Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Gáspárné Hordós Ilona
Nice, very quick and helpful administration, and now we can not use másodizben utoljára.Rokonoknak we can not recommend, because we're taking them nyaralni.Köszönöm and all the best for the team.
Kedves,gyors és nagyon segítőkész ügyintézés, immár
másodizben vettük igénybe és nem utoljára.Rokonoknak nem tudjuk ajánlani, mert azokat mi visszük nyaralni.Köszönöm és minden jót a csapatnak.
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(14 June 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Milan Pitrun
With services spokojny.Osobitne I want to thank Maja Siromova for fast and smooth execution of the voucher.
So sluzbami som spokojny.Osobitne chcem podakovat pani Maja Siromova za rychle a bezproblemove vybavenie voucheru.
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(13 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Elizabeta Kos-Korimšek
Last year we decided to spend holiday over the Adriatic Hr. With your service we were extremely satisfied, so we are pleased to once again turn to your Sites. I like that they are very transparent and easily accessible. Even friendly staff Adriatic Hr is above average. Stay such as you
Že lani smo se odločili letovati preko Adriatic Hr. Z vašimi storitvami smo bili izredno zadovoljni, zato smo se tudi letos z veseljem obrnili na vase strain. Všeč mi je, da so zelo pregledne, z lahkoto dostopne. Tudi prijaznost sodelavcev Adriatic Hr je nadpovprečna. Ostanite takšni kot ste
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(13 June 2014)
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Slovenian (original)
Miloš Kovalčín
Excellent communication, rapid processing, customer care at a high level. Maximum satisfaction. Special thanks p. Ane Deverić. Adriatic recommend and wish you all the best.
Vynikajúca komunikácia, rýchle vybavenie, starostlivosť o zákazníka na vysokej úrovni. Maximálna spokojnosť. Špeciálne poďakovanie p. Ane Deverić. Adriatic odporúčame a želáme všetko dobré.
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(12 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Daniela Hirková
The Adriatic route is already the fourth time. With services agency I am completely satisfied. Express, trouble-free service. Thank you and I wish many other satisfied guests.
S Adriaticom cestujem uz stvrtý krát. So službami agentúry som úplne spokojná. Rýchle vybavenie, bezproblémové služby. Ďakujem a želám veľa ďalších spokojných hostí.
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(12 June 2014)
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László Stokucsa
I'm happy with's services. I would definitely recommend it to everyone.
Megvagyok elégedve az szolgáltatásaival. Bátran ajánlom mindenkinek.
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(11 June 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Laszlo Papp
Nice and quick administration, surprisingly informative website, well-invented system and discounts.
Kedves és gyors ügyintézés, meglepően informatív honlap, jól kitalált rendszer és kedvezmények.
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(11 June 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
Eva Čudkova
With Adriatic we travel for a year. Very convenient search, after booking confirmation, very fast voucher equipment. CK Adriatic we wish many successes in their next work.
S Adriatic-om cestujeme druhy rok. Veľmi pohodlné vyhľadávanie, po potvrdení rezervácie, veľmi rýchle vybavenie voucheru. CK Adriatic prajeme veľa úspechov v ich ďalšej práci.
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(11 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Helena Skalská
With this first experience I CK. I ordered for a family apartment. They were very quick and helpful regarding mail and telephone communications. Web site is easy to navigate with plenty of information about specific destinations. I recommend to use.
S touto CK mám prvú skúsenosť. Objednávala som pre rodinu apartmán. Boli veľmi rýchli a ústretoví čo sa týka mailovej aj telefonickej komunikácie. Web stránka je prehľadná s dostatkom informácií o konkrétnych destináciách. Odporúčam využiť.
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(10 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Szabina Gaál
Nice and helpful staff, quick administration. I recommend it to everyone!
Kedves és segítőkész munkatársak, gyors ügyintézés. Ajánlom mindenkinek!
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(8 June 2014)
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Hungarian (original)