Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Polonca Prešern
Pleasantly surprised by the service agencies of information and speed information.
Prijetno presenečena nad storitvami agencije, nad obveščanjem in hitrostjo informacij.
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(7 August 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Gabriella Murolo
X the first time I used the service of the Adriatic and had an amazing time. Staff polite, knowledgeable and efficient. The apartment booked and 'was absolutely lived up to expectations. I would absolutely recommend the services of the agency Adriatic.
Ho utilizzato x la prima volta il servizio di Adriatico e mi sono trovata benissimo. Staff gentile, preparato ed efficiente. L'appartamento prenotato e' stato assolutamente all'altezza delle aspettative. Consiglio senz'altro i servizi dell'agenzia Adriatic.
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(7 August 2013)
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Italian (original)
František Tůma
Pages entirely to him ... u, kdyzž advertising might also like .. Free at the time and after clicking on the menu is 90% occupied so go to hell
Stránky úplně k ho...u, kdyzž inzerujete Mohlo by se Vám líbit i...Volno v termínu a po rozkliknutí této nabídky je 90% obsazeno tak jděte do háje
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(7 August 2013)
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Czech (original)
Jacek Szpilewski
for the second time we used your services, unfortunately this time we have a few comments. The accommodation in accordance with the description, unfortunately the owner should only rent it to pensioners because he threatened us to check for too loud behavior (playing cards on the terrace), reacted to the wind-blown window in a harsh way, although we paid for it. When you rent accommodation to letnikom, you should not expect that at 22 pujdą sleep, I note that dances and loud libations were not.
po raz drugi korzystaliśmy z państwa usług,niestety tym razem mamy kilka uwag.sama kwatera zgodna z opisem,niestety właściciel powinien wynajmować ją jedynie emerytom gdyż straszył nas wymeldowaniem za zbyt głośne zachowanie(gra w karty na tarasie),na wybitą przez przeciągi szybę zareagował w sposób wręcz hamski,choć zapłaciliśmy za nią .Skoro wynajmuje się letnikom kwatery to nie należy oczekiwać że o godzinie 22 pujdą spać,zaznaczam że tańców oraz głośnych libacji nie było.
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(6 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Robert Pomorski
for the second time I have used the services of your agency and for the second time I am pleased with you. Description of the accommodation in line with the fact, the hosts revelation. Regards
po raz drugi korzystałem z usług państwa agencji i po raz drugi jestem z was zadowolony.
Opis kwatery zgodny z faktem, gospodarze rewelacja.
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(6 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Žaneta Shwendtnerová
Thank you, thank you again! If you travel, only with satisfaction, reliability, professionalism, excellent communication, very nice assistant-just a unique! I really recommend everyone! There is something to choose from, the offer is varied. I want all the good and many many satisfied customers!:-)
Ďakujem,ďakujem ešte raz ďakujem! Ak cestovať,jedine sálna spokojnosť,spoľahlivosť,profesionalita,výborná komunikácia,veľmi milé asistentky-skrátka jedineční! Odporúčam naozaj každému! Je si z čoho vyberať,ponuka je pestrá..želám všetko dobré a ešte veľa veľa spokojných zákazníkov!:-)
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(6 August 2013)
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Slovak (original)
Czech Republic
Tereza Valentíková
The services of the adriatic travel agencies were amazing, the perfect communication and the promised apartments looked exactly the same as the ones mentioned above, I can recommend all of them !!!
Služby cestovní kanceláře adriatic byly úžasné, perfektní komunikace a slibovaný apartmány vypadali naprosto stejně jako na uvedených fotografiích, všem mohu doporučit!!!
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(6 August 2013)
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Czech (original)
Czech Republic
František Sviba
We have found services on the Internet and can only declare that written communication is welcoming, flexible and professional. If there is a selected vacation - stay in this direction, so can the traveler just wish many other clients.
Služby jsme našli na internetu a lze jen prohlásit, že písemná komunikace je vstřícná, pružná a profesionální. Pokud bude i vybraná dovolená - pobyt v tomto směru, tak mohu cestovce jen popřát mnoho dalších klientů.
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(6 August 2013)
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Czech (original)
Rafał Fatyga
Flat total tragedy if someone from the office adritic watched it and committed is one big scam, no light in the bathroom, not diałająca fridge and oven, furniture in the kitchen than kidnapped, one veil trimmed some of the rest of the holes, pouring ubikajca of the toilet bowl and shower, ragged sides of beds, a tragedy.
Kwatera całkowita tragedia , jeśli ktoś z biura adritic ją oglądał i dopuścił to jedno wielkie oszustwo , brak światła w łazience , nie diałająca lodówka i piekarnik , meble w kuch ni porwane , jedne obszyte jakaś zasłoną reszta z dziurami , lejacy sie ubikajca z pod miski klozetowej i prysznic , obdarte boki łużek , tragedia .
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(6 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Jozef Pauk
The first time we used your services and we are satisfied. I appreciate the speed of response to our request and the level of communication with us. surely be in the list of sources of information when we plan a future vacation in Croatia.
Prvý krát sme využili vaše služby a sme spokojní. Oceňujem rýchlosť reakcie na našu objednávku aj úroveň komunikácie s nami. Určite zaradíme do zoznamu zdrojov informácií keď budeme plánovať budúce dovolenky v Chorvátsku.
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(6 August 2013)
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Slovak (original)