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Czech Republic Lada Bartošová
I really like your website and the ability to communicate in English. Bartošová
You've rated us: (27 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Italy Luciana
Experience excellent
You've rated us: (27 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Italian (original)
Slovakia Gabriela Belányiová
Your services I have used and I am very satisfied, all the equipment of the house really big skpokojnosť ...
You've rated us: (26 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovak (original)
Ukraine Виталий Недошовенко
o ^ k
You've rated us: (26 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Ukrainian (original)
Ukraine Виталий Недошовенко
Hopefully at Forum Info Contact Info
You've rated us: (26 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Ukrainian (original)
Czech Republic Lydie Šašková
I am with your offer and service it, just a little reminder: Do I returned from the residence sold by your company and already waiting for me to mail you a further choice .. a little edit program.
You've rated us: (26 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Hungary Csányi Kinga
Fast, accurate, and very helpful staff working in the office. I am fully satisfied. Surely next time so then I summarize the accommodation. Thank you.
You've rated us: (25 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Hungarian (original)
Slovenia Andreja Rebernak
Thanks to Peter Albrecht vošo friendliness and fast response I will travel to your Adriatic.hr
You've rated us: (24 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Slovenian (original)
Czech Republic Lucie Vondráčková
Great satisfaction. Excellent communication in English.
You've rated us: (24 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Czech (original)
Russia Виталий Балоболка
A reservation on weekends through adriatic.hr.Predvaritelny bill came within an hour, voucher for 2 hours. Thank you for your prompt and competent job site content.
You've rated us: (23 June 2013)
Language: English Google Translate  | Russian (original)
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