Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Tatjana Rajković
Praise to the agency's services are primarily promptness, professionalism and provided very detailed information.
Pohvalila bi storitve agencije predvsem njihovo ažurnost, strokovnost in podane zelo izčrpne informacije.
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(7 August 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Dolli Olah
Very fast, smooth, flexible, helpful administration met. Within a few hours we take care of all the booking was no problem. Feel free to recommend it to everyone. Reliable transmission, is very rare these days. The accommodation section was like in the pictures description.
Nagyon gyors, gördülékeny, rugalmas, segítőkész ügyintézéssel találkoztam. Pár óra alatt elintéztünk mindent, a foglalással semmi gond nem volt. Bátran ajánlom mindenkinek. Megbízható közvetítés, ritka az ilyen manapság. A szállás pont olyan volt, mint a képeken, leírásban.
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(7 August 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Mirosław Kalinowski
We are very happy with the stay, the hosts kind and always helpful. The accommodation has a great location and can amaze, the mountain surroundings are a revelation, We were with my wife four times in Croatia, but this place will definitely be once again on our route next summer. It is a place of family rest. Best regards, MDM Kalinowscy
Bardzo jesteśmy zadowoleni z pobytu , gospodarze uprzejmi i zawsze pomocni. Kwatera posiada super lokalizację i może zadziwić , otoczenie górskie to rewelacja, Byliśmy z żoną już cztery razy w Chorwacji , ale to miejsce na pewno jeszcze raz znajdzie się na naszej trasie następnych wakacji. Jest to miejsce wypoczynku rodzinnego. Serdecznie pozdrawiamy :
M.D.M Kalinowscy
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(7 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Karol Hoffman
For the first time we planned to leave on We are very pleased with the accommodation, the owners and the place - Jazera on the island of Murter. Polecm.
Po raz pierwszy planowaliśmy urlop z Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z kwatery, właścicieli oraz miejsca - Jazera na wyspie Murter. Polecm.
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(7 August 2013)
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Polish (original)
Gordana Prešeren
I can only say - continues to remain such, you are awesome. Thank you!
Lahko samo rečem - ostanite takšni še naprej, super ste. Hvala!!!
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(7 August 2013)
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Slovenian (original)
Petrikó István
The website is very useful. Booking of the booked accommodation was very smooth. Immediate notifications of developments occurred in a very cordial tone. Thank You!
A honlap nagyon jól használható. A kiszemelt szállás foglalása nagyon gördülékenyen zajlott. Az azonnali értesítések a fejleményekről rendkívül szívélyesen hangnemben történtek. Köszönjük!
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(7 August 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
All the praise of the agency's services .... so it works to acquire and retain guests.
Vsa pohvala nad storitvami agencije....tako se dela, da se pridobijo in ohranijo gostje.
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(7 August 2013)
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Czech Republic
Hana Michenková
I highly recommend travel services. Very pleasant and fast communication, payment order, simply utmost satisfaction!
Velmi doporučuji služby cestovní kanceláře. Velmi příjemná a rychlá komunikace, platby v pořádku, prostě maximální spokojenost!
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(7 August 2013)
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Czech (original)
Anna Nagy
Very fast and smooth to the administration, and unbelievable in today's world, really helpful and nice. Thank you for everything!
Nagyon gyors és gördülékeny az ügyintézés,és hihetetlen a mai világban,de tényleg segítőkészek és kedvesek.
köszönünk mindent!
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(7 August 2013)
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Hungarian (original)
Kasia Migryt
has already used services three times and I was not disappointed either time. Recommended!
korzystałam już z usług trzy razy i nie zawiodłam się ani razu. Polecam!
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(7 August 2013)
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Polish (original)