Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Pavel Krajčík
We were very satisfied with the stay and services. We will be happy to use the services of your traveler again.
Boli sme veľmi spokojní s pobytom a službami. Radi znova využijeme služby Vašej cestovky.
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(11 May 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Piotr Kozian
We are very satisfied with the quality of the services offered. Everything was in the best order. I would recommend!
Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z jakości oferowanych usług. Wszystko było w jak najlepszym porządku. Polecam!
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(11 May 2013)
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Polish (original)
Zsuzsa Bannerth
For the first time I booked through the office, I had a quick and polite job. Thanks
Első alkalommal foglaltam az irodán keresztül, gyors, udvarias ügyintézést tapasztaltam.
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(10 May 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Piotr Gagatko
The quality of the services offered is very high. I would highly recommend!
Jakość oferowanych usług na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Gorąco polecam!
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(9 May 2013)
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Polish (original)
Daniel Kaleta
Everything is clearly presented and taken care of
Wszystko jasno przedstawione i załatwione polecam
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(8 May 2013)
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Polish (original)
Kaja Poljanec
the same praise for the hit and clear answers
same pohvale za hitre in jasne odgovore
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(8 May 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
István Gerlei
I was in contact with the office for the first time. The selection, contact and administration was extremely fast and correct.
Az irodával első alkalommal kerültem kapcsolatba.A kiválasztás,kapcsolattartás,ügyintézés,rendkívül gyors és korrekt volt.Az eddigiek alapján mindenkinek ajánlom.
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(7 May 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Danica Kokovnik
Impressed by the professional and peer relations, and quick and active response to povpraševanje.Posebno I would like to commend your agency it. Petra Albrecht for quick and fruitful collaboration.
Presenečena nad profesionalnim in strokovnim odnosom ter hitrim in zavzetim odzivom na povpraševanje.Posebno bi rada pohvalila vašo agencijo, pa ga. Petro Albreht za hitro in korektno sodelovanje.
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(7 May 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Alexis Krezalek
a wide choice of apartments and customer service is available to quickly respond to questions including via e-mail. Only negative, the exact address of the housing is given with confirmation of payment of the deposit, but corresppond well desired village / town.
un large choix d'appartements et le service client est très disponible afin de répondre rapidement aux question y compris par e-mail.
Seul point négatif, l'adresse exacte du logement n'est donnée qu'avec la confirmation de payement de l'acompte, mais elle corresppond bien au village/ville souhaité.
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(7 May 2013)
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French (original)
Urška Boh
This year I use services for the second year and I am very satisfied. You are very fast, professional and professional. nice regards and continue to many successes and satisfied customers!
letos drugo leto uporabljam storitve in sem zelo zadovoljna. ste zelo hitri, profesionalni in strokovni. lep pozdrav in še naprej veliko uspehov in zadovoljnih strank!
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(3 May 2013)
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Slovenian (original)