a pohodovou dovolenou . Ubytování v krásném apartmánu s obrovskou terasou s výhledem na moře ,poklidná lokalita i pláž. Byli jsme se službami příjemně překvapeni.Děkujeme
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(28 July 2015)
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