Guest book: praises, remarks, experiences, suggestions
As a travel agent, the booking service seemed good and fast. We hope the apartments are up to par.
Da agente di viaggio il servizio di prenotazione mi è sembrato buono e veloce.Speriamo gli appartamenti siano all'altezza.
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(25 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
I am very satisfied with the services, Mrs. Pidik's excellent work has been outstanding, all the problems have been resolved immediately. Now it all depends on the owner of the apartment, which we are going to take in two. I recommend!
Se službami jsem velmi spokojená, hlavní zásluhu má vynikající práce paní Pidikové, veškeré problémy byly okamžitě vyřešeny. Teď už vše záleží na majiteli apartmánu, do kterého za dva vyrážíme. Doporučuji!
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(25 July 2007)
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Kind and fast. we were satisfied.:heart:
Gentili e veloci. siamo rimasti soddisfatti.:heart:
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(25 July 2007)
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Italian (original)
We rested in Umag for the second time. For us this place is without comment. We are sorry that it was late understood. It is strange to hear that this is the most ugly place in Croatia. The place is spiritual, it's a pity to share thoughts. There were all over Istria, there were in Zagreb . But I just want to go back there. I would like to stay there. It's only late that I understood it. Next year I think to remove the apartment. I would like to get help. Thanks. By the way, our tour operators and the charter are not complaining. It was very clear and comfortable. Only very hard in queues at passport control and regis traces in Pula.: heart :: heart:
Отдыхали в Умаге уже второй раз.Для нас это место без комментариев.Жалеем,что поздно это поняли.Странно слышать,что это самое некрасивое место в Хорватии.Место душевное,жаль не с кем поделиться мыслями.Ездили по всей Истрии,были в Загребе.Но возвращаться хочется только туда.Хотелось бы там остаться.Только поздно это поняли.На будущий год думаем снять аппартаменты.Хотелось бы получить помощь.Спасибо.Кстати, претензий к нашим туроператорам и чартеру нет.Все было четко и комфортно.Только очень тяжело в очередях на паспортном контроле и регистрации в Пуле.:heart::heart:
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(24 July 2007)
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cooperation with this travel agency is still seamless and we are happy with the approach, due to our specific requirements (dogs), we will add more comments after returning from the invitation.
spolupráce s touto cestovní agenturou je zatím bezproblémová a jsme s přístupem spokojeni, vzhledem k našim specifickým požadavkům (psi), po návratu z dovoloné přidáme další komentář.
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(24 July 2007)
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Perfect web site, clear system and a pleasant deal with customers. : smile:
Perfektní webové stránky, přehledný systém a příjemné jednání se zákazníky.:smile:
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(24 July 2007)
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Czech (original)
Thank You! : happy: The accommodation and the owner made a pleasant surprise to us. Apart from having a shared bathroom, the room is very cozy and the terrace is huge. The sight speaks for itself. : happy :: happy: We were all satisfied and we spent 6 days in Selce and the surrounding area. Thank you very much for everything! Kriszta & Móni
A szállás és a tulajdonos is kellemes meglepetést okozott számunkra. Leszámítva, hogy közös fürdőszoba van, a szoba nagyon hangulatos és a hozzá tartozó terasz hatalmasat dob rajta. A látvány önmagáért beszél.:happy::happy:
Mindennel meg voltunk elégedve és nagyon jó 6 napot töltöttünk el Selcén és a környéken.
Thank you very much for everything!
Kriszta & Móni
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(24 July 2007)
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Hungarian (original)
We spent 10 days in the Adriatic. One of the most beautiful parts we could choose with this site. Thank You. If anyone can climb up to 194 steps several times a day, if he does not like mass pressure, he wants a relatively quiet, romantic little place, I can recommend Mimice-Marusic. It belongs to the Omis Riviera. We were at the Spiliti and Makarska beaches, but they are like the Lake Balaton. Herring in dirty water. The freeway is up to you. 208 kn and about 9 hours the journey. We have been preparing for Croatia for 22 years and we are not disappointed. God created a beautiful world !!: heart:
10 napot töltöttünk az Adrián. Az egyik legszebb részt tudtuk kiválasztani e honlap segítségével. Köszönjük.
Ha valaki 194 lépcsőt megtud mászni naponta többször is, ha nem szereti a tömegnyomort, viszonylag csendes, romantikus kis helyre vágyik, annak tudom ajánlani Mimice-Marusicit. Az omisi riviérához tartozik. Mi voltunk a spiliti és makarskai strandon, de azok olyanok, mint a Balatonnál. Heringek a koszos vízben.
Az autópálya egészen levisz odáig. 208 kn és kb 9 óra az út.
22 év óta készültünk Horvátországba, s nem csalódtunk. Isten gyönyörű világot teremtett!!:heart:
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(24 July 2007)
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I would like to thank Csaba Csík for her kindness and patience with regard to booking and administration. She was very kind and attentive. andrea
Szeretném megköszönni Csík Csabának a kedvességét és türelmét, a foglalás és ügyintézés kapcsán. Nagyon kedves és figyelmes volt. andrea
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(23 July 2007)
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I want to thank Svetlana Golubich from for her support and patience. Performs its work perfectly well!
Хочу поблагодарить Светлану Голубич из за поддержку и терпение. Выполняет свою работу на отлично!
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(23 July 2007)
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