Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Anett Baranyai
Very fair and helpful colleagues at work, first booked them, accurate, and fast! Reliable, thank you!
Nagyon korrekt ,és segítőkész kollégákkal dolgoznak!Először foglaltam náluk,pontosak és gyorsak!Megbízhatóak!Köszönöm!
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(22 June 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Лидия Соколова
Thank you very much for your professionalism! Specialists work quickly and well. Was very happy. Perfect site, a large selection of rooms. Lydia Sokolova
Спасибо большое за ваш профессионализм! Специалисты работают быстро и хорошо. Осталась очень довольна. Прекрасный сайт, большой выбор комнат. Лидия Соколова
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(20 June 2013)
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Russian (original)
Stefano Verga
So helpful, accurate and reliable.
Molto disponibili,precisi ed affidabili.
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(20 June 2013)
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Italian (original)
Dušan Palička
For the second time we go through the Adriatic and we can all Recommends we were very happy with the stay and service.
Uz druhykrat ideme cez Adriatic a mozeme vsetkym odporucat, boli sme velmi spokojni s pobytom a sluzbami.
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(20 June 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Paulina Formińska
I would recommend this office, the site is described in detail, it can be to get all the necessary information about the object, also favorable prices, good contact with the office, quick answers to your questions @.
Polecam to biuro, strona jest szczegółowo opisana, można z niej uzyskać wszystkie niezbędne informacje o obiekcie, ponadto ceny korzystne, dobry kontakt z biurem, szybkie odpowiedzi na pytania @.
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(19 June 2013)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Petr Svatoš
We use since 1998 and we are satisfied with the services and communications at 100 procent.Děkujeme and doporučujeme.P.Svatoš
Využíváme služeb již od roku 1998 a jsme spokojeni s komunikací i se službami na 100 procent.Děkujeme a doporučujeme.P.Svatoš
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(19 June 2013)
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Czech (original)
Kész Norbert
Thank you very much for your help.
Nagyon szépen köszönöm a segítségüket.
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(19 June 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Safija Malkic
Super service, everything is understandable and easy to get on the site so there was no problem with the payment or no need to wait for the answers. I get back in August. Thank you
Super usluga , sve je razumljivo i lako se snaći na stranici tako da nije bilo nikakvih problema prilikom uplate te ni nepotrebnog cekanja na odgovore. Javim se ponovo u kolovozu. Hvala
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(18 June 2013)
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Croatian (original)
Czech Republic
Milan Špaček
Take advantage I have several times professional service and always has been equipped with all the turnover and the excellent level also appreciate the individual personal telephone contact.
Využij jsem již po několikáté profesionální služby a vždy bylo vše vybaveno obratem a na výborné úrovni, dále oceňuji individuální osobní telefonický kontakt.
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(18 June 2013)
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Czech (original)
Roman Bogdan Thank you for the excellent service and communication to accommodation.
Dakujem za vyborne sluzby a komunikaciu ohladom ubytovania.
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(18 June 2013)
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Slovak (original)