Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
Peter Samek
Super fast and professional acting of the whole agency for what it takes to thank and it is not my first experience with Just let everyone work.
Super rýchle a profesionálne konanie celej agentúry, za čo je treba poďakovať a nie je to moja prvá skúsenosť s Len nech sa darí všetkým pracovníkom.
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(20 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Andrea Cifala'
Serious and very available agency. Excellent communication.good judgment
Agenzia seria e molto disponibile. Ottima comunicazione.ottimo giudizio
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(19 June 2014)
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Italian (original)
Natallia Kasherga
I am very satisfied with the services provided. Special thanks to Svjetlana Golubić for providing information on ferries and prices. I will recommend this agency to my friends.
Очень довольна предоставленными услугами. Особая благодарность Svjetlana Golubić за предоставленную информацию о паромах и ценах.Буду рекомендовать своим знакомым данное агентство.
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(19 June 2014)
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Russian (original)
Kovach Liubov
He was very fair in the administration. Everywhere I've helped a lot, special thanks to Peter Csaba, who very much can arrange telephone. Good travel agents will recommend it to anyone.
Nagyon korrekt volt az ügyintezés. Mindenben sokat segitettek, külön köszönet Csaba Péternek, aki telefonon is nagyon sok segitséget nyujtott. Nagyon jó az utazasi iroda, mindenkinek ajánlani fogjuk.
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(18 June 2014)
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Hungarian (original)
The process of communication and reservation correct and professional. Yours LIVE POTOČNIK
Postopek komunikacije in rezervacije korekten in profesionalen.
Lep pozdrav IVO POTOČNIK
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(18 June 2014)
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Slovenian (original)
Ingrid Kreutzer
Have booked for the first time online and it worked easily and quickly. Are not wait to see whether the district met our expectations.
Habe zum ersten Mal online gebucht und es funktionierte problemlos und schnell. Sind schon sehr gespannt, ob auch das Quartier unseren Erwartungen entspricht.
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(18 June 2014)
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German (original)
Adriana Augustínová
Good communication and fast equipment. well thank you
Dobrá komunikácia a rýchle vybavenie. Ďakujem
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(18 June 2014)
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Slovak (original)
Bogdan Wrobel
The websites would not change nic.Oferty contain enough information. They are clear and straightforward. Thank you Ms. Zofia Czerwińska for friendly and professional service to my humble person. With powarzaniem Bogdan Wrobel. Yours! ! !
W stronach internetowych nie zmieniał bym nic.Oferty zawierają wystarczającą ilość informacji. Są zrozumiałe i nieskomplikowane. Dziękuję Pani Zofi Czerwińskiej za miłą i fachową obsługę mojej skromnej osoby. Z powarzaniem Bogdan Wróbel. Pozdrawiam ! ! !
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(17 June 2014)
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Polish (original)
Czech Republic
Josef Cihlář
With Adriatice, we traveled the first ride and we were pleasantly surprised with all the service. Adriatic we wish many successes
S Adriaticem jsme cestovali prvním rikem a byli jsme příjemně překvapeni s veškerým servisem.Ck Adriatic přejeme mnoho úspěchů
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(17 June 2014)
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Czech (original)
Beata Majchrzak
I used the accommodation in the first line-a fantastic place, breakfast and coffee on the shaded terrace, fully equipped kitchen, clean, nice owners, great weather, wonderful holiday, the water in the sea crystal clear but in June, slightly cold, going down the ladder into the water prepared concrete decks for sunbathing with seating for umbrellas, I recommend
korzystałam z kwatery w pierwszej linii brzegowej -fantastyczne miejsce ,śniadanie i kawa na zacienionym tarasie ,kuchnia w pełni wyposażona ,czysto , mili właściciele ,pogoda super ,cudowne wakacje, woda w morzu krystalicznie czysta ale w czerwcu nieco chłodna , zejście do wody po drabince , przygotowane betonowe pomosty do plażowania z miejscami na parasole , polecam
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(16 June 2014)
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Polish (original)