Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Jožica Vivod
From this year onwards, we are looking for holiday only through your strani.Najbolj like your response as quickly as today we all need, because such a pace of life ... I want to thank Jeremy G.Vid which we participate through e-pošte.Res All praise and I want to continue successfully.
Od letos naprej,iščemo dopust samo še prek vaše strani.Najbolj všeč mi je vaša odzivnost,hitro kar danes vsi potrebujemo,ker je tak tempo življenja...Zahvalila bi se G.Vid Jerneju s katerim sva sodelovala prek e-pošte.Res vse pohvale in želim uspešno še naprej.
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(24 May 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Paolo Peri
I used the service adriatich and everything was great
ho utilizzato il servizio di adriatich e tutto è stato ottimo
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(22 May 2013)
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Italian (original)
Vendelin Čapkovič
Recommended every great selection of accommodation and communication Communication with CK really great races still wants to vacation on the Adriatic and definitely recommend over the Adriatic Čapkovič
Odporucam kazdemu super ponuka ubytovania a komunikacia komunikacia s CK uplne super este ras kto chce dovolenku na jadrane tak urcite odporucam cez Adriatic Čapkovič
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(22 May 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Jana Petrová
The travel agency we have a very good experience. It's great that communicates in the Czech avyjde always oblige. J. Petrova 2013
S cestovní kanceláří máme velmi dobrou zkušenost. Je skvělé, že komunikuje i v češtine avyjde vždy vstříc.
J. Petrová 2013
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(17 May 2013)
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Czech (original)
Peter Varga
It's okay and the prices are fairly good, but there used to be booked another szállásközvetítőnél could be included in a basic accommodation which was not nice at unrealistically high prices.
Minden oké és az árak is viszonylag jók, régebben foglaltam más szállásközvetítőnél de ott irreálisan drágán tudtam egy alap szállást is foglalni ami még nem is szép helyen volt.
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(17 May 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Jana Bernáthová
We recommend Adriatic and in particular excellent Ms Catherine Homolová communicate with a second season already - all. Very happy and always responds promptly to our every question and also why we decided to use the services Adriatico again. Do you enjoy getting to know new places and Croatia, we are sure that as last year and this fits us perfectly tailored holiday. V'daka Ms Kate. Already let in August Family Bernáthová, Kružliaková, Masaryková and Juhásová
My odporúčame Adriatic a najmä vynikajúcu pani Katarínu Homolovú, s ktorou komunikujeme už druhú sezónu - všetkým. Veľmi ochotne a vždy promptne reaguje na každú našu otázku a aj preto sme sa rozhodli využiť služby Adriaticu opäť. Radi spoznávame nové miesta Chorvátska a sme si istí, že tak ako minulý rok aj tento nám sadne dovolenka úplne na mieru. V´ˇdaka pani Katka. Už nech je august. rodina Bernáthová, Kružliaková, Masaryková a Juhásová
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(14 May 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Tiziana Gioppo
I have used your service, and, having found good, this year I booked again through you, thanks
ho già utilizzato il vostro servizio,ed essendomi trovata bene,quest'anno ho prenotato di nuovo tramite voi,grazie
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(13 May 2013)
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Italian (original)
Peter Krivograd
Petra as an agency of the law. In the flood of tourism service providers on the Internet, I was deemed to be the best side of both sides made a professional and very friendly to single user database is really big. As for responsiveness and correctness of the answers and nčinu, all the praise Petri (and not because it has the same name as me ...), but really at the level coils honor! Way to go. I hope when you leave vrnmo of praise written by the regime to just stay. So far, "Skid hat Majstori".
Petra kot agencija je zakon. V poplavi teh turističnih ponudnikov na internetu, se mi je zdela še najboljša stran tako po profesionalni plati narejena kot tudi zelo prijazna do samega uporabnika, baza podatkov je res velika.
Kar se tiče odzivnosti ter korektnosti pri odgovorih ter nčinu, pa vse pohvale Petri (pa ne zato, ker ima enako ime kot jaz...), ampak resnično na nivoju, svaka čast!,samo tako naprej.
Upam, da bom, ko se vrnmo iz dopusta napisal še rezime pohvale na samo bivanje. Zaenkrat "skidam kapu majstori".
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(13 May 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Lucia Mitterpachová
This year we go on holiday for the third time through Adriatic, we have been satisfied so far, the accommodation has never been different from the photos of the apartments, no problems, we are looking forward to two months to CROATIA !!!!
Tento rok ideme na dovolenku tretíkrát cez Adriatic, doteraz sme boli spokojní, ubytovanie sa nikdy nelíšilo os fotiek z apartmánov, žiadne problémy, tešíme sa o dva mesiace na CHORVATSKO!!!!
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(13 May 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Anita Wodecka
We highly recommend! We are very satisfied with the service Excellent contact with przedstawicielami.Chorwacja is marvelous!!
Gorąco polecamy!!!Jestesmy bardzo zadowoleni z usługły kontakt z przedstawicielami.Chorwacja jest cudna!!!!
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(11 May 2013)
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Polish (original)